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An Overview of Intersil’s CAN Bus Transceiver Family

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1 An Overview of Intersil’s CAN Bus Transceiver Family
…when failure is not an option!! TM Allan Robinson Intersil Applications Engineer, Rad Hard Space Product Line Narrative: Good afternoon. My name is Allan Robinson. I am an Intersil application engineer in the High Reliability Space Products Group. I provide the application support for the Intersil CAN Bus transceivers. Today, I will be giving “An overview of Intersil’s Rad Hard CAN Bus transceiver families. 26.8 seconds 2017

2 Intersil Confidential Information
Presentation Agenda Review of the ISL7202xSEH (legacy) Rad Hard 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver Family Introduce the ISL7202xASEH (version “A”) Rad Hard 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver Family (Release Q3 2017) Medium Speed Optimized for 500kbps Data Rates Slow Speed Optimized for 250kbps Data Rates Improved Driver Skew Performance Introduce the Intersil Radiation Tolerant Plastic Products Initiative for Low Cost, Low Orbit, Short Duration Satellite/Space Applications Cover a few of our newly released / in-development Rad Hard Signal Chain Products Narrative: My presentation will cover the following four topics: A review of the Intersil’s ISL7202xSEH Radiation Hardened 3.3V CANbus transceiver family. Even though the parts in this family were just released in March of 2016, I will refer to them as our “Legacy” parts. Introduce our new ISL7202xASEH, version A, radiation hardend 3.3V CANbus transceiver family that will be releasing in Q3 of this year (2017). Introduce Intersil’s radiation tolerant plastic products initiative for low cost, low orbit, short duration space applications. The ISL71026MVZ radiation tolerant CANbus transceiver is now available in a 14Ld TSSOP plastic package. Finally, I will wrap up my presentation by giving a quick over view of a few of our new signal chain products that have recently released or are currently in development. 1 min: 44 seconds June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

3 ISL7202xSEH (legacy): Radiation Hardened 3
ISL7202xSEH (legacy): Radiation Hardened 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver Family

4 ISL7202xSEH (legacy): RH 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver Family
Released the First Class V Rad Hard CAN Bus 3.3V Transceiver Family in March 2016 Standards: ISO ECSS–E-ST-50-15C (May 1, 2015) Intersil worked with ESA and Airbus during development Three Parts in the Family (SMD ) All parts have the same driver and receiver circuitry Package = 8 ld. CDFP Airbus Component Qualification (functional, mechanical, thermal, EMC, ESD, and Electrical): Passed in June 2015. Intersil RLR: 11/06/2015 Product Launch: 11/17/2015 SMD Released: 03/10/2016 06/10/2015 Airbus satisfied with our response to their questions and have no issues with capacitance or PMOS conduction current. Narrative: Back in March of 2016, Intersil released into the market place the first Class V radiation hardened CANbus transceiver family of parts. The part was designed to be compatible with standards ISO and ESA standard. Intersil worked closely with ESA and Airbus during the developed of this family of parts to ensure that the parts meant their functional and electrical requirements. We worked with ESA on defining Section “Resistance to electrical CAN Network faults” in ECSS-E-ST-50-15C (May 1, 2015). Airbus put the transceiver through an extensive component evaluation and approved the transceiver for use in June I would think that many of you are already using the these Intersil transceivers in this family. We look forward to talking with you and getting your feedback on what you like and dislike about the parts. Please come and talk to us at the Intersil booth. The family consist of three parts. They all come in a 8Ld hermetic ceramic flatpack (CDFP) package. All three parts have the same driver and receiver circuitry. The electrical performance and specifications for the most part, are identical for the three parts. The parts only differ in ancillary functions. The ISL72026 has a low power listen mode and loopback test capability, the ISL72027 has the low power listen mode and split termination output pin , and the ISL72028 has a low power shutdown down mode and a split termination output pin. 3mins and 55 seconds ISL72026SEH Listen Mode & Loopback ISL72027SEH Listen Mode & Split Termination ISL72028SEH Low Power Mode & Split Termination June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

5 ISL7202xSEH (legacy): RH 3.3V CANbus Transceiver Family
Three Discrete Programmable Driver Speed Selections Resistor to Ground on the RS pin determines Speed Grade RS = 0V (High Speed Mode – 5Mbps) Typical Driver Rise / Fall Times: 55ns / 25ns RS = 10kΩ (Medium Speed – 250kbps) Typical Driver Rise / Fall Times: 400ns / 300ns RS = 50kΩ (Slow Speed kbps) Typical Driver Rise / Fall Times: 700ns / 650ns Drive RS pin HIGH ISL72026SEH Listen Mode: TX Powered Down Supply Current: 2mA max ISL72027SEH Listen Mode: TX Powered Down Supply Current: 2mA max ISL72028SEH Shutdown Mode: TX and RX Powered Down Supply Current: 50µA max Narrative: The transceivers have three discrete driver speed selections. A single resistor from the RS pin to ground selects between the three speed options. RS = 0V selects the “High speed” option and supports data rates up to 5Mbps. The RS =10k ohms selects the medium speed option and supports data rates up to 250kbps, and RS = 50kohms selects the slow speed option and supports data rates up to 125kbps. Driving the RS pin High will put the 26 and 27 parts into a low power listen mode and will put the 28 part into a low power shutdown mode. In listen mode the driver circuitry is powered down and the supply current of the device is reduced to 2mA to save power. In the low power shutdown mode, both the driver and the receiver are powered down and the supply current is reduced to 50uA. 5mins 7 seconds June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

