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NAMAMI GANGE PROGRAMME Sanjay Kundu, Joint Secretary (Policy & Planning) Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Government of India, New Delhi 10th November, 2016 Sustainable Lifestyle = Positive Climate Action
Introduction The Ganga rises in the Himalayas from the Gangotri Glacier, some 4100 meters above the sea level. The Ganga Basin is the largest river basin in India. It caters to about 40% population of India and traverses kms. from its source to the Bay of Bengal. Ganga has been declared as the national river of India. The Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) has been set up for empowered planning, implementing and monitoring the river. National Mission for Clean Ganga is Implementation wing of National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA).
Issues & Challenges The Ganga is polluted due to discharge of:
Issues & Challenges The Ganga is polluted due to discharge of: municipal sewage from large urban centres; trade effluents from industries; and polluting waste from several other discharges from non - point sources. To improve the water quality of Ganga to acceptable standards; Preventing the pollution load from reaching the river.
Namami Gange Programme-Salient features
“Namami Gange” is an Integrated Ganga Conservation Mission for Ganga rejuvenation, developments of Ghats and beautification of River Fronts. Namami Gange approaches Ganga Rejuvenation by: consolidating the existing ongoing efforts; preparing a concrete action plan for future; Interventions at Ghats and River fronts to facilitate better citizen connect; and set the tone for river centric urban planning process. Under the Namami Gange Programme, Government has approved a Hybrid Annuity based PPP model to reform the wastewater sector in India by ensuring performance, efficiency, viability and sustainability.
Ganga Overview Ganga Overview INDIA@COP22
Patna Varanasi Allahabad Kanpur Kannauj Narora Joshimath Gangotri Haridwar Kolkatta Ganga basin - largest river basin in India in terms of catchment area Total Length : 2525 km Uttarakhand : 450 km UP : 1000 km Sharing length : 110 km ( UP –Bihar) Bihar : 405 km Jharkhand : 40 km West Bengal : 520 km Catchment Area : 8,61,404 km2 Population : 46% of India’s total Main Tributaries : Ramganga, Kali-East, Yamuna, Gomti, Ghaghara, Gandak, Kosi, & Damodar Bhagirathi Alaknanda Yamuna Chambal Sindh Betwa Ken Tons Ramganga Kali Gomti Ghaghra Gandak Kosi Mahananda Hooghly Sone Ganga Basin covers 11 states viz., Uttarakhand, U.P., M.P., Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal and Delhi. The current focus on five major states on the main stem of river namely Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar and West Bengal.
Efforts Towards Ganga Conservation
Efforts Towards Ganga Conservation GAP I Launched in 1985 Focus on Main stem of River Ganga 25 Towns Covered 260 schemes completed GAP II Extended from GAP I in 1993 Merged with NRCP in 1996 Taken up works on four tributaries – Yamuna, Gomti, Damodar & Mahananda NRCP Launched in 1995 Covered 41 major Rivers of the country 8 Ganga basin rivers taken up viz Betwa, Chambal, Gang.a, Mahananda, Mandakini, Ramganga, Yamuna NGRBA Separate Authority for Ganga created in 2009 Chaired by Prime Minister of India NMCG as an implementing body at center and SPMGs at states Namami Gange Project under Separate Ministry for Ganga Rejuvenation All 11 Basin states covered Conservation measures for all tributaries of Ganga A Shift Towards Basin Based Approach GAP :Ganga Action Plan NRCP :National River Conservation Plan NGRBA :National Ganga River Basin Authority NMCG :National Mission for Clean Ganga SPMGs :State Program Management Groups GAP Expenditure ₹ crore Total sewage treatment capacity created: 1098 MLD Common Effluent Treatment Capacity Created: 20 MLD
Mile stones GIS mapping of basin STP in 118 cities through MoUD
14 town to have full treatment capacity 7 projects on Yamuna in Delhi (YAP III) PPP model for projects Real time effluent quality monitoring for GPIs Ongoing projects to be completed by ; 346 MLD STP capacity & 2538 km network Survey & threat assessment of Gangetic Dolphin Restoration of keystone biotic species Pilgrim spots development(Char Dham Yatra), Ganga Sagar, etc Improved methods of last rites – 5 pilots & scaling up Capacity building for Implementing agencies & local bodies. Conservation of Wetlands & Flood plains Groundwater recharge & water conservation. Afforestation of native and medicinal plants Management of pious refuse – 3 pilots & scaling up thereafter. Revival of bio sanctuaries 26 River Front Development projects covering 223 small Ghats Dependency of communities on Ganga for livelihood Sand mining Guidelines Assessment of non point source pollution Ganga Vahini Communication Strategy National Ganga Monitoring Centre Research on special quality of Ganga Water Zero Liquid Discharge Ganga Task Force No Open Defecation, solid & liquid waste management programme for 1649 Gram Panchayats with MoDWS Tackling non point pollution CETP at Jajmau & other tannery clusters( Uttar Pradesh)
