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IEEE Standards University

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1 IEEE Standards University
James Irvine, Standards Education Committee Yatin Trivedi, Standards Education Committee Susan Tatiner, IEEE Standards Association Jennifer McClain, IEEE Educational Activities Year-end report 16 September 2016 Use no more than 10 slides to present in 15 minutes or less

2 Introduction The IEEE Standards University is a 3 year project. The NIC has funded years 1 and 2. This presentation focuses on year 2 achievements and requests year 3 funding. The IEEE Standards University is a multi-track initiative intended to greatly expand IEEE’s standards education content and resources for educators, students and professionals focusing on the development and use of standards; the impact of standards on business; an understanding of patents and standards; and the role of conformity assessment. The following are the 6 tracks within the IEEE Standards University On-Line University Experience Track (time frame: 1 year) Publication Track (time frame: 3 years) Standards Education Video Channel Track (time frame: 3 years) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Track (3 years) Standards Simulation Game Track (time frame: 2 years) Workshop Track (time frame: 3 years)

3 IEEE Standards University
James Irvine, Yatin Trivedi, Susan Tatiner, Jennifer McClain Project description: Multi-year project designed to expand IEEE’s standards education content and resources for students, educators, professionals. Developing content and resources on the development and use of standards; the impact of standards on business; understanding of patents and standards; and the role of conformity assessment. Key stakeholders: Faculty, students in engineering, business, law schools, young professionals; IEEE IT; IEEE EA and SA; IEEE Foundation; MGA Level of stakeholder engagement: X Success metrics: Title Start Planned finish Actual finish Status Collect feedback from participants of Standards Simulation Workshop at Capstone Design Conf and incorporate into Standards Game improvements June 2016 July 2016 Boxed game prototype and examples of assets created for the conference; feedback from attendees was incorporated into Game improvements. Complete Development of Standards Simulation Game Jan 2015 Dec 2016 All game assets created and under volunteer final review, including scripts for 2 intro videos; web page is complete and will be live as of 27 Sept; business plan outlined. Develop new workshop type aimed at Young Professionals Jan 2016 Oct 2016 Pilot workshop for Young Professionals happening in Oct 2016 at ICES in Frankfurt, Germany. To be model for new workshop. Milestones: Title Start Planned finish Actual finish Status Create 8 New Standards Education Videos Jan 2016 Oct 2016 8 videos created, including 6 for new series, 3rd basic standards education video with teaching guide and Young Professionals video. Deliver 3 Standards Workshops and create one new type of workshop April 2016 Nov 2016 2 workshops held with 70 attendees. Holding 2 more 2016, including new type for Young Professionals in Oct. Website content, improvements, publication Site improvements and additions completed, including for eZine, published quarterly. Content development and search engine optimization strategies implemented. Create Standards Simulation Game Jan 2015 Dec 2016 Game creation to be complete by Dec., includes 2 videos, web page, all game assets. Key issues Target date Owner Status Coordinate marketing efforts with EA and SA marketing teams. Dec 2016 S Tatiner/ J McClain In progress. Engaged in heavy promotion of Standards University and eZine to greatly increase traffic to sites. Develop search engine optimization (SEO) strategy and analytics for website Sept 2016 SEO-based clean-up of website complete Key actions: Highlights/Lowlights: Highlight #1: Standards MOOC featured on Standards University Course listing had 2,900 participants and excellent survey feedback. Highlight #2: Innovative new “Webisode” video series with host and animation. Highlight #3: Simulation Game mockup demoed at Capstone Design Conference. Lowlight #1: Standards Simulation Game has taken more effort than expected, using contingency, but still on target to finish according to end-of-year schedule. 3 3

4 Detailed budget, actual spending, and year-end financial projections
Project Specific Expense Categories 2016 Budget 2016 Actual YTD 2016 Budget – YTD 2016 Year-end Forecast Stds Education Video Channel Track, includes new educational videos and eLearning modules 47.4K 0.0 22.0 Workshop Track, includes creation of new workshop formats 22.5K 2.9 4.1 Publication Track, includes development of new content, marketing of newly designed and launched eZine 8.2K 33.0 47.0 Standards Simulation Game Track, includes development, launch, and promotion. 22.0K 27.0 NOTE: Pending invoices include $32K to $22K in Video Channel track and $10K in Game Track Total Expenses $100.1 $62.9 Higher spending on Publication Track offset by reductions in other areas, in particular Workshops and Videos, where savings were made through integration of several activities, including Game, Web, and Video. All NIC goals and deliverables met. 10/2/2016

