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Community partnership comes alive

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Presentation on theme: "Community partnership comes alive"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community partnership comes alive
A collaboration maximising the knowledge and skills of each organisation.


3 WellElder vision A specialist – community driven counselling service for older people that is part of a proactive and protective approach to the emotional and mental good health of older people

4 Alzheimers Wellington

5 How we work together Inter referral of clients – sometimes working concurrently Staff Education – professional development Participation with Supporter groups

6 When working with people affected by dementia
Providing information sometimes is not enough Support with feelings sometimes is not enough

7 Case example “It’s been such a relief to discuss G (husband) with Liz (Alzheimer’s Wellington)  Until you mentioned it, I thought it was all him being difficult, uncaring and mean.  Now I realise it’s because he’s not well.  It makes such a difference to how I feel about it.  It’s upsetting but I can start coming to terms with it and what we’re going to do as a family. I know it’s not going to be easy but in lots of ways it’s easier than believing he’s turned against me.”

8 Most recently we have collaborated to …
develop and deliver a course for family & friend supporters of people with dementia in the middle stages

9 Dementia Essentials 102 content
Sharing of personal story Explanation of the progression of dementia Exploration of Challenges/Values and Options Identifying the complexity of feelings Five ways to wellbeing

10 Sharing of personal story
“it’s a lonely road when your partner has dementia. It’s good to be able to talk to people who know what it’s like. Most friends don’t understand…”

11 Understanding the progression of dementia
Middle Early Late

12 Understanding the progression of dementia
Middle Early Late

13 " I've just realised that Rose has a fatal illness
" I've just realised that Rose has a fatal illness. She's going to die of it.” ( shared by Pete whose wife had been in care for over a year and cared for by him at home for several years)

14 Challenges/Values and Options
Challenge - Identify ‘top’ challenge Values - Explore values related to it Options - Brainstorm options

15 Example of C/V/O Challenge – Jack likes going for walks on his own but sometimes gets lost Values – Jack wants to keep fit/ Jack wants to retain his independence/needs assistance to find way home/can’t go for walks on his own/ his walks give me time out/I would feel so guilty if Jack didn’t find his way home/I want him to be safe Options – Twice daily walk with Jack, find Jack a walking buddy, investigate trackers, make sure he carries ID

16 Challenges/Values and Options
Identify ‘top’ challenge Explore values related to it Brainstorm options

17 Balancing values What the person with dementia wants and What’s in the best interests of the person with dementia What person caring for person with dementia needs

18 Examples of complexity of values
Values – he wants to keep fit/ he wants to retain his independence/needs assistance to find way home/can’t go for walks on his own/ his walks give me time out/I would feel so guilty if he didn’t find his way home/I want him to be safe

19 The complexity of feelings
Scared Angry Depressed Guilty Helpless Anxious Protective Stressed

20 Most commonly identified feelings
Exhausted Tearful Determined

21 Ambiguous loss and grief
The loss a person feels when the person they care about although physically here, may not be mentally or emotionally present in the same way as before. Pauline Boss – grief researcher

22 Quote "It's so hard. I just feel as if I have accepted Johns illness and something changes and I am back crying again”

23 Five ways to wellbeing Take notice Be active Give Keep learning

24 Positive outcomes of our collaboration

25 For carers/supporters
“I have gained confidence that I will be able to handle whatever Dementia will bring to my mum. This is through the help of Alzheimer’s Wellington, Well Elder (Rosemary), Care Coordination, GPs (both my mum and mine), family and friends. And the new network of fellow carers that I met and shared our stories with.”

26 For carers/supporters
“I’ll try to enjoy the company of my mum more and just be more relaxed and flexible in whatever situations we’re in. Also be mindful to take care of myself as well, physically and emotionally so I can be more of help to her. And I will not hesitate to ask for help anymore.”

27 For carers/supporters
“I have taken the blinkers off.”

28 Positive outcomes of the collaboration for our organisations …

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