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School of Business Administration

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1 School of Business Administration
Software Engineering Spring Term 2016 Marymount University School of Business Administration Professor Suydam Week 8

2 Agenda for Week 8 March Class Plan
Case Study 3: Review/Discussion/Questions - All Database Planning - Reverse Engineer Chapter 9 Implementation Chapter 10 Testing & Quality Assurance

3 Plan for March Classes

4 Case Study 3 UML & Textbook Appendix C
MP3 App B UML Diagrams MP3 App A UML DFD

5 Case Study 3

6 Case Study 3 See link: Course Resources webpage> Software, Tutorials & Help>Week8

7 Reverse Engineer (Demonstration)
Must use MS Visio 2010 – features deprecated in Visio starting with 2013. Download Northwind Access Database ( Open Database Model Diagram template Select Database Tab Select Reverse Engineer tool Select Data Sources|MS Access Database|Next Select OK on UserID/Password dialog (no entry required) Navigate to Downloaded Nwinf.accdb and Select Check all “T:” boxes|Next |Next|Finish WebEx Demo

8 Reverse Engineer – Completed ER Diagram

9 Chapter 9 Implementation

10 Implementation: Characteristics (think of this in terms of writing a program)
Introduction Implementation: transforming detailed design into valid program Detailed design may be done as part of implementation Faster Less cohesive and less organized Writing code, unit testing, debugging, configuration management Good Implementations Readability Maintainability Performance Traceability Correctness Completeness Other issues: Relative importance ? Tradeoffs ? Coding Guidelines Organization-specific Important for consistency Programmers can get used to them easily Usually mandate: Indenting, formatting Naming conventions (for files, variables etc) Language features to use or avoid

11 Implementation: Style issues
Be consistent and highlight meaning Naming Convey meaning Be consistent Warning: If you can’t think of a good name chances are you don’t understand or the design can be improved Multicultural issues Separating words, capitalization c_uses_this_style JavaUsesThisOne Indentation and Spacing Function/Method size -- When is it too big ? When to break ? File naming Error prone constructs Comments Types: Repeat of the code Explanation of the code Marker in the code Summary of the code Description of the code intent External references Keep up to date !!

12 Implementation: Debugging & Assertions
Locating and fixing errors in code. Errors noticed by testing, inspection, use. Four phases Stabilization (reproduction) Localization Correction Verification Heuristics: Some routines will have many errors Routines with an error tend to have more New code tends to have more error Particular ones: languages, parts, coders Tools Code comparators Extended checkers Interactive debuggers Special libraries Others: Profilers, pre/post conditions, test coverage Assertions Pre-condition: condition your module requires in order to work Post-condition: condition that should be true if your module worked Assertion: Executable statement that checks a condition and produces an error if it is not met Assertions supported by many languages

13 Implementation: Performance Optimization & Refactoring
Performance tradeoffs Readability ? Maintainability ? Correctness is usually more important Profiler: runs a program and calculates how much time it spends on each part Cost-benefit analysis Measure before ‘optimizing’ Refactoring - Improving your code style without affecting its behavior “Bad Smells” Duplicated code Long method Large class Switch statement Feature envy Intimacy Refactorings Extract method Substitute algorithm Move method Extract class

14 Chap 9 Review Questions - Answers
1. List and explain in your own words three characteristics of a good software implementation. Ans: Readability; maintainability; performance; traceability; correctness; completeness. Page: 188 2. Briefly discuss the issues associated with naming variables and procedures in a program. Ans: Try to highlight the meaning of your code in the name of the variables and procedures for good identification of their purpose and to communicate to the reader of the code. Page: 189 3. List the four phases of the debugging process. Ans: Stabilization (or reproduction), Localization, Correction, and Verification. Page:

15 Chap 9 Review Questions -- Answers
4. True or false: You should always optimize your code for performance. Why? Ans: False – Do not worry about the performance of the code at the beginning of development. Correctness and maintainability are the main focus at first. After the program is finished, then turn attention to the performance. Page: 195 5. List three “bad smells” signaling that your code probably should be refactored. Ans: Duplicated code; long method; large class; switch statements; feature envy; inappropriate intimacy. Page: 196 6. List and briefly explain three of the refactorings mentioned in this chapter. Ans: Extract method – A process that turns a code fragment into its own method; substitute algorithm – A process that replaces the body of a method; move method – A process that moves an algorithm from one class to another where it makes more sense; extract class – a process that divides into two. Page:

16 Chapter 10 Testing & Quality Assurance

17 Quality Quality Assurance (QA): activities designed to measure and improve quality in a product --- and process Quality control (QC): activities designed to validate & verify the quality of the product through detecting faults and “fixing” the defects Verification: checking the software conforms to its requirements (did the software evolve from the requirements properly) Validation: checking software meets user requirements (fit to use) Error Detection Testing: executing program in a controlled environment and “verifying/validating” output Inspections and Reviews Formal methods (proving software correct) Static analysis detects “error-prone conditions”