Significant thrust to sewage infrastructure development - INR 8000 cr
Namami Gange Programme 30% of STPs monitored in UP, Uttarakhand, Bihar and West Bengal were not operational, 94% were non-compliant with prescribed standards* Significant thrust to sewage infrastructure development - INR 8000 cr *(source: CPCB) Financial outlay – Namami Gange Programme Current Status 93 projects approved at the cost of INR crores for creating treatment capacity of 858 MLD and sewer network of km Treatment capacity of 123 MLD and sewer network of km has been created with the expenditure of INR Crores Last Mile Projects (100% Town coverage of sewage treatment taken up/ongoing): Allahabad, Varanasi, Haridwar, Garhmukteshwar, Patna, Sahibganj, Bhatpara, Kalyani, Gayespur, Halisahar Future Plans All 118 towns on the main stem of Ganga river will be completely tendered for sewage treatment facilities by March 2016 and will be completed by March 2019 Focus on tackling the river surface pollution through innovative technologies such as installation of trash skimmer boats/ trash boom/ aerators (at the major Ghats of River Ganga). Donors/CSR funding option for this purpose being explored. Innovative technologies being explored and to be funded through Clean Ganga Fund/CSR/Tax exemption Plans being finalized to develop Jharkhand as a model State
7 Thrust Areas 21 Actions of Namami Gange
Vision The Vision for Ganga Rejuvenation constitutes restoring the wholesomeness of the river defined in terms of ensuring “Aviral Dhara” (Continuous Flow), “Nirmal Dhara” (Unpolluted Flow”), Geologic and ecological integrity.
Namami Gange Program Activities
Namami Gange Program Activities Entry Level Activities River surface cleaning Rural sanitation Modernization, renovation of Ghats and Crematoria Medium Term Activities Municipal sewage management Industrial effluent management Water quality monitoring Other Activities Biodiversity conservation Afforestation MoU with Ministries Ganga Gram Long-term Adequate water flow 4 ghats completed in Patna out of 12. the has increased the space for the community to connect with the river Similar projects proposed in several other cities such as Kanpur, Kolkata, rishikesh, Sultanganj, etc.
Entry Level Activities
Entry Level Activities River surface cleaning Rural sanitation Modernization, renovation of Ghats and Crematoria 4 ghats completed in Patna out of 12. the has increased the space for the community to connect with the river Similar projects proposed in several other cities such as Kanpur, Kolkata, rishikesh, Sultanganj, etc.
River Surface Cleaning
River Surface Cleaning Work started at 5 locations namely Varanasi, Kanpur, Allahabad, Mathura and Patna Global Bidding resorted for priority towns Bids finalized. Mobilization is on for 10 trash skimmer machine’s all over Ganga Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Ghat Development Uttarakhand Approved: 31 In pipeline: 15 Present
Ghat Development Uttarakhand Approved: 31 In pipeline: 15 Present Proposed Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Ghat Development Uttar Pradesh Approved: 96 In pipeline: 189 Present
Ghat Development Uttar Pradesh Approved: 96 In pipeline: 189 Present Proposed Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Ghat Development Bihar Approved: 34 In pipeline: 21 Jharkhand
Ghat Development Bihar Approved: 34 In pipeline: 21 Jharkhand Approved: 15 In pipeline: 18 West Bengal Approved: 11 In pipeline: 109 Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Crematoria Development
Crematoria Development Uttarakhand Approved: 29 In pipeline: 13 Present Proposed Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Crematoria Development
Crematoria Development Uttar Pradesh Approved: 55 In pipeline: 70 Present Proposed Long term activities Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities
Crematoria Development
Crematoria Development Crematoria Development Jharkhand Approved: 9 In pipeline: 8 Bihar Approved: 11 In pipeline: 6 Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Crematoria Development
Crematoria Development Crematoria Development West Bengal Approved: 6 In pipeline: 4 Proposed Present Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Medium Term Activities
Medium Term Activities Municipal sewage management Industrial effluent management Water quality monitoring 4 ghats completed in Patna out of 12. the has increased the space for the community to connect with the river Similar projects proposed in several other cities such as Kanpur, Kolkata, rishikesh, Sultanganj, etc.
