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Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project Neer Nirmal Pariyojana

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1 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project Neer Nirmal Pariyojana
SPMU, ASSAM 13th -14th February 2017 A Presentation for Implementation Support Mission of World Bank

2 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken 1 Improvement needed in project management and fund flow for NNP Govt of Assam is requested to constitute SPMU into a SPV- (Special Purpose Vehicle) to plan and implement NNP. The SPV shall be a registered society, with sufficient administrative, technical and financial powers to plan and implement NNP. Release arrear funds of crores to SPMU Undertake a performance review of SPMU specialists and other officers from PHED. Those with poor performance must be replaced and fresh recruitment may be made. Prepare an assessment report of Batch-I drawing data from baseline survey. Complete the baseline survey of batch-I urgently. Rules and bylaws of formation of the society prepared and SPMU has moved a file to the government for approval for formation of the society with adequate technical and financial power. Rs. 12 Crore pending for release out of Crore. Proposal for release of the same is moved to the department and financial sanction has been accorded. Performance review of SPMU/DPMU specialist completed in the month of November 2016 Baseline survey in Batch–I district completed; data verification to be completed by end of Feb-17. Assessment report to be submitted post verification of BLS data. 2 Sector Development Attempt a case study on Teetabor MVS Listing of all water supply schemes run by PHED and conducting a study on their operations and management Launch a study on water quality issues in Assam- develop a concept and share with NPMU/WB Explore possibilities of upgrading the M&E system of PHED Assam- Develop a concept and share with WB The studies will be taken up in a phased manner

3 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken 3 Lack of adequate arrangements for Trg/CB Constitute Capcell and recruit personnel Prepare a proposal for strengthening WSSO and ultimate merger of Capcell with WSSO. Training to Capcell Apart from the project team, State may consider having a resource pool of experts and recognized institutions (Key Resource centres), to be able to help capacity building, based on demand / need. Arrange Training for SPMU and DPMU in Project Management, SCADA, and Change Management as appropriate to various specialist positions. Review existing training modules and strategies to cover need based trainings. Develop a case study on the role and processes relating to Community Mobilizers under NNP in Assam Develop a concept on O&M of MVS in Assam Engagement of CB Cell completed. Merger of WSSO and CB Cell not envisioned at present. Orientation of CB Cell personnel conducted. Exposure visit to Maharashtra also proposed. SPMU is conducting TNA & MTIA for developing Training Implementation Plan, review modules for FY Adequate training to SPMU and DPMU has already been provided on distribution network and SCADA etc Review undertaken from time to time. Also TNA & MTIA is being conducted. Video documentary is already prepared on Community Mobilizers and write-up shared with Bank. A concept of O&M of Kamrup MVS is already prepared.

4 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken 4 Variations under 3 LMVS contracts under Batch I (approximately amounting to more than 15% of the contract value). Variations should be carried out as per provisions mentioned in the contract. Any variations (singly or combined) above 15% of total value per contract should be submitted to Bank for no objection before implementation. Variation report will be submitted to the WB by 5 Delays in achieving contract milestones under 3 LMVS contracts as per revised time schedules submitted by the operators. Progress against each contractual milestone per contract should be closely monitored. Contract management specialist should be appointed at SPMU to provide guidance to DPMU teams in contract executions. All contractors are asked to submit S-Curve and MS-Project based work schedule. Physical progress of the schemes are monitored based on specific milestones. 6 As per contract, payments under Kamrup & Jorhat contracts should be through escrow account for DB period as per contract. All payments are done through separate SPMU/ DPMUs account so far. Open an escrow account or amend the contract as per present arrangement. Escrow account opening is not envisaged at this moment. Required amendment in the contract will be made accordingly.

