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After Recovery, What Next?

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1 After Recovery, What Next?
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2 Aims of this Session Defining recovery for ourselves Recovery after a period of treatment The Wheel of Life and CHIME The private aspect of recovery Resilience and what it means to us

3 Mid West Region Definition of Recovery
‘Recovery is an ongoing process and is not an end goal. It describes a person’s journey towards independence, and embodies a belief that one has purpose and value with or without the symptoms of mental ill health. It is made possible by the support and guidance of others but ultimately it is about making educated choices as an individual about how best to manage one’s own well being and health’.

4 Scenario- Group work A close friend has been through several months of intensive treatment following a serious physical illness. They have now been given the all-clear from the doctors, but their illness has taken a heavy toll. They are no longer in work, and have found that many friends and family have become distant. Money is tight and their housing situation is insecure. They ask for your advice on how they might begin to get back on their feet.

5 Advice to a friend in need
“You are not alone” “Wellness toolbox” “Listen to your body” “Self-forgiveness” “Find a health balance” “Be kind to yourself” “Time to concentrate on yourself” “Prioritise” “Start with what you’re able for” “Exercise, walking, pets” “Problems shared” “Support groups” “Setbacks are inevitable- don’t be discouraged” “Activity” “Bring them out to their fave coffee shop” “Call a friend who’s far away” “Start a blog” “Praise yourself” “Don’t do too much at once” “Don’t judge”

6 The ‘Wheel of Life’ and CHIME

7 The things nobody talks about
“Sexuality” “Medication side-effects” “Menopause” “Not having a voice” “Family difficulties” “Trauma to one’s body” “Self-worth” “Weight issues” “Facing what I’ve done” “Losing my home” “Gender issues” “Addiction” “Families- what they lost” “Loneliness” “Dentistry” “Medical examinations” “Stigma” “Debt” “Loss of job” “Shame”

8 Resilience “Self-acceptance” “Self-knowledge” “Belonging” “Self-care” “Creativity” “Laughing” “Breathing” “Learning to manage” “Discipline” “Bouncing back” “Learning a new way” “Picking up the pieces” “Hanging in there” “Asking for help” “Finding what works” “Strength” “Stamina” “Always having hope”

9 Recovery- words “Acceptance” “Learning” “Courage” “Choice” “Purpose” “Relationships” “Responsibility” “Support” “Fun” “Love” “Dog” “Music” “Reading” “Nature” “Tea” “Food” “Quiet” “Friends” “Belonging” “Believe”

10 Thank you!

11 References Leamy M, Bird V, Le Boutillier C, Williams J, Slade M (2011) A conceptual framework for personal recovery in mental health: systematic review and narrative synthesis, British Journal of Psychiatry, 199, McMahon, J., Wallace, N., Kelly, J., Egan, E. (2014) Recovery Education College: A Needs Analysis, University of Limerick/HSE (in press).

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