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The new Treausury Dynamic Microsimulation Model

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1 The new Treausury Dynamic Microsimulation Model
T-DYMM 2.0 Biagio Quattrocchi IESS – Intermediate Workshop Rome - 27th of November, 2015

2 Outline A short history of T-DYMM project
Structure and modules of T-DYMM 2.0

3 General characteristics
The first release of T-DYMM draws from MIDAS-IT (ISAE) Following O’Donoghue’s (2001) taxonomy, T-DYMM presents the following features: It’s a dynamic ageing DMSM; It’s a discrete time model; The ageing process is probabilistic; It’s a closed model.

4 Old structure of T -DYMM
Four modules: 1 Demographic 2 Labour market 3 Pension 4 Fiscal (external)

5 The new release: T – DYMM 2.0

6 The new release: T – DYMM 2.0
Processed on (free) platform Liam 2; It keeps O’Donoghue’s taxonomy; Completely departs from MIDAS-IT estimates

7 Demographic and education module
Process Description Alignment 1. Alive A. Is she/he alive or not? B. Sex? Sex: Istat 2. Birth People born in probabilistic way AWG - projections (2015) Module 1 3. Education A. Dependent on mother/father education. B. Compulsory, upper secondary and university levels. Univ. and Comp. : Istat 4. Marriage Market A. In a couple/ married. B. Divorced.

8 Labour market module

9 Pension module

10 Pension schemes Names Tipology Eligibility Age Social contributions
economic Old age 1 Notional Defined Contribution 63 years >= 20 years 2.8 * Assegno sociale Old age 2 & Defined Benefit 66 years 1.5*Assegno sociale [only for NDC] Old age 3 70 years >=5 years [only for DB] Seniority (M) >=42 years+1month (F) >=41 years+1month

11 Other simulated benefits
Survivor’s pension; “Integrazione al minimo”; “Assegno sociale”; Disability pension.

12 Sub-Module: Private pensions

13 Sub-Module: Private pensions
Participation Individual attendance has been estimated with logistic regression; Individual payment has been estimated in a deterministic way. Contribution

14 Sub-Module: Private pensions
Return rate adopted Names Government bond Actual data Real implicit rate on public debt [AWG ] GDP real growth Corporate bond + Spread Stocks Real interest rate – Mean Mean

15 Tax Module TAX rules Income - Social contributions
Private pension contributions = Taxable income IRPEF Deduction [“lav. Dip”, “lav. Aut”, pens., family] Net income

16 Il progetto IESS è finanziato dal Programma per l’Occupazione e la Solidarietà Sociale dell’Unione Europea – PROGRESS ( ). Le informazioni contenute in questo documento riflettono solamente le posizioni dell’autore. La Commissione Europea non può essere considerata in alcun modo responsabile dell’uso che può essere fatto di quanto in esso contenuto.

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