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Mastervoorlichting ChE 2016 track Chemical & Process Engineering

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1 Mastervoorlichting ChE 2016 track Chemical & Process Engineering
Louis van der Ham (ME-218, tel. 5430, mastervoorlichting

2 Chemical Engineering: converting raw materials into products
Chemical Engineering: converting raw materials into products (1 kg / year to 1000 kton / year) Important for economy Prominent role in solving societies challenges (Energy, Resources, Sustainability, Climate Change)

3 The Chemical Engineer Inventing and designing processes
Dankwerts’ definition: “to do for a penny what any fool can do for a two pence” Now also including: Energy Resources Sustainability Foot prints Still € Plaatje met andere disciplines er omheen.

4 What is Chemical & Process Engineering?
FROM MOLECULE TO PROCESS mastervoorlichting

5 Chemical & Process Engineering Which research groups are involved?
Research focus chair professors Applied catalysis Catalytic Processes and Materials (CPM) PhotoCatalytic Synthesis (PCS) L. Lefferts, Seshan G. Mul Micro Systems Mesoscale Chemical Systems (MCS) H. Gardeniers Sustainable Processes Sustainable Process Technology (SPT) Chemical Bio-Refining (CBR) Separation Technology (ST) S. Kersten J.P. Lange (Shell) T. Kiss (AkzoNobel) Membranes Cluster Membrane Science & Technology mastervoorlichting

6 Chemical & Process Engineering Which research groups are involved?
FiF = Films in Fluids; ERG = Electrochemistry Res.Gr.; SFI = Soft matter Fluidics and Interfaces IM = Inorganic membranes; MTEWT = Membr. Tech. and Eng. for Water Treatment; AMAA = Adv. Membranes for Aqueous Appl. MSS = Membrane Surface Science mastervoorlichting

7 General structure C&PE track (2016..)
Process Intensification Principles mastervoorlichting

8 General structure C&PE track (2016/2017)

9 Advanced Chemical Reaction Eng. (5 EC, 2016)
Refreshment of bachelor introduction course (module 8) standard ideal reactors T and density effects residence time distribution (RTD) Hatta number & Thiele modulus Multi-phase reactors: M&E transfer, kinetics, modeling selection reactor type gas-liquid reactors gas-solid reactors slurry reactors Applications Packed bed reactors, fluidized bed photoreactors micro-reactors. Tostis 2013

10 Process Intensification Principles (PIP, 5 EC, Rivas & Gardeniers)
Subjects: Microstructured reactors, separators and heat exchangers Microfluidic principles Micro Flow Chemistry Plasma chemistry Photo chemistry  Microwave heating/ spinning disk reactors Ultrasound mixing and sonochemistry Process Analytics and Control Design case! mastervoorlichting

11 Advance Molecular Separations (AMS, 5 EC)
Course Description In Advanced Molecular Separations, separation technology is discussed starting from molecular properties up to full scale processes. The focus is on choosing a separation technology for given molecular properties, and the subsequent molecular design of more advanced separation technologies. For two separation technologies, fluid separations and membrane technology, the molecular design and separation process are treated in much greater detail, including a discussion on useful models to describe thermodynamics and mass transfer. Tostis 2013

12 Advance Catalysis (5 EC, 2016)
Refreshment of bachelor introduction course (module 5 or 7) Homogeneous catalysis Heterogeneous catalysis mechanisms benuttingsgraad / effectivity / selectivity catalyst selection industrial applications Photo catalysis Tostis 2013

13 Lab Course Sustainable Process Technology (5 EC, 2016)
Goal is to solve a given engineering problem in a systhematic way: Example: Bio-oil upgrading to fuel oil specs. o analyse o approach o perform (experiments) o evaluate additional focus on: safety, control, error analyses, reporting Tostis 2013

14 Process Plant Design (PPD, 15 EC)
process synthesis Process simulation & thermodynamics Process equipment selection (reaction, separation) Equipment design (reactor, separation unit and heat exchanger) Heat integration (pinch technology) Process control P&ID’s Plant safety Sustainability Technical and economical evaluation Tostis 2013

15 Elective courses 15 EC electives in consultation with chair.
Contract Research project  C.S. Research group or CR study tour assignment Master progamme minimum 120 EC. Electives: see program guide on website ChE mastervoorlichting

16 Elective courses mastervoorlichting

17 2nd year mastervoorlichting

18 Internship Ing A. (Betty) Folkers Email:
Room: Horsttoren room 609 Phone: ( ) 2772 mastervoorlichting

19 Master assignment Once chosen, discuss optional courses
Assignment ~7 months Supervisor from group (PhD student or staff) 2 grades Research performance (problem analysis, experimental, result analysis) Report, presentation, general (e.g. independency) mastervoorlichting

20 QUESTIONS? mastervoorlichting

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