5 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken 7 Batch II contracting approach Batch I contracting approach of DBOT lump sum contract with 5 years of O&M should be followed. Hailakhandi bid document should be used as model document with minor modifications to clauses such as interest to be charged for mobilization advance, liquidated damages (LD) to be levied for intermediate contractual milestones, etc. Batch – I contracting approach will be adopted for Batch – II project. 8 Unable to implement the DBOT contracts in letter and spirit in a planned manner Provide Technical support to the EE by adding Senior Engineer in each MVS Division/ DPMU Recruitment of Technical experts in DPMUs is already advertised. 9 Several variation proposals to signed DBOT contracts, in Kamrup and Hailakandi, owner unable decide timely Variations need to be processed as per the contract. SPMU/ Owner should closely monitor, ensure timely disposal Now , approval of variations are not pending . 10 Lack of ownership at DPMUs / PHED, less qualified engineers to deal with big contracts Extensive capacity building activity should be done to District Engineers of 3 DPMUs and improved IEC in Districts Trainings conducted regularly. More trainings will be included in the CB Plan 11 House service connections (HSCs) in each MVS may not true to ground situation Review. revisit HSCs proposed and compare and correct as per the Baseline survey data No of HSCs will be compared with the baseline survey data once final figure on the survey comes.

6 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken Institutions and Capacity Development 12 At district level the DPMUs need further guidance to conduct meaningful training programs to VWSCs and community members due to lack of resources. VWSC/ GPWSC/ Community in monitoring (progress and quality) the implementation Training SOs and VWSC/ GPWSC/ Community in O&M Budgeting and in fixing tariff Training VWSC/ GPWSC/ Operator/ Community in scheme specific O&M The VWSCs and key community members need to be taken on exposure visits to other projects. Mass campaigns on WATSAN need to be conducted before the commissioning of water supply systems. While selecting community members for training at least one-third of them should be women. During O&M, women groups should be considered for tariff collection, maintenance, etc. IEC/BCC materials should be prepared scheme cycle wise and should have components specifically addressing issues of women, vulnerable communities etc. Model for scheme specific O&M has been developed in the SPMU level for Kamrup MVS. The same will be shared with the GPWSC and MVWSC after finalisation for the purpose of tariff fixation. Tariff collection mechanism will be developed and Woman groups will be considered for GP level tariff collection. Steps will be taken to incorporate the same in the CB Plan and complete all activities within FY , 2nd Qtr.

7 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken Social Inclusion and Participation 12 Information on Community Contribution collection are to be maintained in format prescribed by World Bank Social Team The Social Development Specialists at SPMU and DPMUs are to work together to maintain these records (separately for Batch 1 and 2) in the World Bank Social Team prescribed format (shared with SPMU) The same has been submitted to the Bank as per prescribed format. Land Management 13 Proper documentation of land transaction records need to be maintained in format prescribed by World Bank Social Team SPMU has agreed to document detailed information related to land used in the project in the format prescribed by WB Social Team – in order to enable proper assessment of social development issues, namely inclusion and participation and also to identify any issues in these regards. The DPMUs need to keep documentation, including maps, showing that the land in question is government land or private land. This documentation need to be compiled at the earliest. Land documentation is completed as per the format of WB for Batch – I projects. All land related papers are recorded at the DPMU level.

8 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken Land Management 14 Proper documentation of land transaction records need to be maintained in format prescribed by World Bank Social Team 3. DPMUs need to arrange for an examination of all land transactions by an independent agency before according the approval. Detailed record of all transactions will be maintained as per an agreed format and will form a part of the overall M&E arrangements. 4. DPMUs will have to make arrangements for redressal of all land related grievances Not Applicable Toll free number set up/ online submission of grievance also active Transparency and Accountability 15 A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) mechanism has not been put in place by SPMU – leading to issues of accountability and transparency Social Specialist at SPMU to prepare note on existing GRM system for WSSO and how RWSS-LIS – Assam’s GRM system can be streamlined with the same Existing GRM system available at WSSO has been reviewed and SPMU has decided to have GRM system on its own for NNP. Accordingly a toll free number has been established for NNP and printed on consumer card for wide publication of the same for GRM.

