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Cosmic-ray iron and electron detection with H.E.S.S.

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1 Cosmic-ray iron and electron detection with H.E.S.S.
Rolf Bühler • ACKS Seminar • 28 of January, Stanford Astrophysics Colloquium

2 Outline Introduction to cosmic rays The H.E.S.S. telescopes
Measuring the iron spectrum Measuring the electron spectrum Summary and Outlook

3 Cosmic Ray Discovery Discovered (beyond doubt) by Victor Hess
“The result of these observations seems best explained by a radiation of great penetrating power entering our atmosphere from above..” Phys. Zeitschriften 1912 High energy particles reaching Earth at a rate of ≈1000 s-1m-2

4 Energy Spectrum Remarkably featureless energy spectrum
Well described by power-law with softening at ≈4 PeV (the “knee”) Confined to the galaxy below the knee Total energy density ≈1 eV cm-3 γ ≈ 2.7 “knee” ~4 PeV Nuclei (98%) Electrons (2%) γ ≈ 3.0

5 Composition Similar to solar but:
Enhancement below C-N-O and Fe → Spallation, traversed ≈40 g cm-2 at 1 GeV C-N-O Si Fe Engelmann et al. 1990 Radioactive “clocks” → confinement of ≈10 Myrs at 1 GeV Yanasak et al. 2001 Meyer et al. 1997 Less H and He → Less high ionization energy or high volatility elements Normalized to Silicon At 1 TeV

6 Composition Index independent of element
→ Hints at common origin Spallation elements have softer spectrum → Energy dependent escape from galaxy Swordy et al. 1990 Tracer & CRN Ave et al. 2008 CREAM II Ahn et al. 2009 Compilation Wieble Sooth 1998

7 Where do they come from? Isotropic flux, deflected by magnetic fields, no directional information left Options: Measure spectrum and composition and model source/propagation Use neutral tracers (photons, neutrinos) Everything points to Super Novae Remnants (below the knee)

8 Why Super Novae Remnants?
1) Photon observations: Non-thermal spectrum, consistent with origin from pion decays at high energies Aharonian et al. 2004, Abdo et al. 2010, Ellison et al. 2010 RXJ 1713 above 200 GeV 2) Cosmic-ray spectrum: Power law of index 2 result from Fermi I acceleration. Index of 2.7 from propagation effects Knee could correspond to maximum particle energy (gradually light to heavy nuclei break away) Bell 1978 Hoerandel 2004

9 Why Super Novae Remnants?
𝑃≈ 𝑉ϱ τ ≈ 𝑒𝑟𝑔 𝑠 −1 Assume local cosmic ray density in galaxy ≈ 107 years (from spallation and radioactive isotopes) 𝑃 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑒 ≈ 𝑒𝑟𝑔 30𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 ≈ 𝑒𝑟𝑔 𝑠 −1 Supernovae rate from similar galaxies 3) Energetics: Helder et al. 2009 They do efficiently release energy into CR The sources of cosmic-ray electrons: Are not constrained by (1), could also be pulsars, which also fulfill arguments (2), (3) Should be local ( ≈1kpc) for ≈1 TeV electrons due to fast energy loss Kobayashi et al. 2004

10 H.E.S.S. Telescopes Located in Namibia (1800 a.s.l.)
Sensitive between ~0.1 to 100 TeV Field of View of 5º diameter

11 Gamma-ray detection Image shower Cherenkov light
High cosmic-ray background Rejection of ~99%, hadron showers are wider Remaining background from regions off the source ≈ 30 km EAS-light Not possible for diffuse signal

12 Shower reconstruction
Shower-light ≈ 30 km γ-ray Resolution: Direction 0.1° Core position 20m Energy 15% ≈ 2º Shower direction Energy from total intensity and core distance ≈ 100 m

13 Iron detection Detection of Cherenkov Light before first interaction Z
DC-light Shower-light ≈ 2º DC-light Shower direction Shower-light ≈ 100 m


15 DC-Light detection DC-light ~ Z2 Shower intensity ~ E
Fe Shower outshines DC-light ~ Z2 Shower intensity ~ E Iron detection >13 TeV (high Z and flux) Cherenkov threshold Kieda et al. 1999

