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Energy Dependence of the Mean Charged Multiplicity in Deep Inelastic Scattering with ZEUS at HERA
Michele Rosin University of Wisconsin, Madison Thesis Defense, Madison WI Jan. 27th, 2006
Standard Model Fermions Matter made of fermions: quarks or leptons
Quarks (colored) Flavor Mass (GeV/c2) Charge (Q/e) u 0.003 +2/3 d 0.006 -1/3 c 1.3 s 0.1 t 175 b 4.3 Matter made of fermions: quarks or leptons Each particle has anti-particle with opposite quantum numbers Quarks carry color “charge” Four fundamental forces Electromagentic (EM) force Weak force Strong force Gravity Leptons (not colored) Flavor Mass (GeV/c2) Charge (Q/e) νe < 1x 10-8 e 5.11 x 10-3 -1 νμ < μ 0.106 ντ <0.02 τ 1.7771 Quantum number: any one of a set of numbers used to specify the full quantum state of any system in Quantum Mechanics. Quarks and leptons electrically charged (pos neg) Quarks colored: not visible light but analogy to color mixing. Color + anti color = colorless (3 colors or anti col too)
Standard Model (II) Bosons
Force Types Mass(GeV) Charge (Q/e) Color γ (photon) Electromagnetic 1 No W± Weak 2 80.4 ±1 Z0 91.187 g (gluon) Strong 8 Yes Strength of forces determined by coupling constant (αEM and αs) forces mediated by exchange of bosons: γ, W±, Z0,g Gravity described at macroscopic scale by general relativity. very weak, neglected in high energy particle physics Quantum Electrodynamics (QED): theory of EM, combined with weak Electro-weak theory Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD): theory of strong interaction Combined theories Standard Model Strength of the forces determined by coupling constant. In QFT, forces mediated by bosons (read table) EM massless photon Weak Z and W, superscripts denote elec charge Strong (binds quarks together into colorless hadrons) gluons 8 types Gluons: no mass, or charge, carry color charge self interaction
Particle Scattering Study structure of proton Scattering via probe
Wavelength Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) – Q2 large High energy lepton transfers momentum to a nucleon via probe h : Plank’s Constant Q2: related to momentum of probe probe lepton The effective probe of proton is the virtual exchanged photon The resolving power … The degree of structure revealed increases… rp>h/2 = 6.6 E –22 MeV s Q2=40,000 GeV2 Q=200 GeV = 200e3MeV Ћc=197 MeV fm 197/200000= fm Size of proton ~ 1 fm HERA Q2 Range ~ 40,000GeV2 HERA can probe to ~ fm
Kinematic Variables Virtuality of exchanged photon
remnant e(k) e’(k’) p(P) (q) q’ Virtuality of exchanged photon Inelasticity: 0 y 1 Fraction of proton momentum carried by struck parton x 1 = Center of mass energy of the ep system Virtuality is square of four momentum transferred from the scattered positron to the photon. Larger Q2 means more virtual photon In proton rest frame, y is fraction of energy lost by interacting positron Y=0: completely elastic, electron gives no energy to proton, final state hadrons low energy, low angle Y=1; completely inelastic X is fraction of proton momentum carried by the part of the proton that participated in the interaction s = (p + k)2 , 4 momentums, so this equals 2p dot k = 4EeEp Center of mass energy of the *P system Only two independent quantities
History of DIS, QPM
QCD Theory QCD Quantum Chromodynamics
Strong force couples to color and is mediated by the gluon Gluon permits momentum exchange between quarks Gluons create quarks through pair production Color confinement: free partons are not observed, only colorless objects -hadrons Parton distribution function (PDF) gives probability of finding parton with given momentum within proton (experimentally determined) Experiments--NQPM isn’t whole story Quarks interact w/each other via strong force Strong force mediated by gluon Gluon carries color No naturally occurring particles have color— Only observe colorless hadrons Graphs The PDF’s are experimentally determained QCD is non-Abelian theory with SU(3) synmmetry
QCD Scale Running of aS Perturbative QCD (pQCD) Nonperturbative QCD
Leading Order (LO) Next to Leading Order (NLO) A = A0 + A1aS + A2aS2 +... HERA DIS Data: Running of aS(m) Running of aS As scale m increases, aS(m) decreases (m = ET or Q) Perturbative QCD (pQCD) Small aS(m) (hard scale) Series expansion used to calculate observables Nonperturbative QCD Large aS(m) (soft scale) Series not convergent The strong coupling constant-not a constant at all… Scale= time/distance; small scale, short times, small distances, hard process large scale, long times, large distance, soft process Each vertex contributes sqrt. Cross section goes as scattering amplitude squared