5 2017 NIC Budget Request 2017 budget request incorporates experience from years 1 & 2 MOOC expenditure increased More traction than e-learning modules, rerun first MOOC (updated) & add another, smaller offering Increase in publications & game track More outreach activities Videos & e-learning modules reduced More front loading than expected, now more returns expected elsewhere Workshop track expenditure unchanged Collaboration with Young Professionals will increase impact, but can be done within original budget 10/3/2015

6 2017 NIC Budget Request Project Specific Expense Categories
Video Channel: additions to Video Library 20.0 MOOC: Includes maintenance work on IEEE Standards MOOC on edX, new MOOC, and promotion 40.0 Workshop: Includes expansion of 2016 Young Professionals Workshop and creation of web workshop 22.5 Publication: includes optimization of website 10.2 Game: includes marketing of Mars Space Colony 18.0 NOTE: This 2017 Budget request matches the amount in the original NIC proposal. The amounts in each area have been reallocated to reflect what we have learned about the market as we build the ISU. Total Expenses $110.7 Reflects net. Details included in backup slides. Next slide shows sample of the budget spreadsheet. Explain that this is the summary worksheet derived from a robust excel spreadsheet that allows for a real time, dynamic capture of line item by line item revenue and expense, filtering, and what-if scenarios. Conference activities do NOT include organizing a given conference. Included are patronage opportunities to promote the IEEE focus on cloud computing, i.e. hosting a tutorial, or meeting, expenses to attend and represent cloud computing. Conference expenses increase year to year. Rationale, not increase in IEEE conferences, but reaching non-IEEE conferences for visibility and promotion of IEEE cloud activities. Leadership and Sustainability: Covers all meeting and travel expenses for the team at the Meeting Series, sustainability meetings for transition and hand-off to the respective societies, councils, and OUs. Project in year 3, increase in expenses as final year of initiative and anticipate increase in meetings across IEEE. Marcom/Branding/Visibility: Anticipate reduction, as will have hopefully, effectively established brand. Big data: estimate net positive due to revenue from educational offerings. Re-prioritization requires reassessing overall plan as all are interdependent and inter-related. 10/3/2015

7 Integration into IEEE Operations
Project highly integrated into operations Run by Standards Education Committee (SEC), a joint committee of EAB and SA Committee meets in person biannually, with monthly conference calls Each track has an ‘Editorial Board’, with additional members, headed up by one of the SEC committee members Meet between weekly & monthly as required by conference call during all phases of this three-year project IEEE EA and SA have the operational resources (staff and volunteers) to maintain the Standards University once it is completed 10/3/2015

8 SEC/Standards University Structure
IEEE Educational Activities Board IEEE Standards Association Standards Education Committee SEC EB Chair (Online Experience) Additional Non-members Track Editorial Boards SEC EB Chair (e-Magazine) Additional Non-members Track Editorial Boards SEC EB Chair (Videos/ eLeaning) Additional Non-members Track Editorial Boards SEC EB Chair (MOOC) Additional Non-members Track Editorial Boards SEC EB Chair (Stds Simulation Game) Additional Non-members Track Editorial Boards SEC EB Chair (Workshops) Additional Non-members Track Editorial Boards 10/3/2015

9 Standards University Honor Roll
SEC Members David Law Jeffry Handal Yatin Trivedi Frederic Surre Glenn Parsons Howard Wolfman Don Heirman Mehmet Ulema James Irvine (Corresponding Member) Kishik Park (Corresponding Member) Ex Officio/Non-Voting S.K. Ramesh (VP EAB) Bruce Kraemer (Pres. SA) Volunteers from outside SEC Don Wright John McDonald George Arnold Steve Carlson Kishik Park Nitin Agarwal Amin Karim Adrian Stephens Greig Paul Mike Fikuart

10 Lessons Learned and Insights
Without the volunteer and staff structure set up when we began the project in 2015, we would not have successfully completed the hundreds of tasks associated with the various stages of the project. Now we are in the home stretch! Any suggestions for the initiative process in the future? It’s difficult to provide an end-of-year report in September. Perhaps there could be a later acceptable date for the NIC review. 10/2/2016

11 How is IEEE better off as a result of this project
IEEE Standards University is expanding the influence of IEEE Standards and benefiting humanity & IEEE members by: (1) making standards education a viable reality at the university level by providing a critical mass of materials; (2) modernizing the delivery method for educators, students, and industry; (3) expanding IEEE standards education efforts; and (4) establishing continued leadership in this area for IEEE. IEEE is at the forefront of standards education and is continuing to pull ahead with the newly designed website, increased content, and collaboration opportunities. We are seeing increasing evidence of this on the ground, through invites to present and run workshops at events. Excellent example of co-operation between major boards. 10/3/2015

12 10/2/2016

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