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Can you guess who invented the following?

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1 Can you guess who invented the following?



4 Geography China is located on the continent of Asia.
The climate in ancient China includes seasons similar to those in North America. The ancient Chinese fished, farmed, and irrigated the land. There is a variety of plant life in China. The land in ancient China consists of forests, hills, mountains, and deserts.


6 Yangtze River The Yangtze (Long River)
third longest river in the world It is about 4000 miles long. It floods each year and leaves fertile soil along the banks. has high banks, which keeps homes safe from the annual flooding 

7 The Huang He The Huang He (Yellow River) about 3000 miles long
It also floods each year. The banks along the Huang He River are low. Civilization in ancient China began along the Yellow River about 5000 years ago. 

8 The Great Sorrow People called all rivers in China by the nickname "The Great Sorrow".  Each year during the flood season, all homes along the Huang He River were destroyed. The ancient Chinese had to rebuild their homes and their lives. People learned the techniques of flood control. The rich began to build their homes high above the river.

9 Chinese Civilization Begins
Approximately 4,500 B.C.E. Began settling into farming villages along the Huang He River, then along the Yangtze River People tamed animals Used to provide food Helped with farming

10 Chinese Civilization Begins cont.
Used irrigation Used bronze and copper tools Silk (a major resource in China) also was developed. Writing system existed

11 Dynasties Dynasties- a succession of rulers in the same family
Rule was passed down from father to son. Dynasties lasted for hundreds of years. Dynasties Xia (Hsia)        Shang Chou (Zhou)          Late Chou Ch'in (Qin) Han T'ang    

12 Ancient China Cheat Sheet
Early Period 10,000 – 1,500 B.C.E. Xia Dynasty Silk Baked brick houses Flood control and irrigation Bronze Age 1,500 – 600 B.C.E. Shang and Chou Dynasties Chinese writing Mandate of Heaven chariots bronze Classical Age 600 B.C.E. – 200 C.E. Late Chou, Ch’in, and Han Dynasties Confucius Taoism Great Wall

13 Ancient China Cheat Sheet cont.
Age of Division -200 – 600 C.E. A bunch of dynasties Invention of gunpowder Tea first started to be enjoyed Early Medieval Period 600 – 900 C.E. T’ang dynasty Called the Golden Age Buddhism “Tea and Horse” policy Many inventions during this time

14 Religion Believed appointed rulers were gods Mandate of Heaven
Based on four principles: The right to rule is granted by Heaven. There is only one Heaven therefore there can be only one ruler. The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler. The right to rule is not limited to one dynasty.

15 Confucius Born in China about 2,500 years ago Teacher and thinker
Developed system of ethics Taught people how to behave and how to get along Stressed need of family and state Philosophy called Confucianism

16 Buddhism A religion based on the teachings of Buddha
Teaches that desire causes pain To get rid of pain, a person must overcome desire and attachment to things of this earth. Person must meditate and follow Eightfold Path

17 Four Noble Truths/Eightfold Path
Four Noble Truths- life is ruled by four truths Life is filled with suffering. Suffering is caused by people’s wants. Suffering can be ended if people stop wanting things. Eightfold Path- 8 laws to stop people from wanting things

18 Eightfold Path To know the truth To intend to resist evil
To not say anything to hurt others To respect life, property, and morality To work at a job that does not injure others To try to free one’s mind from evil To be in control of one’s feelings and thoughts To practice appropriate forms of concentration

19 Taoism Tao (pronounced Dow) means “The Way (to happiness)
Taoism is NOT a religion. Philosophy- way of looking at life and a way of thinking about things Taoists believe if you look at life and think about things in the right way, you’ll be much happier.

20 Taoism cont. Think of the story of The Ugly Duckling
When does the duckling stop feeling ugly? When he recognizes who he really is, which would be a beautiful swan. He finds his way to happiness.

21 Great Wall built over 2,000 years ago by Qin Shi Huangdi, the first emperor of China during the Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty (221 B.C B.C.). About 5,000 km long Built as a form of defense from nomadic groups and invaders

22 Silk Road Not actually a road- a route that led from China to Rome
4,000 miles long Rome had gold, silver, and precious gems. China had silk, spices, and ivory. Ideas also traveled along the Silk Road; ideas that affected everyone.

23 Silk Road continued Romans were in the search of “the Silk People”.
Sent people on the search Routes were dangerous- faced desolate white-hot sand dunes in the desert, forbidding mountains, brutal winds, and poisonous snakes. 

24 Chinese Inventions Paper Silk Matches Wheelbarrows Gunpowder
the decimal system the waterwheel tangrams Medicines Dominoes jump rope Kites tea ceremony Folding umbrella Ink Calligraphy Sundial Astronomy porcelain china lacquer paint pottery Fireworks paper money Compass Seismograph Cards Printing Abacus Wallpaper the crossbow ice cream

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