From Partons to Hadrons
hard scattering parton showers hadronization Hard scattering: large scale (short distance) perturbative process Parton showers: initial QCD radiation of partons from initial partons Hadronization: colorless hadrons produced from colored partons soft process (large distance) - not perturbatively calculable phenomenological models and experimental input PS is governed by pQCD Parton Showers are QCD predictable once you have set a scale
Multiplicity and Energy Flow
The hard scattering process determines the initial distribution of energy Parton Shower + Hadronization determine the number of charged particles produced Measure mean number of charged particles produced, (mean charged multiplicity, <nch>), versus the energy available for production of final state hadrons, study the mechanisms of hard scattering, parton showers and hadronization First I have a hard process that determines… Then we have the PS and Had that determine… SO I would like to measure the mean num of charged particles, and see how it depends on the energy available for hadron production. Hadronization happens at a scale where s becomes large so cannot be treated perturbatively Studies have led to phenomenological models to describe hadronization which are universal Universality of the hadronization process can be tested by comparison with data from e+e- and hadron colliders.
Hadronic center of mass (HCM) frame
Hadronic center of mass energy is W Definition of HCM frame Ecms Nphoton region =W E Ecms/2 Nproton region p g* Nphoton region vs W Forward moving particles: photon hemisphere Backward moving particles: proton hemisphere Incoming photon and proton E= W/2 Final state: both hemispheres E=W/2 This is the hcm frame this is collision if gam and p you have th epho and pro hemis and here we can measure the pho hemi multiplic vs w Since we’ve explored the Breit frame, we move to the HCM frame, you see in hcm frame you have gamma p interaction as shown, and the energy of the system is w. What is important is after the interaction the particles go in 2 directions: one is proton region and is photon region, the energy of the system will be divided equally into 2 portions, similar to an e+e- collision. So now we would like to plot the number of particles in the photon region vs the hadronic center of mass energy, w.
Breit Frame “Brickwall” frame: incoming quark scatters off photon and returns along same axis Breit Frame definition: pZ<0: current region, pZ>0: target region Current region of Breit Frame is analogous to single hemisphere e+e-: diagrams are similar above dashed line In e+e- pair of quarks produced back to back with E=√s/2 each of them equiv. to the struck quark of E=Q/2 in DIS. For testing the universality, I need a frame where I can compare e+e- and ep directly So move to Breit frame… Z=0 separates current from target region, Longitudinal momentum = 0 ZEUS data must be multiplied by 2 when comparing to e+e-, because in e+e- there are two quarks hadronizing, in ep just 1. So my current region in BF is same as either hemisphere for e+e-. (in e+e- both hemispheres are same) Mean charged multiplicity has been measured for various initial state interactions, e+e-, pp, ep DIS, and fixed target DIS, in both Breit and HCM frames
Previous Measurements: Multiplicity in e+e- and pp
pp vs. √q2had pp vs. √spp pp Il Nuovo Cimento 65A N3 (1981) 404 Start with mean multiplicity for e+e- and pp. Here is e+e- annhilation, and a plot of multiplicity for ee vs. the scale is sqrt s, (inv. Mass of ee collisions). In pp tried sqrt of s using whole energy of incoming protons, plotted number charged particles vs this scale, for three different values of sqrt s. Points are below ee data. So, tried to correct for leading effects: A certain amt of energy doesn’t contribute, and it is taken out by leading protons. Q2 had as shown here corresponds to inv. Mass of system that was created within the detector, (one should keep in mind the sqrt s for e+e- is also inv. Mass). And when multiplicity for pp is plotted against q2had, the data lie on top pf the e+e- points So based on this study it was suggested that hadronization has universal behvior for the inv. Mass (energy). To check: is it still true in ep collision. Energy available for particle production Agreement between e+e- and pp plotted vs.
