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Welcome LEARN: teamwork and communication in Quality Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome LEARN: teamwork and communication in Quality Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome LEARN: teamwork and communication in Quality Improvement
Main title slide page Co-brand logo here LEARN: teamwork and communication in Quality Improvement Welcome

2 Objectives Welcome Why communication and teamwork matters in Quality Improvement The impact of building clear communication and roles when planning Quality Improvement The model for improvement with focus on communication and teamwork using a practical exercise Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name

3 Quality Improvement involves the coming together of minds to deliver a shared solution and vision, to improve the quality of care in our services.

4 Context 30 years of evidence identified that competence/capability is required in 7 non- technical skill areas if team effectiveness is to be maximised. Team effectiveness is essential to keep service users, staff and the public safe. Cognitive research identifies that the way we think, introduces bias into our judgements and decision making. Team working helps to minimise those biases. 7 non technical skills have been identified to optimise team effectiveness- for the purpose of this ‘learn’ session today going to concentrate on ways in which we can improve team working and communication

5 Non technical skills Situation Awareness Communication Team Working
Decision making Leadership Managing stress Coping with fatigue 7 non technical skills have been identified to optimise team effectiveness- for the purpose of this ‘learn’ session today going to concentrate on ways in which we can improve team working and communication


7 Team working How do you work as a team so that? Staff feel supported
It facilitates conflict resolution. It facilitates effective information exchange. It enables activities to be co-ordinated.

8 Communication How do you communicate?
So that information is sent clearly and concisely Includes context and intent during information exchange Receiving information, especially by listening Identifying and addressing barriers to communication 7 non technical skills have been identified to optimise team effectiveness- for the purpose of this ‘learn’ session today going to concentrate on ways in which we can improve communication and team working – do we want to sign post / mention SBAR??

9 How to improve Tell Me, and I will forget Teach Me, and I will remember Involve Me, and I will learn Benjamin Franklin, 1706–1790

10 How to improve Team is mindful of the importance of developing competence in these areas and works at it. High Reliability organisations provide an active programme of observation in situ of practice and provides feedback with recommendations for the team to work on. Staff own responsibility for taking personal action to improve their own practice and their role within the team.

11 How to improve Judgement and decision making:
Make staff aware of the research and the bias that the automatic and effortful thinking system creates. Team adjusts the team processes/meetings where complex analysis/decision making occurs in order to improve the chance of making good decisions.

12 Who makes up the project team?

13 Ward or Team Clinical Staff External Stakeholders
Information Team Project Lead Communications Team Governance Teams Executive Support External Stakeholders Families and Carers Patients

14 What is Good Communication?
Good listening Awareness of non verbal communication Recognising communication barriers Clear requests Knowing when to have difficult conversations

15 Characteristics of Effective Teams:
Clear Goals Effective Leadership Shared Vision Mutual Respect and Trust Relevant Skills Internal and External Support

16 Personality Types (Introvert/Extrovert)
Things to consider- Personality Types (Introvert/Extrovert) Calm environment for discussion Allocation of resources What kind of specific skills do the team have?

17 Feedback An essential skill.
It can help to develop people, raise performance and motivate them to achieve excellence. It also has a huge role in helping people to: Developing self awareness Developing performance

18 Giving feedback


20 Welcome Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name Aims
Co-brand logo here Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name Welcome Aims Measurements Change Ideas Testing your ideas before implementing changes Tools to help people practice team work and communication – model for improvement PDSA

21 Aims The aim should be time-specific and measurable, it should also define the specific population of patients that will be affected. Agreeing on the aim is crucial, so is allocating the people and resources necessary to accomplish the aim.

22 Measuring Improvement
Measurement is a critical part of testing and implementing changes, measures tell a team whether the changes they are making actually lead to improvement. Collecting your Baseline data (Before and After) Small tests of change Outcome, process and balancing measures Outcome = How is the system performing? Process = Are the parts or steps in the system performing as planned? Balancing = What happened to the wider system as we improved the outcome and process measures?

23 Generating Ideas for Change
Talk to staff, patients and carers Exploring without limits Mindmaps Brainstorming Divergent thinking Exploring without limits- what would you do if there were no barriers

24 You will need to conduct PDSA cycles for each of your change Ideas
You will need to conduct PDSA cycles for each of your change Ideas. Plan- list tasks needed to set up this test of change and measures Do- Describe what happened when you ran your test, note any pertinent observations Study- Compare the results from your test to your predictions and summarise any learning Act- Describe what modifications to the plan will be made for the next cycle


26 Summary Personal responsibility to improve.
Broad based development programme On going work on improving non technical skill-effective teamwork. Coaching Feedback

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