6 ISL7202xSEH (legacy): RH 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver Family
26 LBK Logic Input (Pin 5): ISL72026SEH When a “HIGH” level is applied at the LBK pin, the device enters the loopback state. The transceiver CANH and CANL pins are disconnected from the bus. The driver and receiver circuitry of the transceiver remains active for diagnostic testing of the node (ECU). VREF Output (Pin 5) for Split Termination: ISL72027SEH & ISL72028SEH Provides a VCC / 2 output voltage for split mode termination. Split mode termination technique is shown below. It is used to stabilize the bus voltage at VCC / 2 and prevent if from drifting to high common-mode voltage during periods of inactivity. The technique improves the electromagnetic compatibility of a network. Split mode termination is put at each end of the bus. CL capacitor filters unwanted high frequency noise to ground. The capacitance value used is dependent on the signaling rate of the network. A typical value used for a 1Mbps CAN network is 4.7nF, which generates a 3dB point at 1.1Mbps. 27 & 28 Narrative: Pin 5 on the 26 part is a logic input pin labeled “LBK”. When this pin is driven high the part gets put into “loopback” mode. In loopback the CANH and CANL pins are disconnected from the bus. The driver and receiver circuitry of the transmitter remains active for diagnostic testing of the electronic control unit (ECU) connected at that node. Pin 5 on the 27 and 28 parts is an output labeled “VREF”. It provides a VCC / 2 output voltage for applications that want to implement a split mode termination. The split mode termination is shown below. It is used to stabilize the bus voltage at VCC/2 and prevent it from drifting to high common mode voltage during periods of in activity. The technique improves the electromagnetic compatibility of a network. Split mode termination is put a each end of the bus. The CL capacitor filters unwanted high frequency noise to ground. The capacitance value used is dependent on the signaling rate of the network. A typical value used for a 1Mbps CAN network is 4.7nF which generates a 3dB point at 1.1Mbps. 6 mins 37 seconds June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