Previous Measurements: Multiplicity vs. Q in Breit frame ep DIS
Current region Breit frame multiplicity vs. Q2 (hemisphere) shown along with e+e- data (whole sphere divided by 2) Consistent with e+e- data for high Q2 disagreement at Q2< 80 GeV2 ep has gluon radiation whereas e+e- does not– possible source of disagreement at low Q2 ?? Here we show the results of a previous ZEUS measurement of the multiplicity measured in the CRBF vs. Q2 shown as solid spheres, and multiplicity vs. sqrt s for various e+e- experiments. You can see that If you plot all e+e- data together as multiplicity vs cm energy(e+e-) then they nicely lie on top of each other. And assuming that current region of the BF is half of e+e-, ZEUS points can be plotted as twice the multiplicity vs. Q (thou in this plot vice-vesra). The main feature is the following; it looks as though ep multiplicity agrees with e+e- for middle region of Q but disagrees at lower values. The current studies of multiplicity at ZEUS are devoted to studies of the current and target regions and the comparisons between them. The first strp toward that end is thinking if the q2 is the proper scale to compare ep and e+e- data. European Physics Journal C11 (1999)
Measurement vs. W in HCM frame
Zeitschrift für Physik C72 (1996) 573 ep DIS vs. W compared to fixed target DIS experiments and e+e- prediction similar rate of increase with W for ep and e+e-
Present Analysis Study energy dependence of <nch> in
photon region of HCM frame compared to e+e-, pp and previous DIS Breit Frame: current and target regions expected to behave similarly to one hemisphere of e+e-: previous results show disagreement at low energies: we use total energy in current region of Breit frame as a scale for comparison with e+e- Laboratory frame: in bins of X and Q2 Propose an alternative energy scale, the effective mass of hadronic system, Meff compared <nch> in different regions of Breit and HCM frames for ep DIS
Unique opportunity to study hadron-lepton collisions
HERA Description 920 GeV p+ (820 GeV before 1999) 27.5 GeV e- or e+ 318 GeV cms Equivalent to a 50 TeV Fixed Target Instantaneous luminosity max: 1.8 x 1031 cm-2s-1 220 bunches 96 ns crossing time IP~90mA p Ie~40mA e+ H1 ZEUS HERA Circumference: 6336 m Synchrotron radiation is lin. pol. in plane of acceleration. Mean energy loss per revolution: for Electrons: ~8MeV Fixed target: ECM=S=2E1m2 Colliding Beam: ECM = S=4E1E2 Luminosity: L =f n1 n2/4 xy N1,n2 number of particles in bunch f=frequency xy characterize beam profiles in horizontal and vertical direction ~1011 Protons/Bunch ~3.5x1010 e/Bunch Current: 1.6x10-19 q/C Vacuum Pressure: 3x10-11 Torr e+ beam: T B field P beam: 4.65 T B field Spaces left in beam so kicker magnets can dump beam, study beamgas Sokholov-Ternov Effect: e- polarized with spin antiparallel to dir. of bending field (transverse) DESY Hamburg, Germany Unique opportunity to study hadron-lepton collisions
ZEUS Luminosities (pb-1)
HERA Data Luminosity upgrade 5x increase in Luminosity expect 1 fb-1 by end of For this beginning study I looked at the 96 data, which is ~12pb-1 ZEUS Luminosities (pb-1) # events (106) Year HERA ZEUS on-tape Physics e-: 93-94, 98-99 27.37 18.77 32.01 e+: 94-97, 99-00 165.87 124.54 147.55
50 TeV Fixed Target Experiment
HERA Kinematic Range Q2 = sxy 0.1 < Q2 < GeV2 10-6 < x < 0.9 Equivalent to a 50 TeV Fixed Target Experiment SVX- shifted vertex: shift vtx toward FCAL,a lower angle track will still hit the RCAL so can go into lower Q2 BPT-Beam Pipe Tracker: Cal behind the RCAL, if e scatters at low angle & misses the RCAL can still go into the beam pipe calorimeter, so can go to lower Q2 Also added Beam Rotators Curved portions follow a line of constant scatterd electron angle for yellow green: follow a line of constant E (27.5)
General Purpose Detector
ZEUS Detector Electron 27.5GeV Missing ET implies a E loss by heavy charged particles Inelastic w/ e- of atoms Elastic w/ nuclei E loss by e- Collision – ionization Radiative loss – bremsstrahlung 1/(m2c4) General Purpose Detector Almost hermetic Measure ep final state particles: energy, particle type and direction
Central Tracking Detector
p View Along Beam Pipe Side View Drift Chamber inside 1.43 T Solenoid Can resolve up to 500 charged tracks Average event has ~20-40 charged tracks Determine interaction vertex of the event Measure number of charged particles (tracks) Region of good acceptance: < η < 1.75 R= p/qB R=mv/qB relativistic Filled with Ar(84.3%) CO2(8.4%) ethane(6.8%) ethanol(0.5%)
Uranium-Scintillator Calorimeter