16 Dataset & Charge Reconstruction
Effective exposure of ≈107 m2 sr s → In total 1899 events with DC-light in 2 telescopes (background-free) Charge reconstruction over DC-light intensity. Fit iron fraction in five energy bins 1.5 < lg( E/TeV ) <1.7 𝑍=𝑘 θ,𝐸 𝐼 𝐷𝐶

17 Iron Spectrum Good agreement with other experiments
Hadronic model ≈20% on normalizarion (smaller than at higher energies) Power-law Index γQGSJET= γSIBYLL= Among most precise Proof of principle Aharonian et al. 2007

18 Electron Detection Electrons (positrons) induce narrow EM-showers
Analysis done by Kathrin Eggberts Electrons (positrons) induce narrow EM-showers No off-source region → background from simulations (SIBYLL 2.1 and QGSJET II) “Electron likeness”  from random forest resulting in 10-4 hadron rejection in  > 0.9 Large effective exposure of ≈2·107 m sr s Simulated background Data Electron excess

19 Electron Detection Fit electron contribution in energy bands in >0.6 region (contribution of heavier elements negligible)

20 Gamma-ray Background? Only extra-galactic sky off sources considered, still similar showers, so diffuse gammas? Gammas interact 7/9 rad. length lower. Fit of Xmax distribution → gamma-rays less than 50% Low level of gamma-ray background expected due to pair creation on photon background

21 Electron Spectrum Spectral softening at ≈1 TeV ( γ ≈ 3→4.1 )
Extends up to 4 TeV → source within ≈1 kpc ATIC peak disfavoured (yet not excluded) Fermi & HESS spectrum can be modelled including Klein- Nishina effect and source cutoff → No “exotic physics” required. Aharonian et al. 2008, Acero et al. 2009 Stawarz et al. 2009, Schlickeiser et al. 2009

22 Atmosphere Uncertainties
Error on energy scale of 15% from: Uncertainty of atmospheric density profile (showers could be closer/nearer, ≈3 g cm2 at Xmax) Uncertainty in dust and ozon absorbtion No temporal variations considered Optical efficiency of detector and opacity low atmosphere known though muons.

23 Hadronic-model Uncertainties
SIBYLL and QGSJET results in ≈20% difference in flux normalization and ≈0.2 in index, comes from: Electrons How often does a proton look like an electron? Iron At which depth does the nuclei interact? Which particles are created? p π0 γ Fe N

24 Conclusions Iron measurement
One of the most precise between TeV Agreement with independent technique Proof of Principle for DC-light detection Electron measurement Extension of spectral measurements to 4 TeV Spectral cutoff around 1 TeV ATIC-peak disfavored Proof of principle of ground based detection

25 Outlook AGIS / CTA increase in exposure by ~30 with respect to H.E.S.S. → Iron spectrum to ~PeV → Electron spectrum ~15 TeV Lower energy threshold of ~100 GeV for electrons. Maybe already with H.E.S.S. II or MAGIC II CTA / AGIS (~2014) MAGIC II (2009) H.E.S.S. II (~2011)

26 Outlook Improvement of systematics Hadronic Models Atmospheric →
Will be highly constrained by LHC experiments testing forward direction reactions (LHCf, TOTEM) Will reach lab energies of few PeV (Already sufficient: ~10 TeV p on N → ECM~50 GeV) Atmospheric Future instruments will have atmospheric monitoring Dova et al. 2007 Great prospects for cosmic-rays measurements

27 Backup slides..

28 Simulated flux assumes composition of
Dataset & Background Simulated flux assumes composition of Hoerandel et al. 2003 Effective exposure of ≈107 m2 sr s → In total 1899 events with DC-light in 2 telescopes (background-free) DC and shower light yield prediction depends on hadronic model → Estimate error from using QGSJET 01 / SIBYLL 2.1

29 Charge reconstruction
𝑍=𝑘 θ,𝐸 𝐼 𝐷𝐶 * 1.3 < lg( E / TeV ) < 1.5 DC-intensity depends on: - first interaction height - energy (const > Ethreshold) Allows measurement of the iron fraction in the data. Reconstructed charge: (k(E,θ) normalizes Z* to iron)

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