7 ISL7202xSEH (legacy): RH 3.3V CANbus Transceiver Family
ISO Compatible Key Performance Parameters Data Rates up to 5Mbps Specifically designed to meet the 1Mbps signal requirements of ISO Good signal quality up to 5Mbps CAN-FD (Flexible Data): Anecdotal lab results shows good performance with the data portion of the digital packet transmitted at 2Mbps Driver designed to drive 120 nodes over a Common Mode Voltage Range of -7V to +12V Bus pins can handle fault voltages of +/- 20V (with/without Ion Beam) Cold Spare Capable Absolute Max VDD Supply Voltage of 5.5V (with/without Ion Beam) Radiation Hardened: Acceptance tested to LDR of 75krad(Si) SEL/B LETTH = 86.4MeV∙cm2/mg 4kV HBM 2Mbps: Receiver duty cycle: 45.5%, VOD duty cycle: 51% 5Mbps: Receiver duty cycle: 42.5%, VOD duty cycle: 49.6% Narrative: Our CAN transceiver was specifically designed to be compatible with the electrical specifications of ISO standard.  The ISO standard gives the loading requirements and signal levels for data rate up to 1Mbps. Lab testing shows good signaling performance up to 5Mbps. CAN-FD (Flexible Data Rate) is a new signaling concept where the preamble and acknowledge portions of the data packet are transmitted at 1Mbps and the data portion of the packet is transmitted at a higher data rate of 2Mbps (typical) with some pushing the data rate to 5Mbps.  Antidotal lab results shows good performance at a data rate of 2Mbps with minimal degradation in the receiver duty cycle of only 46% and VOD duty cycle at 51%. At 5Mbps the receiver duty cycle degrades to 43% and VOD duty cycle degrades slightly to 49.6%. Whether our part can meet the performance criteria of a specific CAN-FD application will be up to the customer to test and characterize their system. Lab antidotal data shows the CAN transceiver will drive a 10ft cable with acceptable performance up to 5Mbps (Acceptable performance criteria for our testing is the differential (VOD) signal duty cycle and receiver duty cycle > 40%).  At 2Mbps the receiver duty cycle is 46% with VOD duty cycle of 50% . And at 5Mbps, the receiver duty cycle degraded to 43% and VOD duty cycle of 49.6%.  Whether our part can meet the performance criteria of a specific application will be up to the user to test and characterize their system. They driver was designed to drive 120 nodes over a common mode range of -7V to +12V which exceeds the required ISO CM range of -2V to +7V. The transceiver can handle fault voltages on the BUS lines of +/-20V (both with /without beam) which exceeds the ESA ECSS-E-ST-50-15C (May 2015) fault voltage of -10V to +15V. All pins have an ESD rating of 4kV. The parts are Cold Spare Capable. Intersil CAN transceivers when in the powered off state does not affect the communication on the bus and present a high impedance between the bus and the system supply rail > 2MΩ (typical) To achieve this a power down transceiver has a high resistance between the bus pins and the supply rail of > 2Mohm (typical). A powered down transceiver has a resistance between CANH and CANL of 80kohms (typical). Intersil CAN transceivers are wafer by wafer tested to 75krad(Si) All test are performed per MIL-STD-883, TM1019 and used a dose rate of 10mrad(Si)/s 24 devices of each type were irradiated up to 75krad(Si) followed by an anneal (168 hrs, 100°C) All devices were bin 1 compliant after testing was complete The parts are acceptance tested to a Low Dose Rate of 75krad(Si). There are version B parts available that are not only LDR tested but also accepted tested to 100krad(Si) HDR. SEL/B immune to LETTH = 86.4MeV∙cm2/mg. Destructive SEE test summary No SEL (single event latch-up) or SEB (single event burnout) for ions with 86MeV•cm2/mg while operating at or below the voltages of VCC = 5.5V and bus common-mode voltages of ±20V. Single Event Transients (SET) summary No SET detected for LET = 2.7MeV•cm2/mg (no bit errors at 1Mbps). No missing bits but glitches on transition bits at 1Mbps and fast slew with LET = 20MeV•cm2/mg to a cross section of 4x10-7 cm2 Only single bit errors at 1Mbps and fast slew with LET = 43MeV•cm2/mg to a cross section of 4x10-6 cm2 SET was defined as any transition in the receiver output for static biasing conditions and any received bit outside of 40% to 60% duty-cycle for a 50% transmitted bit stream (250kHz and 500kHz) SET testing results shows for a geosynchronous mission a part would experience a transmit error to heavy ion exposure no more than once every 11 years. 9 mins 39seconds June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

8 ISL7202xSEH (legacy): RH 3.3V CANbus Transceiver Family
Narrative: The Intersil data sheets in the “Typical Performance Curves” section, has many graphs (23) that show the performance of our transceiver. As an example: The graph shown here, taken from the data sheet, provides a good way to see how the loading of the bus will affect the differential voltage (VOD) of the CAN signal. The graph shows how the output current of the driver changes as the VOD voltage (or loading) of the bus changes. There are three “Driver Output Current vs VOD vs Temperature” curves shown for the driver at 25degC, 85degC, and at 125degC. As you can see from the graph, the drive current goes down as the temperature is increased. Also, superimposed on the graph are varies load lines at 20ohm, 30ohm, 60ohm, and 120ohms. With the bus lines shorted together the part draws around 90mA (short circuit current) and with the bus floating (Not Loaded) VOD is around 3.3V. From the graph looking where the Output current curves cross the 60ohm load line (60ohms is the standard termination load of a CAN network) the VODs can be approximated to be 2.2V at 25degC 2V at 85degC 1.9V at 125degC ISO gives limits for differential bus voltage: 1.2Vmin to 3.0Vmax with typical value of 2.0V. The Intersil part was designed to drive 120nodes: 120//120//666 = 55ohms. Extrapolating a 55ohm load line on the graph will show that the VOD at 55 ohms is around 1.9V to 2V. Which is well within the ISO min limit of 1.2V. 11 mins and 45 seconds Driver Output Current vs Differential Output (VOD) Voltage June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