alternating uranium and scintillator plates (sandwich calorimeter) = = 5.7o = -3.0 = 174.3o Positrons 27.5 GeV Protons 820 GeV compensating - equal signal from hadrons and electromagnetic particles of same energy - e/h = 1 Energy resolution e/Ee= 18% / E h/Eh= 35% / E , E in GeV Rapidity important because changes in rapidity are invariant under Lorentz boosts along the beam direction. Pseudorapidity Rapidity for m=0, =1. Rapidity. Calculate angles from the Energy and longitudinal momenta Y=1/2 log (E + pz/E – pz) Depleted Uranium, is 99.8% U238, 0.25% U235, and 0.001% U234 by Mass, Natural U has 0.72%U235 So ours is depleted of U235 e/h = 1 Important for me, don’t need a lot of corrections to get energy flow Calorimeter: EMC Depth : HAC Depth FCAL : 1 : 6 (6 nuclear interaction lengths) BCAL : 1 : 4 RCAL : 1 : 3 =1 absorption length = 25 radiation lengths for electromagnetic particles Depth of FCAL > RCAL due to Ep > Ee Used for measuring energy flow of particles. covers 99.6% of the solid angle
ZEUS Trigger First Level Second Level Third Level
107 Hz Crossing Rate,105 Hz Background Rate, 10 Hz Physics Rate First Level Dedicated custom hardware Pipelined without deadtime Global and regional energy sums Isolated m and e+ recognition Track quality information Second Level “Commodity” Transputers Calorimeter timing cuts E - pz cuts Vertex information Simple physics filters Third Level Commodity processor farm Full event info available Refined Jet and electron finding Advanced physics filters Commodity = bought from a store, as opposed to CFLT’s custom hardware Pipelined without deadtime: A perfect data acquisition system would be able to readout all the data from all the detectors w/o any deadtime due to inability to read the data from a previous event before the next event is taken. The ZEUS system buffers the data from each event in a pipeline for 5us before the level one decision. Because every event is pipelined the FLT can select events with almost no deadtime
Modeling DIS with Monte Carlo
Hadronization Models String Fragmentation (Lund) Cluster Model Event generators use algorithms based on QCD and phenomenological models to simulate DIS events Hard subprocess: pQCD Parton Cascade Hadronization Detector Simulation correct for detector effects: finite efficiency, resolutions & acceptances Next slide Parton Level Hadron Level Detector Simulation Factorization scale, where hadronization begins Parton Cascades LO Matrix Element + Parton Showers (MEPS) Color Dipole Model (CDM) Next slide PDFs
Monte Carlo models: parton cascades and hadronization
Models for parton cascades: Color Dipole Model: Parton Shower Model: Gluons are emitted from the color field between quark-antiquark pairs, supplemented with BGF processes. cascade of partons with decreasing virtuality continuing until a cut-off LEPTO HERWIG ARIADNE Hadronization models: Lund String Model: Cluster Fragmentation Model: color "string" stretched between q and q moving apart, string breaks to form 2 color singlet strings, and so on until only on-mass-shell hadrons. Since we are measuring the multiplicity the fragmentation and hadronization are playing an important role, therefore I would like to introduce the MC models that we are using for comparing to our data. The MC use different models for describing parton cascades and hadronization. The different parton shower models, shown here, are the Parton shower model used by LEPTO and HERWIG and the CDM used by ARIADNE. In the PS model we have cascades of partons with descreasing virtuality continuing until a cut off of around 1GeV. In the CDM gluons are emitted from the color field between quark-antiquark pairs and we have a chain of independently radiating color dipoles with the 1st dipole between the struck quark and the proton remnant. After the parton shower we have hadronization, where there is the LSM used by LEPTO and ARIADNE and CFM used by HERWIG. In the LSM hadrons are created from a color sting that is stretched between 2 quarks moving apart and in the CFM color singlet clusters of neighboring partons are formed and these then decay into hadrons. Using LEPTO, ARIADNE and HERWIG together we can check these different approaches for parton showers and hadronization. It is interesting to remind you that the Local Hadron Parton Duality approach that doesn’t require hadronization all. color-singlet clusters of neighboring partons formed Clusters decay into hadrons LEPTO HERWIG ARIADNE
Modeling Multi-parton Production
