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Innate and Learned Behavior

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1 Innate and Learned Behavior
Emi Moscoso & Izzy Vidal


3 Pavlov Sight of Meat: unconditioned stimulus
Secretion of Saliva: unconditioned response Saliva Secretion before unconditioned stimulus: conditioned response

4 http://www. ib. bioninja. com

5 Overview Innate behavior: - Develops independently of the environment
Learned behavior: - Develops as a result of experience

6 Taxis Taxis: A movement towards or away from a directional stimulus
Planaria & Food Qualitative and Quantitative Results

7 Kinesis A response to a non-directional stimulus in which the rate of movement or the rate of turning depends on the level of the stimulus, but the direction of movement isn’t affected. Cockroaches & light

8 Innate Behavior is: Heritable: DNA Intrinsic: Present in isolation
Stereotypic: Repetitive patterns Inflexible: unchanged by experience Consummate: Fully developed at first performance

9 Common Examples of Innate behavior:

10 Common Examples of Innate Behavior:
Mature penguins tend to return to their birth places to breed

11 Non-heritable: observation & experience
Learned behavior is: Non-heritable: observation & experience Extrinsic: Effected by isolation Permutable: pattern changes Adaptable: capable of modification Progressive: subject to improvement

12 Common Examples of learned behavior:
Chimpanzee’s learn to catch terminates by poking sticks into mounds

13 Common Examples of Learned Behavior
Birds learn to avoid eating orange and black caterpillars Associated with bad taste

14 Learned Behavior & Survival
Based on environmental conditions, an animal can adjust its behavior and learn to survive difficult conditions Adaptation

15 Development of Birdsong
Partially innate & partly learned Chaffinch Isolation: Innate: correct length & number of notes Learned: narrower frequencies & fewer distinctive phases


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