9 ISL7202xASEH (version “A”): Rad Hard CAN Bus 3.3V Transceiver Family

10 ISL7202xASEH (version “A”): RH 3.3V CANbus Transceiver Family
Will Release in Q3 2017 Samples, evaluation boards, and Pspice models are available Same in fit, form and function to the ISL7202xSEH (legacy) parts except for: Medium Speed supports data rates up to 500kbps vs 250kbps for legacy parts. Slow Speed supports data rates up to 250kbps vs 125kbps for legacy parts. Medium speed optimized for 500kbps Driver skew and rise / fall times for good EMI performance Total Loop Delay allows for bus cable length up to 50 meters Slow speed optimized for 250kbps Total Loop Delay allows for bus cable length up to 150 meters Improved driver skew performance in medium and slow speed modes Three Parts in the Family (SMD ) All parts have the same driver and receiver circuitry ISL72026ASEH = Listen Mode & Loopback ISL72027ASEH = Listen Mode & Split Termination ISL72028ASEH = Low Power Mode & Split Termination Intersil RLR: June 2017 Product Launch: July 2017 SMD Released: August / September 2017 Intersil will be releasing the ISL7202xASEH (version A) family of the Rad Hard 3.3V CAN bus transceivers in July. The SMD should be available in September Samples, evaluation board, and Pspice models for version A parts are available. The three parts in the family are equivalent in fit, form, function, and electrical performance to the parts in the legacy family except the medium speed selection has total loop delays and edges to support data rates up to 500kbps vs 250kbps for the legacy transceiver and slow speed has prop delays and edges to support data rates up to 250kbps vs 125kbps for the legacy parts. Back when we developed the ISL7202xSEH legacy parts, Air Bus requested a speed grade optimized for 500kbps. The version A was developed to satisfy this customer requirement. The medium speed driver skew and rise / fall times are optimized to give good EMI performance at 500kbps and has a total loop delay to support cable lengths up to 50meters. The slow speed driver skew and rise / fall times are optimized to give good EMI performance at 250kbps and has a total loop delay to support cable lengths up to 150meters. The version A medium speed and slow speed circuitry was improved to give better skew performance across temperature. The version A part has tighter limits for skew than the legacy parts. The version A family also has three parts in the family with the same ancillary functions described for the legacy parts. June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

11 ISL7202xASEH (version A) vs ISL7202xSEH (legacy)
Parameters ISL7202xASEH (version A) ISL7202xSEH (legacy) Medium Speed Slow Speed Data Rate 500kbps 250kbps 125kbps Prop Delay L->H (ns) 350 475 520 850 Prop Delay H->L (ns) 410 550 460 725 Skew (ns) 60 75 110 Rise Time (ns) 250 360 400 700 Fall Time (ns) 390 300 650 Total Loop Delay (ns) Dom to Rec 450 575 500 750 Rec to Dom 380 Max Cable Length (m) 85% sample point 5ns/m cable 50 150 165 Narrative: As a reference, here is a chart that shows a comparison between the version A transceivers and the legacy transceivers signal parameter values for propagation delays, skew, rise/fall times, and total loop delays) for medium speed mode (RS= 10kohms) and slow speed mode (RS = 50kohms). High speed is not shown because the values of the parameters between the version A parts and legacy parts are very similar. From the chart you can see that for medium speed operation: the prop delays, skew, rise/fall times and total loop delays have been decreased for the version A parts from the legacy values to allow the version A to support 500kbps rather than 250kbps for the legacy parts. Also from the chart you can see for slow speed that the values have decreased for the version A part from the legacy values to allow the version A to support 250kbps rather than 125kbps for the legacy parts. Finally from the chart you can see that the 250kbps max limit for the version A parts is 400ns while the 250kbps limit for the legacy parts is 510ns. The version A has tighter limits for skew. June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

12 Intersil Radiation Tolerant Plastic Products Initiative Powering the Next Generation of Satellite Constellations There is growing trend in private sector for satellite manufacturers to move away from using radiation hardened microcircuits, towards commercial off the shelf (COTs). The idea of building multiple cost effective redundant satellites verses building one satellite with redundant hardened microcircuits strives to drive the cost per satellite down in order to tolerate a single point failure in a mega-constellation.

13 Intersil Confidential Information
Introduction Current Industry Trends and Needs Innovation in space is being driven more by private industry giving rise to “the business of space” Emergence of mega-constellations by the use of “small–sats” in low earth orbits SpaceX, OneWeb, and Google the most notable examples Reduce cost to drive reasonable profitability Industry Solution Migrating from traditional radiation hardened microcircuits to commercial off the shelf (COTS) Reduce cost, increase capability by access of modern technology, decrease size (SWaP) Industry Misconception Limited issues will be encountered when qualifying and operating COTS devices in what is commonly thought of to be a benign low earth orbit (LEO) space environment. Narrative: There is a growing trend in the private sector to build many (mega-constellations) small satellites and deployed them into low earth orbits. Companies such as SpaceX, OneWeb and Google are notable companies leading this activity. In order for this mega-constellation of satellites to be profitable they are driven to reduce the cost per satellite by migrating away from traditional radiation hardened microcircuits to using commercial off the shelf (COTs) devices. Using COTs components reduce cost, gives increase capability by access of modern technology and the small footprint of COTs will decrease the satellite circuitry and overall satellite size. We at Intersil believe an industry misconception is that minimal / limited issues will be encountered when qualifying and operating COTs devices in what they think is a relative benign environment. We feel the complexity, risk, and cost to test and qualify COTs devices is being under estimated by the manufactures of these satellites. June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