Model multiple parton emissions from partons produced in hard scattering Not possible to perform exact matrix element calculations Two approaches: Parton Shower and Color Dipole Model Parton Shower Model successive splitting process cascade of partons with decreasing virtuality cascade continues until a cut-off ~ 1 GeV2 How do we model emissions from partons produced in hard scattering? Two approaches: Radiations can also produce additional partons
Color Dipole Model Chain of independently radiating color dipoles
ep: first dipole between struck quark and proton remnant gluon induced processes are added in "by hand“ Subsequent gluon radiation eminates from dipoles spanned btwn the newly created color charges … Gluon induced hard scale processes are added in by hand DON’T SAY THIS: (just notes) or the gluon induced processes, half the time they assume q half time qbar. In contrast to the PS model it is not possible to distinguish from initial and state radiation, i.e. can’t reconstruct an evolution path
Hadronization Models Use phenomenological models because these processes aren’t calculable in pQCD – low scale Lund String Model and Cluster Fragmentation Models Start at low cut-off scale – set of partons from parton shower transformed into colorless hadrons Local parton-hadron duality Long distance process involving small momentum transfers Hadron level flow of momentum and quantum numbers follows parton level Flavor of quark initiating a jet found in a hadron near jet axis The hadronization process must be phe-nom–en-o-locically modeled due to the low scale of these processes, i.e. as is large and so they are not calculable in pQCD. Hadronization starts at low cut off scale… The models follow Local hadron parton duality, Proposes that the observed hadron distributions are proportional to the calculated parton distributions If your leading parton is a strange quark, then after the long distance hadronization process you will find a strange hadron within some small angular region in the direction on the original strange quark.
Lund String Fragmentation
color "string" stretched between q and q moving apart confinement with linearly increasing potential (1GeV/fm) string breaks to form 2 color singlet strings, and so on., until only on-mass-shell hadrons. Hadrons are formed when the string energy is too small to create further qqbar pairs
Cluster Fragmentation Model
preconfinement of color (after parton shower) non-perturbative splitting after parton shower color-singlet clusters of neighboring partons formed We group colored partons ion to colorless clusters, then these clusters decay into hadrons. Gluons are split non perturbatively into qqbar pairs, color neutral clusters are formed which decay into hadrons clusters decay into hadrons
1996-97 Data sample Event Selection
Scattered positron found with E > 12 GeV A reconstructed vertex with |Zvtx| < 50 cm Scattered positron position cut: radius > 25cm 40 GeV < E-pz < 60 GeV Diffractive contribution excluded by requiring ηmax> 3.2 Track Selection Tracks associated with primary vertex || < 1.75 pT > 150 MeV Physics and Kinematic Requirement Q2 da > 25 GeV2 y el < 0.95 y JB > 0.04 70 GeV < W < 225 GeV ( W2 = (q + p)2 ) For this initial study, I have looked at part of the 1996 data, And I used the following criteria to select my events. EVENT SELECTION: To ensure that the kinematic variables can be reconstructed with sufficient accuracy, I required a good positron be found coming from the vertex, I used a box cut to ensure that the positron is fully contained in the detector, And required the total E-pz to be near 55 Gev TRACK SELECTION: Trks associated with primary vtx, <+/-1.75, ensure tracks are in a region of high CTD acceptance, where detector response & systematics are well understood Pt>150, to ensure the track makes it thru the layers of the CTD KINEMATIC: Yel<.95 removes photoproduction Yjb>0.04 to guarentee accuracy for DA method (which is used to reconstruct Q2) The hadron angle depends on yjb, and the measurement of yjb is distorted bu Uranium noise in the cal for low yjb NOTES: E-pz. For e+ E=27.5, pz = since E2-p2=m2 and m=0, so = 55, for the proton, Ep=920, p=920, =0 Total e-pz = 55 GeV E-pz removes photoproduction (scattered e is missing, q2 is low=0, electron goes in beam pipe, Ee=0.) removes evnts w/ large radiative corrections (electron looses energy by radiating a big photon, so Ee is less than 27.5) E-pz calculated from cells Q2da calculated from cells Yjb calculated from cells
Analysis Method This analysis: Look at final state mean charged multiplicity, <nch>, and compare to other experiments to study similarities in particle production from different initial state particles.
