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CHOCOLATE! Year 5 Spring Term Place and Time : SMSC:

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1 CHOCOLATE! Year 5 Spring Term Place and Time : SMSC:
Geography – How is chocolate made ? What are the raw ingredients ? Where and how are these grown ? Why do people like chocolate ? How is chocolate marketed and sold, globally ? What is fair trade ? Why is it important ? What work does the Fair Trade organisation do ? How can we help ? Whose responsible for trading fairly ? What other products can be produced and sold under the Fair Trade logo ? Science and Technology: DT – Cooking & Nutrition – How is chocolate used in cooking ? What is the history of cooking and chocolate ? Can we design recipes that use chocolate ? Can we make and evaluate these ? Science – How does chocolate change state when heated / cooled ? How can these changes be used ? Why do these changes occur ? What is electrical & thermal conductivity ? How can materials be grouped according to their properties ? Can uses of everyday materials be explained in relation to their properties ? Can we find evidence to support these explanations ? How is a test made ‘fair’ ? Can we work and record results, scientifically ? Computing – Wednesdays. SMSC: What are aspirations ? What do I aspire to do / be ? What jobs and careers are there ? What do people need to do, to achieve these ? Where can I work ? What places do I aspire to go to ? City and country – what are the differences for work and life-style ? What am I good at ? What do I need to improve to reach my goals ? What can I realistically achieve ? What are the key ingredients for success in achieving a goal ? Can aspirations and goals change ? Language, Literacy and Oracy ( Inc Spanish): Reading – What can we find out, about : Chocolate and Fair Trade ?; Spanish foods and lifestyle ?; Materials & their properties ?; Maths related topics ?; Sikhism ?; Cooking and nutrition ?; Famous composers ?; Aspirations ?; Sport ?. Writing – What can we find out about Beowulf as a poem and as a story from another time & culture ? What can we learn from other stories, that come from cultures different to our own ? Can we write recipes ? What can we find out, about Mark Twain (‘classic narrative’) ?. Can we make leaflets about chocolate and the Fair Trade organisation ? How can words be set to music ? How can poems be used as songs ? Spelling – Can we spell words from the Y3/4 & 5/6 lists ? What can we find out about words containing : -ei, -ant, -ance, -ancy, -cious, -tious, -cial, -tial ? Can we use homophones in the correct contexts ? Spanish – What can we find out, about Spanish life-style, food, sport and health ? CHOCOLATE! Year 5 Spring Term Mathematics : Can we use and apply mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using numbers with 4 or more digits ? What are prime numbers, prime factors and composite numbers ? What are the prime numbers up to 19 ? How do we establish the numbers up to 100 that are prime ? How can problems involving measure be solved ? Can we work out scale ? Can we work with volume and capacity ? How are measures equivalent ? How can measures be converted ? How may data sets be analysed ? Faith and Belief : Sikhism – Who are Sikhs ? What do they believe ? Where do these beliefs originate ? What can we find out about Sikh art, architecture, food, music and literature ? How does Sikhism compare with Christianity ? How does it compare with other world religions ? What are some of the Sikh faith stories eg creation myth ? Arts and Creativity : What do chocolatiers do ? How do they use knowledge of materials ? What sculptures have been made in chocolate ? Can we design a chocolate sculpture ? How else have chefs used food creatively ? Can you think of ways to present food, creatively ? What is a musical canon ? What other musical structures do we know ? Physical and Emotional Health : Football – PAFC – Fridays (Spring 1). Dance – Wednesdays (Spring 1). Gymnastics and Netball (Spring 2).

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