14 Program Profile for Next Generation Satellite Constellations
Expected Life Cycle ≤ 5 years Satellites will be replaced with system upgrades Total radiation exposure = krad(Si) Margin may be needed, devices may need to meet as high as 60krad(Si) SEE expectations = LET of 30 – 43MeV∙cm2/mg Non-destructive SEE can be typically handled with redundancy, EDAC, filtering, etc. Adds system level design complexity and cost May not even be fully effective Destructive SEE causes early termination of satellite life cycle June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

15 The Need for Radiation Tolerant ICs in Next Generation Constellation
Cost Using COTS devices require up-screening before they are found suitable for space applications The most notable tests include total ionizing dose (TID), possibly both high dose rate and low dose rate, and Single Events Effects testing. This testing is very expensive and what seemed a less expensive alternative can end up costing more. Risk Radiation testing and characterization of a device today does not indicate the next lot will work Variations in fabrication or even a change in location can affect performance with regards to radiation tolerance. These changes are often not communicated to the customer as it does not affect the electrical performance of the device. Reliability NASA has published reports indicating that a large percentage of “small-sats” are dead on arrival or cease operation much before the expected life. Using more reliable devices suited for the harsh environments of space will help with assuring mission success. Narrative: Intersil feels there is market for Radiation Tolerant ICs for these next generation constellations satellites for the following reasons: Cost: Using COTs devices require up screening before they are found suitable for space applications. Most notably tests needed are total ionizing dose (TID) possibly both high dose rate and low dose rate, and Single Events Effects testing. This testing is very expensive and what seemed a less expensive alternative can end up being very costly. Risk: Radiation testing and characterization of a COTs device today, does not indicate that the next lot of the COTs device will work – variations in fabrication or even change in manufacturing location can affect performance with regards to radiation tolerance. These changes are often not communicated to the customer by the commercial IC manufacturer as it does not affect the electrical performance of the device. Reliability: NASA has published reports indicating that a large percentage of small satellites are dead on arrival or cease operation much before the expected life. Using more reliable devices suited for the harsh environment of space will help assuring mission success. As a result Intersil is developing a family of Radiation Tolerant Plastic ICs as an alternative to using COTs devices. During development, an Intersil radiation tolerant (RL) IC goes through TID testing and SEE testing during the characterization of the IC. The results of the TID testing and SEE testing are included in the data sheet for the part. June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

16 Radiation Tolerant Plastic Product Line Qualification Criteria
One time characterization to 30krad(Si) at a dose rate of ≤10mrad/sec. SEE characterization for destructive and transient events 2 lot temperature characterization to -55C and +125C To set datasheet limits Automotive “like” qualification 2000 hours of life test Moisture resistance test (MRT) 500 Temperature Cycles (-55C to +125C) Unbiased HAST Biased HAST 1000 hour Storage life +125C latch-up and ESD Surface mount leaded packages with NiPdAu finish The Intersil Radiation Tolerant Plastic Product Line Qualification Criteria is as follows: Read the Chart. Ni: nickle Pd: Pallidum Au: Gold June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

17 Intersil Radiation Tolerant (RL) Plastic Products Initiative
RL Plastic Parts Current Released: ISL71026MVZ 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver – 14Ld TSSOP Package ISL71001MNZ 6A Buck Regulator with Intergrated MOSFETs – 64Ld TQFP Package ISL71444MVZ Quad Op-Amp – 14Ld TSSOP Package RL Plastic Parts to Release in Q3 of 2017: (Samples and Preliminary Datasheets Available) ISL71010BMB25Z 2.5V Precision Voltage Reference – Package: 8Ld SOIC ISL71010BMB50Z 5.0V Precision Voltage Reference – Package: 8Ld SOIC ISL71218MBZ Dual Op-Amp – Package: 8Ld SOIC Future RL Plastic Parts: ISL71003M High Efficient 3A Buck Regulator – Package: 12Ld DFN ISL71915M Nano Power RRIO Comparator – Package: 6Ld SOT23 ISL7170xM and ISL71610M Digital Isolators – Package: TBD ISL71123M Single Supply SPDT Switch – Package: TBD Narrative: June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