Analysis Methods: Breit Frame
Investigate cause of disagreement between ep vs. Q and e+e- at low energies look more closely at comparison of one hemisphere e+e- and current region Breit frame ep: Split into Current and Target Region – one string two segments. In ep we have a color field between 2 colored objects the struck quark and the proton remnant When we use Q2 as a scale we are assuming the configuration is as symmetric as it is in e+e-, but it isn’t This asymmetric configuration leads to migration of particles from the current region to the target region Here you see FD with the gluon ladder, this is the current region in ep and this is the target region in ep. In other words, we have a color field between 2 colored objects, the struck quark and the proton remnant that is shown here. When we use q2 as a scale we assume the configuration is as symmetric as in e+e-, but we can see that that is not true. This assumption doesn’t work because the assymetric configuration leads to migration of particles from current region into target region. The simple example if such migration can be demonstrated here. Breit Frame diagram
Current region Breit Frame Q and 2*EBreit
Soft Contribution Hard Contribution e+e-: whole sphere ep: shaded region: current region of Breit frame QCD Compton In hard and soft processes gluon radiation occurs These gluons can migrate to target region Total energy in the current region of Breit frame and multiplicity are decreased due to these migrations (Q2 is not) Effect is more pronounced for low Q2 : more low energy gluons Must use 2*EBreit instead of Q for comparing with e+e- We can imagine 2 major contribution of migration of particles out of the CR as comp to e+e-. 1st soft contribution because of the parton shower mechanism where the gluons in the shower are produced with certain pt, because of this pt dependence on energy of the initial quark, some partons can escape the current region, as you can see in the figure it is not a problem for e+e- where we measure the whole sphere and the total number of particles will be the same but it is certainly a problem for ep because the number of particles will decrease while the scale, q, stays the same. Another type of migration is because of hard scattering in ep cascade (the typical diagram for this is QCD compton) where we have a gluon with energy comparable to the energy of the initial quark and this is shown here, so we can here also have migrations of particles out of CR. So it means that instead of scale q we need to use a scale that describes, not the expected, but the real energy on the current region of the Breit frame. So we can use the energy of all the particles that were found in the current region, and use it as a scale to investigate our multiplicity. So if there would be no migrations E=q over 2, but in case of migrations the energy will always be smaller than that. So to make comparisons between ep and e+e- we would need to plot 2*number of particles (again because ep is only ½ hemispere) vs. 2* E in the current region of the Breit frame. It is also important to note that 2*E is Lawerence invariant, exactly as sqrt s, or q. N < N expected No migrations: With migrations:
Monte Carlo study of 2*E/Q as a function of Q. Lower energies: Q doesn’t accurately reflect actual energy in hemisphere. Use 2*E as a scale for comparing to e+e-
Analysis Methods: photon hemishpere HCM frame
2*E/W as function of W Difference is negligable Want to measure dependence of <nch> on Minv as was done in Breit frame, Migrations here are small, so 2*Ephoton = W so use Minv = W as scale
Invariant Mass of Hadronic System
Measure hadronic final state within for best acceptance in the central tracking detector (CTD) Measure # charged tracks, reconstruct number of charged hadrons Measure invariant mass of the system (Meff) in corresponding Δη region. Energy is measured in the Calorimeter (CAL) I’ll start by explaining the experimental method used for this check. We want to measure the HFS within delta eta which corresponds to region of best CTD acceptance. We measure the number of charged tracks in the CTD because we want to reconstruct the number of charged hadrons. We measure the invariant mass of the system, Meff . Meff is calculated like this, using Energy measured in the corresponding delta eta region of the calorimeter. So then we can study the dependence of the number of charged hadrons on Meff. Used as a scale to compare: current and target regions of Breit frame current region Briet frame to photon region HCM CAL within the CTD acceptance Study: <nch> vs. Meff CTD
