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Social Presence How it can be created Debra Ferdinand, PhD May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Presence How it can be created Debra Ferdinand, PhD May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Presence How it can be created Debra Ferdinand, PhD May 2016

2 Presentation Outline What is social presence? How is it created?
What are the benefits of social presence?

3 What is social presence?
Social presence can be defined as follows: Social presence (SP) is establishing an ongoing connection using synchronous and asynchronous communication to humanize student-lecturer and student-student interactions in on-line courses. Home

4 Online Communication Asynchronous Communication:
Delayed interaction between teacher and student (e.g., and threaded discussion) Synchronous Communication: Real-time interaction between teacher and student (e.g., live video streaming or chats) Home

5 How is social presence created?

6 Social Presence Flow Start of Course During the course End of Course

7 Creating SP at START of Course
Use non-content-related icebreaker Include introductory letter with course prep Invite introductory questions to initiate student-student interaction Include a welcome video clip Home

8 Social Presence Example
Lecturer’s short audio welcome message Home

9 Creating SP DURING Course
Respond to s at least once per day Encourage student participation in discussion Acknowledge student contributions Post relevant student questions and feedback Invite student pet and photo gallery Home

10 Creating SP DURING Course
Set reminders of when and what to check Keep generic postings to a minimum Keep most postings course/student specific Be present regularly in discussions, chats, and blogs Home

11 Creating SP DURING Course
Offer detailed and constructive comments in assignments Use announcements frequently Use synchronous communication (e.g. Video or Web conferencing) Follow through on promises Home

12 Creating SP at END of Course
Have a concluding remark and best wishes statement Encourage students to share class experiences Allow for a student goodbye closing forum Home

13 What are the benefits of social presence in online courses?

14 Social Presence Benefits
Online environment perceived as safe for learning Students display shared sense of responsibility Students and lecturer make emotional commitment to course Home

15 Social Presence Benefits
Students and lecturer relate in a trusting environment Discussion occurs inside and outside the instructional context Students recognise their similar goals Home

16 Social Presence Benefits
Online environment perceived as safe for learning Students display shared sense of responsibility Students and lecturer make emotional commitment to course Home

17 References Gutierrez, K. (2012). ( Aragon, S. R. (2003). Creating a social presence :

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