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Using YouthMetre to help build a case for advocacy Employment

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Presentation on theme: "Using YouthMetre to help build a case for advocacy Employment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using YouthMetre to help build a case for advocacy Employment
Using YouthMetre to help build a case for advocacy Employment

2 There are 14 million unemployed young people in the EU
Inclusion through employability, Salto-Youth,

3 My profile, my challenge
I am 29, single – I live in the Spain I am a professional in the creative industry Finding regular work to meet my skills is difficult

4 My profile, problem Most opportunities are close to the city centre
I live outside Travel costs are high Accommodation in the city is hard to find (too expensive)

5 My profile, problem I need to be entrepreneurial I must be flexible
I have to continue to upgrade my skills I feel alone without support

6 Entrepreneurial activity
% young people wanting to set up a business is decreasing in Spain I need more training and support to help me with this big decline

7 Very few examples of good practices

8 The only one I found for my country

9 The only one I found for my country

10 The only one I found for my country

11 Sharing ideas: thinking “outside the box”
Training materials not available

12 There are very few good examples of training
Improving learning competences to enhance employability of migrant youth

13 There are very few good examples of training
Improving learning competences to enhance employability of migrant youth

14 There are very few good examples of training
Improving learning competences to enhance employability of migrant youth We need to have more training opportunities in career development, entrepreneurship in my region

15 my region has a low Youth Development score compared with others

16 my region has a low Youth Development score compared with others

17 There is very high youth unemployment

18 Few young people there want to set up their own business

19 Many youngsters in Spain are on temporary contracts

20 Young people want to set up their own business but are not able to

21 Some other sources of information
From: TechEU (2015):

22 From: Forbes (2014):

23 My policy manifesto: what needs to be done?
Make training courses available for all young people Establish an Entrepreneurial Council Make an incubator space for young people like me Provide good advice online Present local examples of success

24 My Manifesto: What needs to be done?
I need some help to find more information: Brainstorming my ideas with others Seeing good practices Talking to the success stories and advisors Get tax help and financial support

25 My Manifesto This could be presented to policy makers as:
One-page document – pdf 90 second video Infographic Blog A Story Map

26 Web: News
(clickable icons)

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