Correction to hadron level: matrix
Step 1: Correction Matrix: The matrix relates the observed to the generated distributions by: Step 2: Correction for acceptance of event selection cuts in the bins ρGEN :distribution with GEN level cuts ρDET :distribution with GEN level cuts Matrix corrects tracks to hadron level ρ corrects phase space to hadron level
Correction to hadron level: matrix
Example: current region of Breit frame vs. 2*E To illustrate average size of 1st part of correction: Mean matrix correction factor: range: average: ~1.2 Mean of C distributions: range: average: ~1.02
Correction to hadron level: modified bin-by-bin
Part one: correct to hadron level using only hadrons generated with pT > 0.15 GeV (Detector Effects) Part two: correct for hadrons with lower pT, using ratio of <gen> with pT cut to <gen> no pT cut in each bin. number distribution
Correction to hadron level: modified bin-by-bin
Example: lab frame vs. Meff Average correction for detector effects: <C1,i> range: average: ~1.1 Correction of hadrons of pT > 0.15 GeV to all hadrons Invariant Mass correction: normal bin-by-bin method: Average less than 2% range: average: ~1.05
Acceptance correction: Current region of Breit frame:
Visible Part Breit Frame: 95% of hadrons in current region visible in detector, only 30% of target region hadrons are visible All Hadrons Current Region Breit Frame Proton remnant Generated in visible part Multiplied by <nch> This plot shows the lab eta distribution of all the hadrons with the CRBF hadrons shown in blue. The vertical lines indicate the area that is visible in the detector. You can see that 90% of the CRBF hadrons are visible in the detector, where only 30% of all TRBF hadrons are visible. Can’t easily measure...
Acceptance correction: Photon region HCM
HCM Frame: 60-80% Photon region HCM frame contained in visible part of detector. larger corrections. Visible Part All Hadrons Photon Region HCM Frame Proton Region HCM Frame Correction factors for <nch> vs. W in photon region HCM frame: 1.78, 1.42, 1.26 Additional correction needed for Meff in HCM:calculated in bins of W, similar to hadron acceptance correction: Correction factors: 2.38, 1.73, 1.45 Applied on an event by event basis Here I show a similar plot as I showed for the Breit frame, here the total hadrons are divided into the photon and proton regions of the hadronic center of mass frame. The main advantage of the photon hemisphere is that it is well contained in our detector and our correction factors are not so big, and we can rely on our measurement.
Results <nch>
Comparison to other <nch> measurements at HERA
Comparison of ep DIS <nch> to other experiments
Measurement of multiplicity dependence on 2*Ecurrent compared to previous ZEUS measurement vs. Q, and to e+e- and pp data (<nch> is multiplied by 2 for comparison) 2*E gives better description of multiplicity at lower energy Current region understood, would also like to compare the target region of ep to e+e- but… Explain the features of the plot…
Correlated & Uncorrelated Systematics
Change Ee’ ± 1 GeV Radius Cut ± 1cm Q2 ± 2.25 GeV2 yJB ± .008 yel ± .05 Zvtx ± 15 cm W (upper) ± 15 GeV W (lower) ± 7 Gev E - pz ± 2 GeV CAL energy scale ± 3 % Main systematics here |
Summary and Conclusions
HFS investigated in NC ep DIS in range 25<q2 and 70< W< 225 in terms of <nch> , the center of mass energy, and the invariant mass, Meff 1st time, lower energy data of cr Breit frame shown to agree with e+e- and pp by using 2*E as energy scale <nch> in photon region HCM agree with e+e- Total energy region of analysis from 2 to 200 New energy variable used for comparison between diff e regions of ep HFS <nch> scales with Meff in the same way as 2*E in cr Breit frame, (and therefore also same as e+e-), <nch> in photon region HCM rises faster as a function of Meff than <nch> in current region BF. <nch> in photon region HCM show no dep. On x or Q
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