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Special Assessment Conditions Focus 2016

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1 Special Assessment Conditions Focus 2016
RTLB Presentations 2016

2 Special Assessment Conditions for NCEA 2015 Evidence
RTLB clusters supported schools to make applications for SAC using school evidence RTLB efforts in 2014/5 has resulted in an increase of applications in decile schools but there are still too few SAC applications in deciles 1 -3 (presently at 2% of NCEA candidates) In Term , targeted decile 1-3 schools were supported by RTLB to make SAC applications. Increases: Decile 1 – 57%, Decile 2 – 28%, Decile 3 – 17% NZQA approved 87% of school evidence based applications for SAC

3 Which students are our targets for Sac?
15 to 20% of the school population could be expected to have learning difficulties 3 to 5% of students do not respond to targeted instruction and intervention in the expected way This 3 – 5% of the school’s cohort are students who could benefit from Special Assessment Conditions to remove barriers to achievement In 2016 schools are encouraged to identify NCEA candidates for SAC, we are hoping to raise the national uptake by 5% RTLB can support schools with the SAC process

4 What is SAC? SAC entitlements give students additional support they need for equitable access to assessment for secondary school qualifications. 4 categories (Sensory, Medical, Physical, Learning). Students may fall under more than one category. Types of support (Braille paper/enlarged paper/PDF/special paper/coloured Irlen overlays/ signing supervisor/signing reader/reader/computer or writer/separate accommodation/extra time/ rest breaks)

5 Identifying the Students
Students likely to achieve within Level 5 or 6 of the curriculum if they had support to remove barriers to fair assessment. Teacher OTJ* ..\..\2016 TTSouth\Identification of students to assess further for SAC August 2015.docx RTLB roll – current or previous involvement with RTLB ..\..\2015 TT Cluster\SAC\Identification of students to assess further for SAC.docx

6 Identifying the Students (2)
School tests as a screening tool MidYIS (possible profile) Vocabulary (Low) Math (Reasonable) Non-verbal (High) Skills, editing, proof reading (Low) e-AsTTle or PAT Listening (high), Reading Comp (low) Lucid Exact Lucid Ability Lucid Lass

7 School Evidence Reading Assessment Tools (administer one) Results
York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension (YARC)* LUCID Exact & Ability PROBE DRA Results Reading Comp: DRA, YARC, LUCID or PROBE (70%+ achievement) Reading Accuracy: DRA, YARC, LUCID or PROBE (96%+ achievement) Reading Speed: DRA, YARC or LUCID LUCID will generate a report that will provide language for the *Data Summary Sheet..\..\2015 TT Cluster\SAC\Modified SAC-Data- Summary-Sheet for RTLB 8June 2015.docx

8 The swift and reliable solution to assess general ability
Enjoyable assessment of verbal and non-verbal reasoning skills for non-readers and readers (ages 4–16) Swift and cost efficient — can save up to two-thirds of teacher time compared to traditional assessment. It requires minimal supervision, adapts automatically to each individual and takes around 15–20 minutes. Assesses: Verbal reasoning Non-verbal reasoning General conceptual ability Reliable for non-readers as well as readers — Lucid Ability is unusual in that it can obtain a reliable measure of verbal ability independent of a child’s reading ability. This is because the program will read test words aloud if required. Enjoyable — the assessments are presented in enjoyable game formats, which are tailored for the age group of the student. Clear reports showing key scores — results are presented in a simple graphical format showing standard scores, percentile scores and age equivalents for verbal ability, non-verbal ability and general conceptual ability.

9 Lucid Exact provides precise standardised assessment of
    Word recognition/reading accuracy     Reading comprehension     Reading speed     Spelling     Writing to dictation     Keyboarding to dictation Quality features of Lucid Exact: Nationally standardised norms Easy to administer Takes about minutes Two parallel forms for repeated assessment Results in standard scores and percentiles

10 School Evidence (2) Writing Assessment* Wharekura PATOSS Results
20 minute hand writing sample 20 minute using a computer Both samples to be uploaded on the online application Wharekura PATOSS – can be completed in Te Reo Maori Submit assessments that the school already has Submit under “other” on each tab if they are not one of the tools identified (above). 