18 New Released or In Development Signal Chain Products

19 RH Space Precision Analog Products Roadmap
ISL70218SEH 290µV VOS Dual Op Amp ISL70417SEH 5V–36V Precision Quad Op Amp 110µV Offset ISL70x44SEH Dual and Quad Rail-to-Rail I/O Op Amps ISL70419SEH ISL70219SEH SET Enhanced Precision Op Amp ISL70481SEH 3V – 36V Ultra Low ICC, 200µA, Quad Op Amp ISL70130SEH 1.8V – 5.5V, RRIO Low Offset, 40µV, Op Amp Operational Amplifiers ISL70227SEH 100µV VOS Dual Op Amp ISL70517SEH ISL70617SEH In–Amp w/ ADC Driver ISL70480SEH Quad Rail-to-Rail Precision Comparator ISL70110SEH ISL70210SEH Single/Dual JFET Input Amplifiers Specialty Amplifiers ISL71590SEH Precision Temp Sensor Upgrade of AD590 ISL71090SEH Precision VREFs ISL70591SEH 100µA Current Source Sensors/ References ISL71091SEH Precision VREFs ISL70592SEH 1mA Current Source Here is the Intersil RH Space Precision Analog Products Roadmap. The final portion of my presentation will cover the three parts that our circled. The In-Amp w/ ADC driver family, the 5V Low Ron multiplexer family, and the current source family. The IN Amp and Multiplexers have been released the current sources are in development. ISL71840SEH ISL71841SEH 30V 16/32 Ch Mux P-t-P HS-1840A ISL7202xSEH 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver Family ISL71830SEH ISL71831SEH 5V 16/32 Ch Mux Low 100Ω RON ISL71842SEH ISL71843SEH 30V 16/32 Ch Mux Single Supply Multiplexer/ Interface 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Key Released Development Planned Concept June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

20 ISL70x17SEH | Instrumentation Amplifiers w/ Integrated ADC Driver
Key Specifications & Features Wide supply range ±4V to ±18V Excellent CMRR and PSRR (120dB) Ultra low offset voltage (30µV) Very low input bias current 200pA 5.5MHz closed loop BW (AV = 0.1) Radiation Tolerance 75krad(Si) LDR SEB LETTH = 60MeV∙cm2/mg Benefits Integrated Rail to Rail ADC driver maximizes dynamic range Ability to attenuate and gain for added flexibility RSENSE Kelvin connection to improve gain accuracy Split input and output supplies eliminates protection diodes Typical Application Diagram Gain range from 0.1 to 10,000 ISL70517SEH = Single Ended Output ISL70617SEH = Differential Output Narrative: There are two parts in the ISL70x17SEH “Instrumentation Amplifier with Integrated ADC Driver” family. The ISL70517SEH and ISL70617SEH. The 517 has a singled ended output while the 617 has a differential output. The parts come in a 24Ld ceramic flat-pack package. The parts have a wide supply range of +/-4V to +/-18V. They have a programmable gain range of 0.1 to 10,000. They feature excellent CMRR and PSRR and ultra low offset voltage and very low input bias current. They are radiation acceptance tested to a low dose rate of 75krad(Si). They are SEB tested to an LET of 60MeV. The parts feature an Integrated Rail to Rail ADC driver output stage that can be powered from a different supply voltage than the input state, which allows the output of the IN Amp to be powered from the same supply of the ADC to be able to maximize the dynamic range of the ADC. They have the ability to attenuate and gain for added flexibility. Evaluation Boards are available. Intersil data sheet, SMD, Evaluation board documentation, Pspice model, radiation reports both ELDRs and SEE, and a white paper are available at the Intersil web site. Package = 24 ld. CDFP June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

21 Typical Data Acquisition Diagram
System Block Diagram: Signal with high VCM is gained and level shifted to maximize ADC range Signal attenuated and level shifted to eliminate ADC overdrive June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

22 ISL7183xSEH | 16 & 32 CHANNEL 5V Analog MULTIPLEXERS
Key Specifications Operating Single Supply Range: 3V to 5.5V Low input switch leakage 30nA (max) 40ns (typ) propagation delay Very low on resistance 40Ω (typ) High ESD 5kV on all pins Radiation Tolerance 75krad(Si) LDR SEB LETTH = 60MeV∙cm2/mg Benefits Ideal for N+1 applications with cold spare capability True transmission gate for rail to rail operation SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up Fault tolerant with I/O over-voltage protection rON vs. Common Mode Voltage ISL71830SEH = 16 Channel in 28 ld. CDFP ISL71831SEH = 32 Channel in 48 ld. CQFP Narrative: There are two parts in the ISL7183xSEH single supply 5V multiplexer family. The ISL71830SEH and ISL71831SEH. The 830 is a 16 channel mux while the 831 is a 32 channel mux. The parts operate over a single supply range of 3V to 5.5V. They have a low Ron of 40ohms and low switch leakage of 30nA max . The have fast propagation delay time of 40ns and high ESD of 5kV on all pins. They are radiation acceptance tested to a low dose rate of 75krad(Si). They are built in an SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up and are SEB tested to an LET of 60MeV. They feature cold spare capability, over-voltage protection, and rail to rail operation. Evaluation Boards are available. Intersil data sheet, SMD, Evaluation board documentation, Pspice model, radiation reports both ELDRs and SEE, and a white paper are available at the Intersil web site. June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