Municipal Sewage Management
Municipal Sewage Management Pre-feasibility studies (PFR) in identified 118 towns entrusted to 5 CPSUs PFR Status 61 condition assessment and pre-feasibility reports prepared & received Based on the condition assessment studies, the projects will be developed and taken up for implementation on hybrid annuity based PPP model Decision taken on giving “End to End Solution” activities to CPSU encompassing: Pre feasibility studies Transaction advisors Limited Tender Selection & engagement of suitable concessionaire Construction supervision etc. CPCB has monitored 51 STPs out of the 63 STPs located in the main stem of Ganga in the 4 states (Jharkhand does have STP in main stem). A total of 15 STP were found nonfunctional (13 out of 34 in West Bengal) during monitoring and 9 were not meeting the BOD norms (4 in UP, 3 in WB and 1 each in UK & Bihar). The utilization capacity of these STPs is about 602 MLD (60%) as against their installed capacity of 1009 MLD. SPV to manage concessionaires in all major cities, Entire city/Bunch of cities to be offered as a package; also to appoint transaction advisors Market development for sale of treated water and concept of user charges on “polluters pay” principle possible during concession period to result in long term sustainability of assets Tripartite MoUs to be entered with ULBs and States for lease of assets to the concessionaires, user charge levy and resale of treated water ULBs to introduce user charges in a phased manner and create framework regulation for market for treated water over a period of time Revenue from treated water and user charges to be kept in a separate account, ULBs may get a share to promote sale, after government funding of annuity, the sale proceed along-with user charge should be able to meet the annuity requirement for long term sustainability. Above approach developed after discussion with Cabinet Secretary, national & international experts and Chief Secretaries of States Validated by World Bank and IFC, extra cost paid over a period of 15 years (NPV basis) with 30 % of capex as initial construction linked payment, is not appearing to be more than 10-15% Avoids cost and time over run and also upfront profit margin of the contractors Long term activities Medium term activities Other activities Entry Level activities
Hybrid Annuity Model BUSINESS AS USUAL ?
Government of India Initiative on Sewerage Management in Ganga Basin Assurance of Desired Level of Performance Assurance of Long Term Continued Performance Distinct Accountability Sustainability- Technical & Financial Development of Treated Water Recycling Market SPV for Infrastructure Projects Implementation Adoption of Hybrid Annuity Model 100% Central Funding for Infrastructure and O&M BUSINESS AS USUAL ?
Upto 40% of Capital Cost by Government
Hybrid Annuity Model Hybrid Annuity Model Construction Phase O&M Phase 2 4 6 8 18 20th Year Upto 40% of Capital Cost by Government Annuity payments Remaining capital investment Annual O&M cost Payments linked to performance standards Independent of treated water recycling revenue Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Smart Ganga cities under Hybrid Annuity launched
Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Sushri Uma Bharti and Union Urban Development Minister Shri M Venkaiah Naidu launched Smart Ganga City Scheme in ten important cities through video conference. These cities are – Haridwar, Rishikesh, Mathura-Vrindavan, Varanasi, Kanpur, Allahabad, Lucknow, Patna, Sahibgunj and Barrackpore. National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has chosen these cities in the first phase for infrastructure development for sewage treatment. This will be on hybrid annuity mode based on PPP model.