11 Medical and PHYSICAL Conditions
Students with a permanent or long-term medical/physical disability eg ADD/Disruptive Behaviour Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder Diabetes Epilepsy Scoliosis A report from an appropriate registered medical professional must be on file in the school. A new diagnosis is no needed for a disability that is of a lifetime duration Applications for other requirements as needed (separate accommodation/rest breaks)

12 Completing the On-line Applications
Have the information for the Data Summary Sheet ready for the on- line application Remind the school to apply for access to the SAC link on the NZQA website through the principal’s nominee For first time users consider having RTLB sit alongside the SENCO/DP who will complete on-line applications Tabs to be completed Sensory/Medical/Physical Condition (Tabs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Learning Condition (Tabs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 8 & 9 - reader, 10 & 11 - writer) NZQA site

13 Do Now Discussion Share your knowledge of existing systems (including systems in contributing schools) and processes that exist in schools to identify possible SAC candidates Barriers and enablers to the SAC process What support do RTLB clusters need with SAC so they can enable schools to develop sustainable processes?

14 Need for PD? Expressions of interest for those interested in attending and /or having RTLB/SENCOs attend P.D. to upskill on the process of making school based evidence SAC applications. NZQA seminars willing and able to run multiple seminars with interested groups.

15 Building Capacity

16 A number of pathways for SAC
We need: A system that enables equitable access for all students which includes an option for school accreditation and verification. A number of pathways for SAC

17 The next 3 years RTLB scaffold schools over 3 Years to build confidence, knowledge and skills in the development of processes to make independent school based applications RTLB Support

18 Long Term Aspirations RTLB Clusters

19 Negotiated learning pathways
Yr 9-10 Negotiated learning pathways Yr 7-8 Authentic learning transition Yr 5-6 Strength based skill building Yr 3-4 20 week intensive Yr 2 Targeted support Yr 0-1 Early profiling of at risk learners

20 What does this look like?
At each level how do RTLB support schools to identify and cater for students* diverse needs? * 3 to 5% of students do not respond to targeted instruction and intervention in the expected way Assessments? Programmes, teaching techniques and interventions that strengthen and enable students to show what they know? Develop and maintain an ongoing profile rather than testing frenzy?

21 The ideal solution to identify learning strengths and weaknesses and to recognise dyslexia objectively. Enjoyable cognitive, attainment and ability profiling for ages 8–11, 11-15  Student friendly with minimal supervision — the unique adaptive algorithm ensures that each assessment is swift but accurate and tailored to each student’s ability. Assesses: Visual memory Auditory-verbal memory Phonic reading skills Phonological processing Single word reading Sentence reading Spelling Reasoning Identify strengths and weaknesses without necessitating a label — the easy to interpret graphical profile quickly identifies learning needs and strengths. Individual responses are shown in a tabular format for more detailed analysis.

22 The child-friendly solution to identify learning strengths and weaknesses and to indicate dyslexia early Enjoyable cognitive profiling for ages 4 – 8 Child-friendly and cost effective — each assessment module takes about 5 minutes and is presented in an enjoyable game format. Assesses: Phonological awareness Phoneme discrimination Verbal short-term memory Visual short-term memory Visual & verbal sequencing Easily identify strengths and weaknesses without necessitating a label — the graphical profile provides a clear way to identify strengths and weaknesses at an early stage. More detailed analysis of individual responses is shown in tabular reports. Reliably identify and address difficulties as early as possible — in addition to the thousands of schools that use CoPS, its predictive validity has also been demonstrated in a five-year prospective longitudinal study that was published in a high quality international peer-review journal. Prevent failure — the teaching guide provides clear advice on interpretation of results and teaching recommendations in order to optimise learning, overcome difficulties and prevent children failing in school.

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