23 5V Analog Multiplexer Competitive Analysis
Parameter Aeroflex RHD5921 RHD8544 Northrop NGCL3590 Honeywell HMXMUX01 Intersil ISL71830SEH ISL71831SEH Channels 16 8 32 Abs. Max Range 6.0V 7.0V 7.5V 6.5V Operating Range 3.3V to 5.0V 5.0V 4.75V to 5.25V 3.0V to 5.5V Supply Current (Enabled) 5mA 1.6 mA 0.5mA 0.7mA 0.0003mA Digital Input Currents 50 nA 1000 nA 10,000 nA 100 nA Rail-To-Rail Yes No Switch Input Leakage Current 500 nA 15nA 30 nA Switch Input Leakage Current (OV) - 1µA Switch Output Leakage Current 50nA 5µA 150 nA Address to Output Delay 3.0µs 200 ns 600 ns 120 ns 70 ns Enable to Output Delay 2.5µs 40 ns RDSON 1000 Ω 60 Ω 120 Ω Enable Active Low? Output Buffer LDR ELDRS Immune 75krad RHA ESD (HBM) 4 kV 1 kV 0.25 kV 5 kV Package 24 Ld SOIC 28 Ld CQFP 28 Ld CFP 16 Ld CFP 48 Ld CQFP June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

24 ISL7059xSEH | RH Precision Current Sources
Key Specifications Wide operating supply range: 3V to 40V High initial accuracy: ±0.5% ISL70591SEH = 100µA ISL70592SEH = 1mA Low temperature coefficient: 2.5nA/°C Radiation Tolerance 100krad(Si) HDR & 75krad(Si) LDR SEB LETTH = 86MeV∙cm2/mg Benefits High output impedance to reject variations in supply Ultra low noise to improve system accuracy SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up Completely floating, no supply or ground connections Applications: Sensor Excitation Biasing Circuitry Low Voltage References Ramp Generators Accuracy from 25C to 125C accuracy is +/- 0.1%. ROUT=290MOHM Noise iN <50pA per sqrt Hz ISL70591SEH = 100uA (99.5uA to 100.5uA) +/-0.1%: 99.9uA to 100.1uA ISL70592SEH = 1mA (0.995mA to 1.005mA) +/-0.1%: 0.999mA to 1.001mA Narrative: Presently in development is the ISL7059xSEH family of rad hard Precision Current Sources. The family consist of two parts, the ISL70591SEH 100uA part and the ISL710592SEH 1mA part. These are two pin floating type current source, that come in a 4Ld ceramic flatpack package. They operate over a wide supply range of 3V to 40V. The parts have high accuracy of +-0.5% and a low temperature coefficient. They will be radiation acceptance tested to high dose rate of 100krad(Si) and low dose rate acceptance tested to 75krad(Si). They are built in an SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up and will SEB tested to an LET of 86MeV. /PROTO parts will be available in Q3 of 2017 and redline released in Q2 of 2018. Package = 4 ld. CDFP /PROTO = Q3 2017 Release = Q2 2018 June 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

25 Intersil Confidential Information
March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

26 Back Up Slides

27 Phase 1 & 2 Product Roadmap
ISL71001M | 6A Synchronous Buck Regulator ISL71026M | 3.3V CAN Bus Transceiver ISL71444M | Quad RRIO Op Amp ISL71010M25 | 2.5V Precision Voltage Reference ISL71010M50 | 5.0V Precision Voltage Reference ISL71218M | Dual Precision Op Amp ISL71001M Samples 8/1/2016 ISL71444M Samples 11/10/2016 2016 2017 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3 2017 8/25/2016 4/7/2017 ISL71026M Samples ISL71010M25/ISL71010M50 Samples ISL71218M Samples March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

28 ISL71026M | Radiation Tolerant CAN Bus Transceiver
Key Specifications Operating Supply Range: 3V to 3.6V Low Operating current: 7mA Compatible to ISO Bus fault protection up to ±20V Loopback and listen mode Package 5mm x 4.4mm , 14-lead TSSOP Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Ideal for N+1 applications with cold spare capability Selectable rise/fall times for optimal bus performance Wide common mode range to allow for ground shifts March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

29 ISL71001M | Radiation Tolerant 6A Synchronous Buck Regulator
Key Specifications Vin Range: 3V to 5.5V Vout Range: 0.6V to 85% of Vin Up to 94% Efficiency 1% output voltage accuracy Input UVLO, Output UVLO, & OCP Protection Package 10mm x 10mm, 64-lead QFP with e-pad Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Redundant control loop for class leading SET performance Ease of use: Integrated MOSFETs and compensation 1MHz switching frequency for reduced filter size Efficiency with 5V Input March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

