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Wednesday, August 26, 2015 TARGETS: HOMEWORK:

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1 Wednesday, August 26, 2015 TARGETS: HOMEWORK:
TAKE OUT: binder, Evidence for Evolution Handout TARGETS: IV: Use evidence from various disciplines of science to support theory of evolution by natural selection HOMEWORK: Complete Evidence for evo: Any parts you didn’t finish today by Friday STUDY for Vocab Quiz #1 Tomorrow My Brother the Ape

Direct evidence from experimentation Biogeography: distribution of species now & in the past Plate Techtonics Fossils – PALEONTOLOGY (relative or actual age of fossils) Comparative anatomy: EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY (Homologous & vestigial structures used to infer common ancestry) Embryological development – EMBRYOLOGY MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: similarities btwn species for DNA nucleotide & amino acid sequence of proteins

3 Who is a paleontologist?
" I am a Paleontologist" A paleontologist is someone who searches for, studies, and identifies fossils of extinct organisms “PALEO” = old “ONTOLOGY” = study of life forms How do paleontologists determine the age of fossils? Relative position (stratigraphy): fossils found in deeper rock layers (strata) are older than the fossils found in rock strata closer to the surface (QUALITATIVE) Radiometric Dating: determine the ratio of a radio-active isotope to a normal isotope (14C:12C) in fossil to calculate the exact age of fossil (QUANTITATIVE)

4 Video Clips Clip 1-Hank Clip 2- Plate Techtonics

5 Radiometric 495 mya 510 mya 520 mya 545 mya qualitative quantitative YOUNGEST Evidence for Evolution Paleontologists determine age of fossils & rocks using two methods OLDEST

6 Evidence for Evolution – Paleonotologist
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. directly

7 Evidence for Evolution: Embryology
Complete the embryo development puzzle: There are FIVE different animals in the puzzle Each animal has an early, middle, and late embryonic phase picture Animal #1 - LATE Animal #1 - MIDDLE Animal #1 - EARLY Animal #2 - LATE Animal #2 - MIDDLE Animal #2 - EARLY Animal #3 - LATE Animal #3 - MIDDLE Animal #3 - EARLY Animal #4 - LATE Animal #4 - MIDDLE Animal #4 - EARLY Animal #5 - LATE Animal #5 – MIDDLE Animal #5 – EARLY

8 Evidence for Evolution: Embryology

9 Evidence for Evolution: Embryology

10 Evidence for Evolution – Embryology
3. Describe three SIMILARITIES between embryos of EARLY developmental stage: 4. Describe three SIMILARITIES between embryos of LATE developmental stage: 5. Describe three differences between embryos of LATE developmental stage: 6. Identify which organisms are more closely related based on embryological evidence. Cite evidence to support your inference.

11 Comparative Embryology

12 Evidence for Evolution – Embryology
The more time organisms resemble each other during embryological development, the more closely related the organisms are to one another. The more similarities between organisms during a long period of embryological time, the more likely the organisms share a recent, common ancestor.

13 Comparative Biochemistry

14 Evidence for Evolution: Molecular Homology
Organism # of DNA differences compared to human # similarities (180 - # diff) % Similarity to Humans (# similarities / 180) * 100 CHIMPANZEE GORILLA ORANGUTAN

15 Evidence for Evolution: Molecular Homology

16 Evidence for Evolution: Molecular Homology
Organism # of DNA differences compared to human # similarities (180 - # diff) % Similarity to Humans (# similarities / 180) * 100 CHIMPANZEE 1 GORILLA 5 ORANGUTAN 104

17 Evidence for Evolution: Molecular Homology
Organism # of DNA differences compared to human # similarities (180 - # diff) % Similarity to Humans (# similarities / 180) * 100 CHIMPANZEE 1 179 GORILLA 5 175 ORANGUTAN 104 76

18 Evidence for Evolution: Molecular Homology
Organism # of DNA differences compared to human # similarities (180 - # diff) % Similarity to Humans (# similarities / 180) * 100 CHIMPANZEE 1 179 99.4% GORILLA 5 175 97.2% ORANGUTAN 104 76 42.2%

19 Molecular Homology Analysis Qs
1. Explain, citing evidence, which of the apes is most closely related to humans. 2. Explain, citing evidence, which of the apes is most distantly related to humans. 3. What is the relationship between time & the number of mutations that are present in the DNA of an organism?

20 Molecular Homology Analysis Qs
4. Does the data in Table 2 (below) support your conclusions made using Table #1 data? Explain why or why not.

21 Molecular Homology Analysis Qs
5. If a segment of gibbon DNA were sampled, what do you believe the % similarity to humans might be? (state an approximate answer)

22 Molecular Homology Analysis Qs
6. Describe how molecular biologists provide evidence for evolution.

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