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Work Experience – Year 10 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Experience – Year 10 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Experience – Year 10 2017

2 Who am I? I’m Emily Guthrie the Workplace Learning and Administration Officer. I look after work experience & structured work placement here at the College. My office is in the Champagnat Hub at Knight Street

3 What is Work Experience
Short term placement for secondary school students with employers - insights into an industry - develop employability skills - explore career options - understand employer expectations - increase self confidence

4 What is Career Development Skills (CDS)
CDS is a school subject at Notre Dame – 1 semester in year 10 - explore career pathways - learn about employability skills - occupational health and safety - how to apply for jobs - CR, JE KE (Sem 1) - MA, MC, MU (Sem 2)

5 What can I do for work experience?
Try something you think you might like to do as a job in the future Work Experience is about giving something ‘a go’ to see if you like it

6 Where do I start? If you have a specific organisation in mind, look on their website or give them a call to find out if they do work experience and how to apply Polite and Friendly (employers will understand if you are nervous) If your not sure where to start, ask adults in your social networks if they know of anyone who might be able to put you on for work experience in the industry you are interested in: - family friends - people you know through clubs and sports - CDS teachers and Ms Guthrie

7 Where do I start? Highly recommended that you start contacting employers during the summer holidays – places fill up quickly You will all be ed sample Resume & Cover Letter GVB Hospital (need to apply through Ms Guthrie) details early next year

8 Modules Young People aged 15 – 24 are in the highest risk group for work place accidents modules (online) raise awareness about work place hazards Must be completed before you go on work experience General Module and Test Industry Specific Module and Test

9 safe@work Online Modules

10 Construction Induction (CI) White Card
CI Card training required for students doing work experience in construction industry One day training GOTAFE in Fryers Street provide discount (about $80) for NDC students VET Building and Construction students will do this training as part of their course Ms Guthrie will publish the dates for the CI card training at TAFE in the new year The card lasts forever

11 Forms, Forms, Forms!!!

12 Work Experience Arrangement Forms
Provide Insurance Cover for Work Experience Students On the College Website and From Ms Guthrie Completed & signed by parent, student and employer Must also complete Work Experience Travel and Accommodation form if: - traveling in a vehicle with employer - and/or staying away from home during work experience Hand completed forms in to Ms Guthrie (not anyone else) with Certificates from your modules attached Mr Cortese final approval Ms Guthrie confirms your placement with parents, employers and school office

13 Work Experience Forms cont….
If you have an accident in a work place without insurance cover, your parents will have to go through costly lengthy legal proceedings on your behalf….Don’t risk it If we find out a student is on work experience without an approved form the school can contact the employer and tell them to send the student home…..Don’t risk it

14 VET Fast Trackers If you are doing a work placement that is in the industry of your VET you can do Structured Work Placement instead of Work Experience Structured Work Placement is more about doing and practicing skills learnt in the course rather than observing others See Ms Guthrie for advice and information - there are also different forms…

15 When can I do my Work Experience
When can I do my Work Experience? – dates & timelines for handing in paperwork Date of Work Experience (2017 School Holiday Dates): Final Day for Submitting Completed Work Experience Arrangement forms and Certificates to WLAO: 3/4/2017 – 14/4/2017 17/3/2017 3/7/2017 – 14/7/2017 16/06/2017 25/9/2017 – 6/10//2017 08/09/2017 27/11/2017 – 1/12/2017 (provided student is not fast tracking a unit 3 & 4 subject for year 11) 10/11/2017 4/12/2017 – 8/12/2017 17/11/2017

16 Wrap up and Questions Letter going home to your parents
If you have missed anything all of the information will be put on the college website under Learning and Teaching – Work Experience Regular updates in the student bulletin and college newsletter Any questions? Please come and see me anytime….

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