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Government and Politics!

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Presentation on theme: "Government and Politics!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government and Politics!
Welcome to Government and Politics!

2 Teachers Mrs Arney- Assistant Head Mr Deakin

3 What do we learn? AS What is democracy? Elections Pressure groups
Political Parties Parliament The Judiciary The constitution The Prime Minister A2 UK policy issues: Education, Welfare, Environment, Economic, Law and Order. What are they? How have they changed? How successful are they? The EU: How it works, what does it do, what are its policies, what impact has it had on the UK

4 2016: A Busy Year for Politics?
Your task is to read the news story that you have been given about politics in 2016 In your groups, you are going to present back to everyone else what the big issue was for politics in 2016 Extra points awarded for own knowledge!

5 Group Activity In your groups, work together to match the key political terms to the right meaning The group to complete this first wins!

6 So…is politics right for you?
As your teachers, we will: Provide you with well planned, informative lessons Support you to do well in your exams Encourage and support you to do your very best Provide trips/guest speakers where possible to enrich your knowledge In return, you will be expected to: Attend all lessons Do your best Keep up to date with classwork and homework Read around the subject: keep up to date with the news Have a positive and pro-active attitude to studying

7 Summer Task Your task over the summer is to research and answer the essay question: “What does the 2016 EU Referendum reveal about British Politics?” It should be set out as an essay, with a clear introduction, conclusion and paragraphs. Things you could include: Campaigning- what happened? Voter turn out Results: what does this show? What are the consequences of the results?

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