18 Faults and Failures Error: a mistake made by a programmer or software engineer which caused the fault, which in turn may cause a failure Fault (defect, bug): condition that may cause a failure in the system Failure (problem): inability of system to perform a function according to its spec due to some fault Fault or Failure severity (based on consequences) priority (based on importance of developing a fix which is in turn based on severity)

19 Testing Activity performed for: Evaluating product quality
Improving products by identifying defects and having them fixed prior to software release. Dynamic (running-program) verification of program’s behavior on a finite set of test cases selected from execution domain Testing can NOT prove product works 100%- - - even though we use testing to demonstrate that parts of the software works Not always done ! Who tests Programmers Testers/Req. Analyst Users Why test Acceptance (customer) Conformance (standard, laws, etc.) Configuration (user vs. developer) Performance, stress, security, etc. What is tested Unit Code testing Functional Code testing Integration/system testing User interface testing How (test cases designed) Intuition Specification based (black box) Code based (white-box) Existing cases (regression))

20 Progression of Testing
Unit Test . Functional Test Component Test System/Regression Test

21 Equivalence Class Partitioning
Divide the input into several groups, deemed “equivalent” for purposes of finding errors. Pick one “representative” for each class used for testing. Equivalence classes determined by req./des. specifications and some intuition Equivalence class partitioning is most useful when the requirements are expressed as a series of conditions. It is less useful when the requirements seem to call for loops. For example, if we are testing a function that sums all the elements in an array or vector, it would be hard to decide what the equivalence classes are, and there will be much difference of opinion; however, the basic idea would still be useful.

22 Boundary Value Analysis (A Black-Box technique)
Past experiences show that “Boundaries” are error-prone Do equivalence-class partitioning, add test cases for boundaries (at boundary, outside, inside) Reduced cases: consider boundary as falling between numbers If boundary is at 12, normal: 11,12,13; reduced: 12,13 (boundary 12 and 13) Large number of cases (~3 per boundary) Note: This technique produces a large number of test cases, even if only the reduced ones are considered. In many cases you might need to reduce them even further by considering which cases are most important. However, do not let the number of test cases become an excuse for not conducting a thorough test. This technique is applicable only to ordinal variables—that is, those that can be sorted and organized in intervals. Without this organization there are no special values that can be recognized as boundaries. Fortunately, many programs deal mostly with this kind of data.

23 Path Analysis White-Box technique Two tasks
Analyze number of paths in program Decide which ones to test Decreasing coverage: Logical paths Independent paths Branch coverage Statement coverage

24 Linearly Independent Set of Paths

25 Total # of Paths and Linearly Independent Paths

26 Combinations of Conditions
Function of several related variables To fully test, we need all possible combinations (of equivalence classes) How to reduce testing: Coverage analysis Assess “important” (e.g. main functionalities) cases Test all pairs of relations (but not all combinations) If all combinations are considered, then there will be 18 different classes (3 x 3 x 2), which is not a small number of test cases. Using boundary value analysis, we may generate 12 cases for the age variable, 12 for the income variable, and 9 for the region variable. This would generate combinations of 12 x 12 x 9, or 1,296, cases, which is definitely a large number of test cases. Having more variables or more equivalence classes per variable complicates the problem even more. It is clear that, for integration and system testing, the number of test cases can easily reach thousands or tens of thousands of test cases.

27 Testing Unit Testing Test each individual unit
Usually done by the programmer Test each unit as it is developed (small chunks) Keep test cases/results around: 1) Allows for regression testing, 2) Facilitates refactoring, 3) Tests become documentation !! Test-Driven Development Write unit-test cases BEFORE the code ! Tests cases “are” / “becomes” requirements Forces development in small steps Steps: 1) Write test case & code, 2) Verify (it fails or runs), 3) Modify code so it succeeds, 4) Rerun test case, previous tests, 5) Refactor until (success and satisfaction)

28 Testing Defect Seeding Stop Testing Seed the program (component)
Generate and scatter with “x” number of bugs & do not tell the testers. - set a % (e. g. 95%) of seed bugs found as stopping criteria Suppose “y” number of the “x” seed bugs are found If (y/x) > (stopping percentage); stop testing If (y/x) ≤ (stopping percentage), keep on testing Get a feel of how many bugs may still remain: Suppose you discovered “u” non-seeded bugs through testing Set y/x = u/v ; v = (u * x)/y Then there is most likely (v-u) bugs still left in the software. Stop Testing Simple answer, stop when: 1) All planned test cases are executed, 2) All those problems that are found are fixed Other techniques: Stop when you are not finding any more errors Defect seeding -- test until all (or % of )the seeded bugs found NOT -- when you ran out of time -- poor planning!