Industrial Effluents Management
Industrial Effluents Management Effluent Monitoring Real Time Effluent Monitoring Stations installed in 558 out of 764 GPI Monitoring date connectivity to MoWR, RD & GR, CPCB, State and CPSU being undertaken. 150 GPIs issued closure notice Distilleries Zero discharge achieved in all distilleries; Spent wash to be converted to bio fertilizer Pulp & Paper No Black Liquor generation, Water consumption & Effluent generation reduction by 30%, Tanneries at Kanpur Jajmau, Kanpur (20 MLD) ZLD based CETP DPR Prepared Textile FR for 5 textile cluster (Philkua, Mathura, Farukabad, Ruma and Badohi) in progress Sugar Action Plan Prepared; Target – March 2017 IITs taking up 5 industrial clusters as pilots for effluent management CPCB has monitored 51 STPs out of the 63 STPs located in the main stem of Ganga in the 4 states (Jharkhand does have STP in main stem). A total of 15 STP were found nonfunctional (13 out of 34 in West Bengal) during monitoring and 9 were not meeting the BOD norms (4 in UP, 3 in WB and 1 each in UK & Bihar). The utilization capacity of these STPs is about 602 MLD (60%) as against their installed capacity of 1009 MLD. SPV to manage concessionaires in all major cities, Entire city/Bunch of cities to be offered as a package; also to appoint transaction advisors Market development for sale of treated water and concept of user charges on “polluters pay” principle possible during concession period to result in long term sustainability of assets Tripartite MoUs to be entered with ULBs and States for lease of assets to the concessionaires, user charge levy and resale of treated water ULBs to introduce user charges in a phased manner and create framework regulation for market for treated water over a period of time Revenue from treated water and user charges to be kept in a separate account, ULBs may get a share to promote sale, after government funding of annuity, the sale proceed along-with user charge should be able to meet the annuity requirement for long term sustainability. Above approach developed after discussion with Cabinet Secretary, national & international experts and Chief Secretaries of States Validated by World Bank and IFC, extra cost paid over a period of 15 years (NPV basis) with 30 % of capex as initial construction linked payment, is not appearing to be more than 10-15% Avoids cost and time over run and also upfront profit margin of the contractors Long term activities Entry Level activities Other activities Medium term activities
Water Quality Monitoring
Water Quality Monitoring CPCB has identified 154 (144+13) Major drains which are meeting the River Ganga and its two major tributaries Ram Ganga & East Kali. Water quality monitoring at 98 locations being carried out along main stem of R. Ganga. Real time water quality monitoring station (RTWQMS) network of 113 locations along the main stem of river Ganga in phases. First phase work in advance stage and awarded contract of 36 RTWQMS. Time target for 113 installation is March 2017. CPCB has monitored 51 STPs out of the 63 STPs located in the main stem of Ganga in the 4 states (Jharkhand does have STP in main stem). A total of 15 STP were found nonfunctional (13 out of 34 in West Bengal) during monitoring and 9 were not meeting the BOD norms (4 in UP, 3 in WB and 1 each in UK & Bihar). The utilization capacity of these STPs is about 602 MLD (60%) as against their installed capacity of 1009 MLD. SPV to manage concessionaires in all major cities, Entire city/Bunch of cities to be offered as a package; also to appoint transaction advisors Market development for sale of treated water and concept of user charges on “polluters pay” principle possible during concession period to result in long term sustainability of assets Tripartite MoUs to be entered with ULBs and States for lease of assets to the concessionaires, user charge levy and resale of treated water ULBs to introduce user charges in a phased manner and create framework regulation for market for treated water over a period of time Revenue from treated water and user charges to be kept in a separate account, ULBs may get a share to promote sale, after government funding of annuity, the sale proceed along-with user charge should be able to meet the annuity requirement for long term sustainability. Above approach developed after discussion with Cabinet Secretary, national & international experts and Chief Secretaries of States Validated by World Bank and IFC, extra cost paid over a period of 15 years (NPV basis) with 30 % of capex as initial construction linked payment, is not appearing to be more than 10-15% Avoids cost and time over run and also upfront profit margin of the contractors Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Long-term Adequate water flow
Long-term Adequate water flow 4 ghats completed in Patna out of 12. the has increased the space for the community to connect with the river Similar projects proposed in several other cities such as Kanpur, Kolkata, rishikesh, Sultanganj, etc.
Long term; - Ganga River Basin Management Plan
GRMBP is prepared by Consortium of IITs. 36 Thematic reports and one interim report submitted. Comprehensive measures for restoration of the wholesomeness of the Ganga River Eco system. Aviral dhara- Continuous Flow. Nirmal Dhara – Un polluted flow. Recycling and reuse of resources. Zero Liquid discharge. Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Other Activities Biodiversity conservation Afforestation
Other Activities Biodiversity conservation Afforestation MoU with Ministries Ganga Gram 4 ghats completed in Patna out of 12. the has increased the space for the community to connect with the river Similar projects proposed in several other cities such as Kanpur, Kolkata, rishikesh, Sultanganj, etc.
