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Should we or shouldn’t we annex Hawaii?

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Presentation on theme: "Should we or shouldn’t we annex Hawaii?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should we or shouldn’t we annex Hawaii?
Imperialism Case Study

2 Anti Imperialist Argument (Against)

3 Pro Imperialist Argument (For)




7 Stakeholder Point of Views
Queen Lili’uokalani Native Hawaiians American Businessmen United States Government

8 Answer the following questions about your stakeholder
Who is your stakeholder? What is their relationship to Hawaii? to the United States? What values/beliefs/customs do they have? What is important to them? Why is Hawaii important to them? What do they stand to gain/lose from annexation? Are they for or against annexation? Why?

9 Queen Lili’uokalani Resources Liliuokalani. History Channel Article.
The Overthrow of the Monarchy, by Pat Pitzer. Printed in Aloha Magazine, the inflight magazine of Aloha Airlines.

10 Hawaiian Natives Resources
The Age of Imperialism. Small Planet Communications. Opposition to the Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Wikipedia article. Teaching With Documents: The 1897 Petition Against the Annexation of Hawai’i. From the National Archives.

11 American Businessmen Resources
Sanford Ballard Dole, article in Beyond Our Shores: America Extends Its Reach ( ), by Constance Sharp. Read from “Pineapple and the Monroe Doctrine” to “Sad Day for Hawaii” History of Hawaii - Territorial Years. Wiki Books. Read “Plantations in Hawaii” section ONLY.

12 United States Government
Resources Department of State Timeline. Short article. Hawaiian Annexation. History of Hawaii - Territorial Years. Wiki Books. Read “The Territorial Years and Annexation of Hawaii”

13 My Stakeholder’s Point of View
A POV is a statement that will help your team represent your stakeholders’ perspectives and needs in a single sentence. Using your knowledge of your stakeholder you will be creating a point of view statement for them Your statement should include Your statement should include Who is your stakeholder? What is your stakeholder trying to do in regards to Hawaii? Why is it important to them to do this? What are the deeper reasons? What is keeping them from doing it now?

14 Campaign Poster Your stakeholder group is in charge of creating a campaign poster that encourages others to support their desires when it comes to Hawaii Your Poster should include Slogan - messaging that clearly articulates what your stakeholder’s stance is and why Reasons why others’ should support your viewpoint Symbol - a visual graphic that brings your stakeholder’s perspective to life


16 Campaign Poster Examples

17 Campaign Poster Examples



20 Stakeholder Presentation Day
On the final day of this project you will be presenting this to the class. NOTE: ALL PROJECT/POSTERS ARE DUE the day of Presentations, so make sure you don’t put all of your eggs in one basket and roll the dice on someone who has possession of it being absent!!!!!!!! Remember this is a group project: Never leave your wingman! Good Luck!!!!

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