9 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken Labor Standards 16 It has been noted in certain project sites that contractors are not adhering to appropriate labor health and safety norms The contractor needs to maintain a labor register duly entering details of the local/ migrant labor, male/female, skill category, wages, etc. The petty contracts arising out of the sub-project should considered entrusting to SHGs on community contract basis Provisions for safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, living areas with basic amenities (like bed cots, shelves, fans, ventilation, LED light bulbs, LPG cooking facilities in separate kitchen) is a must. For safety of laborers proper barricading, use of protective gears (shoes, helmets, gloves etc.) should be mandatory Labor conditions should be monitored by DPMU/SOs and by Communities and any discrepancy should be reported to the DPMU/VWSC. The same has been communicated to the contractor and is being monitored by SPMU/DPMU. A report on the same as per the prescribed format also shared with WB. SPMU has written to WB regarding conducting a training on Social Safegurds

10 Action Taken Report on Mid Term Review Mission
Sl no Issues Identified Recommendations Action Taken Environmental Safeguard 17 No dedicated environment staff in SPMU and DPMUs Dedicated Environment Specialist to be positioned in the SPMU and DPMU / alternative staff recruitment to be completed Deputation of Specialist completed 18 EMP of current schemes not ready Rapid EIA of all current schemes to be commissioned and EMPs prepared Agreed Activity on preparation of EMPs for Batch-2 schemes not started Rapid EIA of all Batch-2 schemes to be commissioned during DPR preparation

11 Component A- Capacity Building
All figures in Rs. Crores Component Cumulative Project Target Cumulative Achievement till date Fin Phy A1- Capacity Building - MoDWS A2- Capacity Building - State RWSS Sector Institutions &PRIs 36.42 As per project Requirement Rs Crore 78966 A3- Information, Education and Communications (IEC) 25.01 - A4- Sector Development Studies 16.84 1 A5- Good Practice Awards 16 A6- Monitoring, Evaluation, Governance & Accountability. 7.55

12 Component B- Infrastructure Development
All figures in Rs. Crores Component Cumulative Project Target Cumulative Achievement till date Fin Phy B1: New Investments. 1056.5 100% Rs Crore Kamrup-25-50% Jorhat-<25% Hailakandi - <25% B2: Rehabilitation /Augmentation of Schemes. 137.5 NA B3: Catchment Area Program. 5.2 B4: Water Quality Management. 2.6 7 B5: Household, Institutional and Envtal Sanitation 97.2 B6: Infrastructure Support. 38.44

13 Component C- Project Management
All figures in Rs. Crores Component Cumulative Project Target Cumulative Achievement till date Fin Phy C1: Staffing and Consultancy Costs. 45.44 As per project requirement Rs Crore 91% C2: Equipment and Miscellaneous costs. 5.34

14 Financial Progress upto 8th February 2017
TOTAL FUND SANCTIONED TILL DATE Particulars Amount (in Rs. Crore) World Bank Share 151.94 Govt. of India (NRDWP) Share 135.22 Govt. of Assam (State) Share 13.67 Total 300.83 FUND RECEIVED (in SPMU) 119.43 77.10 10.75 207.28

15 Percentage of Expenditure against total fund received in SPMU
Statement showing expenditure incurred under NNP, Assam till 8th February 2017 (Rs. In Crore) Component Amount A-Capacity Building & Sector Development 3.48 B-Infrastructure Development 169.32 C-Project Management 5.73 Total 178.53 Percentage of Expenditure against total fund received in SPMU 85.90%

16 Status of Water Supply Schemes
Sub-component No of Schemes / Cost (Cr) Expenditure (Cr) Status of Progress (Against Contracted) Batch-1 (Current Target) Awarded Work Started Progress stages No. of schemes B1: New Investments. MVS 3 Rs Crore Not started 1-25% 2 26-50% 1 51-75% 76-90% SVS NA Remarks

17 Status of IHHL Status of IHHL construction as on 11/1/2017
Name of the dists Total Blocks Total GPS Total Household in same habitations in BLS 2012 No of toilets to be built (as per BLS 2012) Target No. of IHHL constructed till 11/1/17 (as per BLS 2012) Achievement % of Household with IHHL construction Balance Toilets to be constructed as on Jorhat 3 33 62945 33354 12285 67% 21069 Hailakandi 2 14 29626 14886 9352 81% 5534 Kamrup (M) 16 35557 21124 14838 82% 6286 7 63 128128 69364 36475 74% 32889

18 Progress of SLWM 3 GPs have taken up for piloting for SLWM activities within the NNP GPs. The SLWM plan has been prepared. Capacity building activities are taken up as per the scheme cycle. So far orientation of GPWSC, community mobilisers have taken up.

