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FSA Practice #2! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "FSA Practice #2! Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 FSA Practice #2! Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Story Elements Main Idea Grammar Text Features Figurative Language 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Story Elements– 10 Points
QUESTION: The location and time in which a story takes place. ANSWER: (What is the setting?)

4 Story Elements– 20 Points
QUESTION: This is the part of the story when the suspense peaks or is high & the problem is about to be solved. ANSWER: (What is the climax?)

5 Story Elements– 30 Points
QUESTION: This the part of the story where there is almost an ending that ties up the story’s loose ends and provides a sense of closure. ANSWER: (What is the falling action?)

6 Story Elements– 40 Points
QUESTION: This is the deeper meaning or the insight the story teaches about life in general. ANSWER: (What is theme?)

7 Story Elements– 50 Points
QUESTION: Craig is a football player training over the summer for next season. The coach demands that all players come in at 6:00 AM and lift weights until 8:00 AM, when practice begins. Craig gets there at 5:00 AM to begin his training. ANSWER: (What is dedicated, hardworking, & overachiever?) Character Traits

8 Main Idea– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What are some tips for students to remember about Main Idea? ANSWER: (What are: Look at the title. Think about what point the author is trying to make and what the passage is mostly about. )

9 Main Idea– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the best question to ask yourself when you are trying to find the main idea? ANSWER: (What is the point that the author is trying to make?)

10 Main Idea– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Shanna had never seen so many fish before. She looked around at the huge tanks and could see hundreds of fish, crabs, shrimp, and all other amazing creatures completely surrounding her. She never thought she could feel like she was completely underwater, yet still be completely dry. Where is Shanna? (Inference) ANSWER: (What is ‘at the aquarium’?)

11 Main Idea– 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Seated on his throne, King Midas wore a golden crown. He had golden rings on each finger and held a golden scepter. His vest was embroidered with golden thread and even his shoes had golden ornaments. He had a golden box filled with gold coins. He named his daughter Marigold. What is the main idea? ANSWER: (What is ‘King Midas loved gold’.)

12 Main Idea– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That's why they use pictures. The pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather reporters get the information out in a fast way.. What’s the main idea? ANSWER: (What is ‘Pictures help weather reporters get information out in a fast way’.)

13 Grammar– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What part of speech is the following? Madison Street Academy, Mr. Popper, Auggie, Mrs. Lamperski (NOT boy, girl, rainbow, school) ANSWER: (What is ‘proper noun’?)

14 Grammar– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the pronoun in this sentence? Frank will complete the massive book in his backpack. ANSWER: (What is ‘his’?)

15 Grammar– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What part of speech are the following: ‘Eeek!’, ‘Yes!’, ‘Cool! Or ‘Shucks,’? ANSWER: (What are ‘interjections’?)

16 Grammar– 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the propositional phrase(s) in the following sentence? Mary Beth ran through the trees after her dog. ANSWER: (What are ‘through the trees’ and ‘after her dog’?)

17 Grammar– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER: Correct the following sentence.
Yes I need to get some water after the race mr thomas. ANSWER: (What is ‘Yes, I need to get some water after the race, Mr. Thomas.)

18 Text Features– 10 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the purpose of text features? ANSWER: (What is to ‘organize’ text so that it is easier to locate information and to make it easier to digest a lot of information or facts?)

19 Text Features– 20 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
This feature informs the reader of important words or vocabulary found within a paragraph. ANSWER: (What are bolded words or colored words or italicized words?)

20 Text Features– 30 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
This feature will list the important words in alphabetical order and give you the page number to find the word. ANSWER: (What is an index?)

21 Text Features– 40 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
This is an example of what text feature? ANSWER: (What is a diagram?)

22 Text Features– 50 Points QUESTION: ANSWER:
What text feature gives the definitions of important vocabulary words within a text? ANSWER: (What is the glossary?)

23 Figurative Lang.– 10 Points
QUESTION: What is a comparison between two nouns using ‘like’ or ‘as’? Give an example. ANSWER: (What is a simile?)

24 Figurative Lang.– 20 Points
QUESTION: What are the two figurative language examples below? A. ‘Plunk’ went the rock into the stream. B. Seven sisters swam in the Mississippi River. ANSWER: (What are: A. onomatopoeia & B. alliteration?)

25 Figurative Lang.– 30 Points
QUESTION: What is the figurative language in the sentence below? Interpret. The kite soared as high as the Eiffel Tower! ANSWER: (What is hyperbole. The kite was flying extremely high.)

26 Figurative Lang.– 40 Points
QUESTION: What figurative speech is expressed below, and what does it mean? ‘Keep a stiff upper lip.’ ANSWER: (What is idiom, and it means to be brave and maybe even to show little emotion in a time of trouble or challenge?)

27 Figurative Lang.– 50 Points
QUESTION: What figurative language is used in the sentence below? Explain. The wind whistled through the trees during the storm. ANSWER: (What is personification? The reason is because the wind took on human traits, such as ‘whistling’.)

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