29 Inspections and Reviews
Review: any process involving human testers reading and understanding a document and then analyzing it with the purpose of detecting errors Walkthrough: author explaining document to team of people Software inspection: detailed reviews of work in progress, following Fagan’s method. Inspection Steps Elements Planning Overview Preparation Rework Follow-Up Focused on finding defects Output: list of defects Team of: 3-6 people Author included People working on related efforts Moderator, reader, scribe

30 Inspections vs Testing & Formal Methods Summary
Partially Cost-effective Can be applied to intermediate artifacts Catches defects early Helps disseminate knowledge about project and best practices Finds errors cheaper, but correcting them is expensive Can only be applied to code Catches defects late (after implementation) Necessary to gauge quality

31 Formal & Static Methods Summary
Formal Methods Static Analysis Mathematical techniques used to prove that a program works Used for requirements/design/algorithm specification Prove that implementation conforms to spec Pre and Post conditions Problems: Require math training Not applicable to all programs Only verification, not validation Not applicable to all aspects of program (e.g. UI or maintainability) Examination of static structures of design/code for detecting error-prone conditions (cohesion --- coupling) Automatic program tools are more useful Can be applied to: Intermediate documents (but in formal model) Source code Executable files Output needs to be checked by programmer

32 Chap 10 Review Questions - Answers
1. Consider the diagram shown in Figure 10.8. a. How many logical paths are there? List them all. b. How many paths are required to cover all the statements? c. How many paths are required to cover all the branches? Ans: a. There are 4 logical paths. Path1: C1-S1-C2 Path2: C1-S1-C2-S3 Path3: C1-C2-S3 Path4: C1-C2 b. In this case 1 path, Path2: C1-S1-C2-S3, would cover all the statements. c. In this case 2 paths, Path1: C1-S1-C2 and Path2: C1-S1-C2-S3, would cover all the branches. Page:

33 Review Questions -- Answers
2. In code inspection, what would you set as the condition (e.g., how many discovered defects) for re-inspection? Ans: Both the number of problems found and the severity of the problems found would be used as criteria for re-inspection of any code. Possibly, the past history of the particular programmer whose work is been inspected could also add to the criteria. Page: 201 3. List the four techniques discussed to perform verification and validation. Ans: The four fundamental ones are: inspection/review, testing, formal prove of correctness, and static analysis. Page: 200

34 Review Questions -- Answers
4. List two techniques you can use to perform validation—that is, to ensure your program meets user requirements. Ans: Inspections and user evaluation test are used for validation of requirements. The confirmation of the correct software by the users of this software is the best validation. Page: 201 5. Briefly explain the concept of static analysis, and to which software products it can be applied. Ans: Static analysis, as reviews and inspections, examines the static structures of executable and non-executable with the aim of detecting errors and error-prone conditions. Some of the artifacts that static analysis applies are: intermediate documents such as design document source code executable files Page:

35 Review Questions -- Answers
6. Briefly explain two different ways to decide when to stop testing. Ans. One way is to use the ratio of seeded errors and real errors to discovered seeded errors to discovered real errors to project or estimate the number of real errors that may still be left. Use that estimate to decide if testing may be stopped. Another way is to observe the problem discovery rate and the accumulative number of problems discovered. As the accumulative problem discovered start to level off, then one may start to consider stop testing. Page: 7. Consider the simple case of testing 2 variables, X and Y, where X must be a nonnegative number, and Y must be a number between 25 and 15. Utilizing boundary value analysis, list the test cases. Ans: Assuming that the variables X and Y are independent, then: For variable X: we would have a test case for below boundary, -2.4, at the boundary, 0, and within the boundary, For variable Y: we would have a test case for below the boundary, -7.3, at the lower boundary, 15, within the boundary 20, at the upper boundary, 25, and above the upper boundary, Page:

36 Review Questions -- Answers
8. Describe the steps involved in a formal inspection process and the role of a moderator in this process. Ans: Inspection process goes through several steps: Planning for the inspection Presentation of the overview of the work product to be inspected Preparation for the inspection by the inspectors Examining or inspecting the material Rework of the defective areas in material Follow-up and close out Moderator is an important person that is appointed during the planning stage He/she will ensure that the inspection process is followed. Moderator also presides over the actual examination of the material and act as the adjudicator whenever necessary. Page: 9. What is the difference between performance testing and stress testing? Ans: In performance testing, the software is tested against the performance requirements set by the requirements (e.g. x number of transactions/minute) In Stress testing, the software is tested to see how and when it degrades beyond the performance criteria set by the requirements. Page: 204

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