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Embedding Soft Skills and Employability Skills in the Curriculum

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1 Embedding Soft Skills and Employability Skills in the Curriculum
Barberton High School Barberton, OH

2 Overview and background of
Do Your Job Initiative Do Your Job Curriculum and Career Communications Course The Vision Moving Forward 3 E’s - Enrolled, Employed, Enlisted Barberton High School

3 Do Your Job Initiative 9-12 General Education and SPED Teachers on Committee Several meetings throughout year Discussed best ‘soft skills’ to implement at each grade level Ohio Means Jobs; Soft Skills Training workbook; Junior Achievement USA; Bring Your ‘A’ Game workbook and curriculum Researched/Discussed best activities for each of the BHS Top 10 Employability skills Culminating activity for each grade level

4 9th Grade FOCUS: Introduction to soft-skills and a variety of career fields Students will work on soft-skills/employability skills in advisory classroom 1 day a week; 4 week rotation Begin career exploration through Junior Achievement USA: It’s My Future Be introduced to Ohio Means Jobs and set up an account & begin building a “backpack” Evaluate “Personal Qualities & Work Ethic” in the Soft Skills Training book Generally research 1 career out of their personalized top 5 Give GoogleSlides presentation on the chosen career Partnership Activity: Speakers from a variety of careers obtained through a variety of post-secondary education/training levels; Job shadowing Hartzell

5 10th Grade FOCUS: Teamwork and basic communication skills
Students will Work on soft-skills/employability skills in advisory classroom 2 days a week; 4 week rotation Continue building individual “backpacks” through Ohio Means Jobs Use Ohio Means Jobs to begin a resume (activities, GPA, volunteering, etc) Understand interpersonal & teamwork skills through activities in Soft Skills Training workbook Practice basic interviewing skills by interviewing peers Write a 3 pg. Research paper on career of choice Attend Career Technical Education Fair Partnership Activity: Speakers from a variety of careers obtained through a variety of post-secondary education/training levels; College visits Hartzell

6 11th Grade FOCUS: Narrowed focus on specific career fields & post-secondary assessment practice Students will work on soft-skills/employability skills in ALL core classes Math/Science = problem solving skills Government = practice assessments (i.e. ASVAB, ACT/SAT, career tech assessments, Compass) English = thorough research based project Includes career inventory, research on 3 possible career choices, narrow to 1 career, detailed research on that career, visual aid, and classroom presentation Practicing several of the BHS Top 10 Employability Skills Damm (Grants) Pelfrey (Across all core class--->English project)

7 11th Grade Partnership Activity: Speakers from a variety of careers obtained through a variety of post-secondary education/training levels; College visits; company visits/tours 4 cities compact - Career Clarity Plan Grant Mother of Ohio Means Jobs Damm (Grants) Pelfrey (Across all core class--->English project)

8 12th Grade - Career Communications
Seniors - ½ credit semester long course Incorporating all skills worked on in previous grades as well as community partnerships culminating in a career/interview fair at end of each semester Bring Your ‘A’ Game curriculum guide and student workbook and textbook Paid through 4 Cities Compact grant money Committee of 5 English teachers, Writing Coach, and BEA President (English Teacher) created the curriculum Course will be broken down into 6 three-week units Wesolowski

9 Career Communications
FOCUS: Mastering all previously learned soft-skills/employability skills Unit 1: Importance of Communication - unit will include different types of listening and speaking activities; impromptu speeches. Bring Your “A” Game (BYAG) workbook Unit 2: Communication Etiquette - unit will include professionalism with topics such as attitude, attendance and what it communicates, and “when to leave your phone alone.” (i.e. phone etiquette, phone messages, inter-office memos, non-verbal communication, messages, attire, etc.) BYAG workbook Unit 3: Collaborative Project - unit will include a career interest area inventory, soft skills training. Students will work in groups for this project. This will allow them to practice their teamwork skills. Wesolowski/LaCroix

10 Career Communications
Unit 4: Persuasive Speech - elevator pitch, addressing an audience, creating a “brand” - Preparing students for possible Barberton Rotary Speech Contest Unit 5: Resume and Cover Letter - writing both in class using a resume workbook and Ohio Means Jobs -Students will update and add more detail to the resume they began in 10th grade Unit 6: Interviewing - social networking do’s and don’ts, dress and posture, mock interview through Ohio Means Jobs, speaking and addressing interview questions -HR speaker through partnerships Partnership Activity: Interview fair at the conclusion of each semester. Interviewers will be provided through our community partnerships. Wesolowski/LaCroix

11 Mock Interviews - December 7th
Featured Events Senior Day - October 13th Representatives from Colleges and Universities will assist students in completing financial aid and admissions documents. Local Employers will talk to students about employment opportunities and how to apply. Military recruiters will give an overview of each branch and detail the commitment required and opportunities available. S Mock Interviews - December 7th Culminating experience for Seniors in the Career Communications course Students will interview and receive feedback from employers and organizations within the community

12 Resources

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