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2 BUDDHISM Siddhartha Gautama The Middle Way NIRVANA SUTRAS
born in 560 BCE born a Hindu prince member of the Kshatriya caste gave up his wealth set out on a journey of self-discovery why does suffering exist? The Middle Way Four Noble Truths Noble Eight-Fold Path NIRVANA SUTRAS

3 The FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS 1. Suffering exists
2. Suffering exists from attachment to desires 3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases. 4. Freedom from desire/suffering is possible by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path

4 Noble Eight-Fold Path Wisdom: Meditation:
1. Right View 6. Right Effort 2. Right Thought 7. Right Mindfulness Morality Right Contemplation 3. Right Speech 4. Right Action 5. Right Livelihood

5 NIRVANA Total, complete contentment Escapes the hindrances of life
Free from suffering from one’s own desires What happens when the soul escapes from the wheel of life? TATHAGADA (thus gone) like the flame of match that is extinguished

6 FIVE HINDRANCES 1. Lust 2. Ill will 3. Sloth and laziness
4. Restlessness and worry 5. Skeptical doubt Daily Dharma: Mind Hindrances

7 Seven Factors of ENLIGHTNMENT
1. Attentiveness 2. Investigation of the Law 3. Energy 4. Rapture 5. Tranquility 6. Concentration 7. Equanimity three bodily states: standing, sitting, and lying down

8 TEN Perfections 1. Generosity 8. Resolution
2. Morality 9. All-embracing 3. Renunciation kindness 4. Wisdom Equanimity 5. Energy 6. Forbearance 7. Truthfulness

9 Four Boundless States 1. Loving Kindness 2. Compassion
3. Sympathetic Joy 4. Equanimity

10 THERAVADA BUDDHISM “Doctrine o/t Elders” conservative branch
The Little Wheel less followers Buddha is a teacher Spread to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand

11 THERAVADA BUDDHISM ideal is arhat few possessions
become an enlightened saint wisdom few possessions begging bowl three colored robes a belt a mending needle fan to cover face razor to shave head water strainer

12 MAHAYANA BUDDHISM “Great Vehicle” or “Big Wheel” non-monastic life
majority of followers non-monastic life Buddha is a god Spread to China, Tibet, Korea & Japan ideal is compassion can attain nirvana through assisting others Bodhisattva: holds back on attaining nirvana to help others

13 BUDDHISM "Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity." Albert Einstein

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