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Presentation on theme: "BUDDHISM – GROUP TRIVIA"— Presentation transcript:

BUDDHISM EXAM: FRIDAY 27TH FEB (These questions will assist with review process) Question 1 to 31 (Buddhism powerpoint) 32 to 36 (Video)

2 1. What does the word Buddhism mean?

3 2. Who was the founder of Buddhism? (surname only)

4 In which 4 countries was Buddhism most prominent between 1st & 4 centuries?

5 4. In the first century BC, the original teachings of Buddha were written down on Palm Leaf manuscripts in which country?

6 The teachings of Buddha were originally recorded in an Indian language called …..
(Hint: Its begins with P)

7 6. The Pali C__________ is a record of the conversations and teachings that the Buddha gave at different times to different people.

8 7. Samatha m_________________ involves concentrating the mind completely on a single object or sensation.

9 8. What is vipassana meditation?

10 9. In Tibetan & Chinese Buddhism, there can be many objects placed before the shrine.
What do the following objects represent? Shell. Lights from Candles.

11 10. Where was Buddha born?

12 11. What does the word “dana” mean in Buddhism?

13 There are five precepts in Buddhism.
12. There are five precepts in Buddhism. Name any two.

14 13. One of the five percepts of Buddhism is no False Speech. What do they mean by false speech?

15 14. In Buddhism, there are four N__________ Truths

16 15. The first two of the four Noble Truths discuss the topic of S_________________

17 In order to have freedom from suffering, all personal d_____________
& a________________ must be extinguished by a person.

18 17. The path which leads to freedom from suffering is:
Wide Narrow Difficult Harsh.

19 18. The Noble 8 Fold Path Name any one of 8 Fold Path.

20 19. The 8 fold path: Name the missing words: Right C____________ Right L ____________ Right I ____________

21 20. Which of the 8 fold might be associated with practicing meditation?

22 21 Group Challenge Using all the letters associated with Noble 8 Fold, see if you can develop a word or two words that would help you to remember the Noble 8 fold. M V I S A L E C

23 Name three wholesome roots of mind.

24 23. Name three unwholesome roots of Minds

25 According to the six stages of Metta, you should expand your circle of loving kindness by starting with (1) yourself and then a (2) good f___ (3) a neutral p__________ (4) a d________ person (5) All four (6) Finally the entire u______

26 25. Name any three of the seven points of posture

27 26a There are three types of suffering. They are:
(1). The suffering of pain. (2). The suffering of c_________ The suffering of conditionality. 26b. What do you think they mean by suffering of conditionality?

28 Arrange these people/groups in the correct hierarchy
Arrange these people/groups in the correct hierarchy. The first one in the hierarchy has been completed. Buddhist Monks Buddhist Nuns Buddhist Monasteries. (1) Buddhist Lay People Buddhist Pilgrims.

29 28. What does the Buddhist concept of Nirvana mean?

30 29. Buddhist Quotes. According to Buddha – With meditation you don’t gain anything, but rather you lose Anger, Anxiety, D____________ Insecurity, F_________ Old age and death.

31 30. Buddhist Quotes The mind is everything. What you think, you b____________

32 31. What does a reclining Buddha represent?

33 Describe the childhood of Buddha.
32. Describe the childhood of Buddha.

34 33. Who is the Dali Lami?

35 34. In which country was the Buddha born?

36 35. What can be said about “God” in Buddhism?

37 36. Approximately, how many people are followers of Buddhism worldwide?



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