Biodiversity Conservation and Afforestation
Biodiversity Conservation and Afforestation 8 Biodiversity Centres along Ganga for restoration of identified priority species Rishikesh Meheer Fish Dehradun Knowledge Centre Narora Dolphin /Ghariyal/ Turtle Allahabad Fish/ Dolphin/ Turtle Varanasi Turtles/ Dolphin Bhagalpur Dolphin/ Otter/ Turtle Sahibganj Barrackpore Indian Major Carps Afforestation budget of INR 2000 cr approved for plantation target of 1,34,157 ha Wildlife Institute of India has established the rescue & rehabilitation centres at Narora, Bulandsahar and Varanasi Ganges River Dolphin – Conservation Education Programme – INR 1.8 crores for 3 Years Assessment of fish and fisheries of the Ganga river system for developing suitable conservation and restoration plan – INR 5.8 Crores for 5 Years Biodiversity conservation and Ganga Rejuvenation – INR 8 crores for 3 years Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Communication & Public Outreach
Communication & Public Outreach Rallies & Kala Jathas at priority places as mobilization campaign in 100 GPs Distribution of ‘Gram Pustika’ at event locations Public Launch of ‘Namami Gange Theme Song’ Poster Competitions at event ghats (100 villages & 11 towns) NYKS Volunteers – On-site plantation Launch of Website GIS data and Spatial Analysis for Ganga Basin Environmental Literacy and Advocacy Launch of Environmental Literacy Programme for Gram Panchayats Environmental Literacy Centres at 352 locations Distribution of ‘Ganga Rahi Pukaar’ book Interlinking of institutions along Ganga as Green Ganga Institution. Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Signing of MoUs with 10 Central Ministries
Synergizing Government Schemes Signing of MoUs with 10 Central Ministries Ministry of shipping Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Rural Development Ministry of Railways Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Petroleum (IOCL for Mathura Refinery). Ministry of Ayush Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Rural Sanitation under MoU with MoDWS
1657 Gram panchayats Rs. 578 Crores (est.) Objectives: Interception & Diversion with Treatment of Village Drains Crematoria modernization/renovation/new construction Ghats repair, modernization and new construction Solid Waste Management Integration of Knowledge, Resource and Activities of Different Ministries 100% Open Defecation Free Afforestation * Signing of MoU with Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Rural Sanitation under MoU with MoDWS
MoDWS has completed construction of 5,59,640 toilets out of Targeted - 15,20,106 units. State-wise progress status of Gram Panchayats near Ganga River is as below - Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
Rural Sanitation activities
317 Gram Pradhan’s along the banks of Ganga have visited Seechewal. Swacch Ganga – Gramin Sehabhagita : 1200 Gram Pradhans marked their presence. Ganga chaupals held in Siraura and Pooth villages of Uttar Pradesh. Ministry of Human Resources and Development - 14 educational institutions (IIT- Consortium and other institutes of repute) to give the preliminary survey / pre feasibility report. Ganga Grams - complete waste management solution - Guidelines for the development of Ganga Grams (including activities pertaining to IHHLs, decentralized waste treatment, awareness creation, capacity building etc.) has been published and distributed. Districts in Jharkhand on model Ganga Gram Village Treatment of village drains in 1 year. Entry Level activities Medium term activities Other activities Long term activities
PHASE I – 231 Projects - inaugurated at various locations
NAMAMI GANGE ACTIVITY LAUNCH - July 7th 2016 PHASE I – 231 Projects - inaugurated at various locations Project Types Uttarakhand UP Bihar Jharkhand West Bengal Yamuna Total Ghats 20 58 18 12 11 119 Crematoria 19 38 3 4 1 65 STPs 2 8 SPS Sewer Line Biodiversity Centre/Fishery 7 Afforestation Medicinal Plantation Pilot Drains 6 RFD I&D Trash Skimmer 5 47 112 26 231 Varanasi Haridwar Event Kanpur
National Mission for Clean Ganga Actual Expenditure by Govt. of India
Expenditure Incurred National Mission for Clean Ganga Funds allocated and spent so far on Cleaning of Ganga since inception till Rs. In crore FY BE RE Actual Expenditure by Govt. of India 500.00 216.61 192.58 512.50 193.50 191.52 355.00 309.00 303.95 2,137.00 2,053.00 326.00 2,750.00 1,650.00 1,632.00 2,500.00 315.00 Total 8,754.50 4,422.11 2,961.05
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