30 ISL71444M | Radiation Tolerant Quad Operational Amplifier
Key Specifications Operating supply range: 2.7V to 40V Low supply current: 1.1mA 19MHz Gain Bandwidth Product Very low VOS: 300µV High slew rate: 60V/µs Package 5mm x 4.4mm, 14-lead TSSOP Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Rail-to-rail input and output to maximize dynamic range SET recovery <5µs eliminates external filtering SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

31 ISL70090M25 | Radiation Tolerant 2.5V Precision Voltage Reference
Key Specifications Operating supply range: 4V to 30V Low supply current: 930µA Very low noise: 2.2µVP-P (0.1Hz to 10Hz) High initial accuracy: ±0.05% Output current capability: 20mA Package 5mm x 4mm, 8-lead SOIC Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Low noise to improve system accuracy Ideal for application requiring high DC precision SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

32 ISL70090M50 | Radiation Tolerant 5.0V Precision Voltage Reference
Key Specifications Operating supply range: 7V to 30V Low supply current: 930µA Ultra low noise: 1.1µVP-P (0.1Hz to 10Hz) High initial accuracy: ±0.05% Output current capability: 20mA Package 5mm x 4mm, 8-lead SOIC Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Low noise to improve system accuracy Ideal for application requiring high DC precision SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

33 ISL71218M | Radiation Tolerant Dual Operational Amplifier
Key Specifications Operating supply range: 3V to 36V Very Low supply current: 850µA 3.2MHz Gain Bandwidth Product Ultra low VOS: 40µV Below-ground (V- ) input capability to -0.5V Package 5mm x 4mm, 8-lead SOIC Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Rail-to-rail output to maximize dynamic range Rail-to-rail differential VIN range for comparator applications SOI process to eliminate single event latch-up March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

34 Phase 3 & 4 Product Roadmap
ISL71003M | 3A Synchronous Buck Regulator ISL71915M | 5V RRIO Comparator ISL71710/1/2M | 5V Digital Isolator ISL71610M | Digital Isolator with Passive Input ISL71123M | Single Supply SPDT Switch ISL71003AM Samples 8/1/2017 ISL711230M 1/30/2018 2017 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2018 Q3 Q4 2019 8/25/2017 12/6/2017 ISL71915M Samples ISL71710/1/2M25 Samples ISL71610M Samples March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

35 ISL71003M | Highly Efficient 3A Synchronous Buck Regulator
Key Specifications 5V operating voltage Very low quiescent supply current: 4.5mA 500kHz switching frequency 800mV ± 1% voltage reference Package 3mm x 4mm, 12-lead DFN Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Small package reduces solution footprint External compensation option to optimize design performance DCM operation for increased light load efficiency March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

36 ISL71915M | Nano Power, RRIO Comparator
Key Specifications Operating voltage: 1.8V to 5.5V Very low active supply current: 600nA Rail-to-rail input and output Propagation delay: 150µs Package 2.9mm x 1.6mm, 6-lead SOT23 Benefits Radiation tolerant to 30krad(Si) & SEE characterized Small package reduces solution footprint Rail-to-rail input and output maximizes dynamic range Excellent SET response reduces externally filtering March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

37 Intersil Confidential Information
Cold Spare Capability Reliability is an essential requirement in space applications and single point failures must be avoided To achieve a high reliable communication system a node will use two CAN transceivers in parallel One transceiver will be active while the other transceiver will be a cold spare (in a powered down condition) The cold spare transceiver gets used if the active transceiver malfunctions Intersil CAN transceivers when in the powered off state does not affect the communication on the bus and present a high impedance between the bus and the system supply rail > 2MΩ (typical) March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

38 Total Ionizing Dose Performance
Intersil CAN transceivers are wafer by wafer tested to 75krad(Si) All test are performed per MIL-STD-883, TM1019 and used a dose rate of 10mrad(Si)/s 24 devices of each type were irradiated up to 75krad(Si) followed by an anneal (168 hrs, 100°C) All devices were bin 1 compliant after testing was complete March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

39 Single Event Effects (SEE) Performance
Destructive SEE test summary No SEL (single event latch-up) or SEB (single event burnout) for ions with 86MeV•cm2/mg while operating at or below the voltages of VCC = 5.5V and bus common-mode voltages of ±18V. Single Event Transients (SET) summary No SET detected for LET = 2.7MeV•cm2/mg (no bit errors at 1Mbps). No missing bits but glitches on transition bits at 1Mbps and fast slew with LET = 20MeV•cm2/mg to a cross section of 4x10-7 cm2 Only single bit errors at 1Mbps and fast slew with LET = 43MeV•cm2/mg to a cross section of 4x10-6 cm2 SET was defined as any transition in the receiver output for static biasing conditions and any received bit outside of 40% to 60% duty-cycle for a 50% transmitted bit stream (250kHz and 500kHz) SET testing results shows for a geosynchronous mission a part would experience a transmit error to heavy ion exposure no more than once every 11 years. March 2017 Intersil Confidential Information

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