19 Status of ODF NNP GP/Villages No of villages declared ODF
Sl no District No of GPs No of villages Name of ODF GP No of villages declared ODF 1. Kamrup (M) 16 189 Chandrapur GP 10 nos (declared in MDWS website) 2. Jorhat 33 157 ---- 7 nos (Gandhia gaon, Majgaon, Kohargaon, Aoriagaon, Gohaingaon, Puranimati gaon, Kamalaboria.) belongs to Pub Harucharai GP & Dakhin Charaibahi GP (declared in MDWS website) 3. Hailakandi 14 56 ----- 1 no (Saidbond vill. under Saidbond GP (as declared in MDWS). 63 402 18

20 Institutional aspect of nnp (batch-I + batch-ii)
State level (SPMU) Assam Approved 16 Filled Number 100% Filled % District level (DPMU) 74  60 81%  Community Mobiliser 262  235 90%  Overall Filled 368

21 Capacity building cell
Recruitment of CB Cell has been completed in the month of December 2016 Capacity building cell is staffed with one Training Coordinator and one Media Expert Orientation of CB Cell personnel completed. Also exposure visit to Maharashtra in Feb-17 is proposed CB cell is currently involved in Orientation of Community Mobilizer for Batch – II districts and preparation of communication material.

22 Status of community contribution
* Achievement As per Minutes of Monthly Review Meeting in MoDWS on

23 Status of community contribution (as on 10th February 2017)
SL District TARGET * ACHIEVEMENT As per Reported figure As per CCOT Pending (For CCOT Entry) As per NNP Baseline Survey Total collection % of Collection A B C D E F G H 1 Kamrup ₹ 1,14,79,050 ₹ 36,35,753 32% ₹ 25,17,525 22% ₹ 11,18,228 2 Jorhat ₹ 2,14,99,200 ₹ 83,89,000 39% ₹ 67,11,750 31% ₹ 16,77,250 3 Hailakandi ₹ 76,89,375 ₹ 20,63,400 27% ₹ 9,00,900 12% ₹ 11,62,500 Total ₹ 4,06,67,625 ₹ 1,40,88,153 35% ₹ 1,01,30,175 25% ₹ 39,57,978

24 baseline survey (Batch-I)
SL District TARGET (Estimated) ACHIVEMENT Verification Status SURVEYED REJECTED - DURING VERIFICATION NORMAL /VARIFIED /IN-PROCESS OF VERIFICATION % Number of Verified Survey (Verified + Accepted) % of verification done A B C D E F = D-E G = F/C H I = (H+E)/D 1 Kamrup 38,978 37,624 71 37,553 96% 30681 82% 2 Jorhat 50,415 59,565 1,026 58,539 116% 48094 3 Hailakandi 16,810 20,305 336 19,969 119% 18082 91% Total 1,06,203 1,17,494 1,433 1,16,061 109% 96,857 84%

25 baseline survey (Batch-II)
SL District TARGET (Estimated) Household Baseline Survey Status SURVEYED (Actual Survey -Rejected) % of Completion A B C D E 1 Morigaon 34,794 32,095 92% 2 Sivasagar 39,998 14,089 35% 3 Bongaigaon 59,470 24,300 41% Total 1,34,263 70,484 52% Note: The GP Completion Certificate received at Morigaon: 7 nos. out of 16

26 Progress in Batch - II Notification for MVWSC and GPWSC completed
DPMUs have been established Baseline survey has started Topographic survey is completed Orientation of GPWSCs have started Community Mobilizer trained and deployed Ward level orientation programmes taken up Registers/ receipts for CC collection are printed GPWSC Bank Account opening ongoing TOR for preparation of DPR shared with World Bank

27 Photo Gallery

28 Jorhat Utility Cum Operator Room at Intake Clariflocculator
Filter House Progress of Laboratory Room at WTP Site Utility Cum Operator Room at Intake CWR Deck Slab Pipe Laying

29 Rapid Gravity Sand Filter at Dimoria Security House in Dimoria WTP
Kamrup Chemical House Rapid Gravity Sand Filter at Dimoria Security House in Dimoria WTP Burge Clarifloculator Transformer

30 Hailakandi Sedimentation Tank Boundary Wall Clariffloculator
Filter House DI Fittings Stock Yard DI Pipe laying


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