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Sustainable Public Lighting

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1 Sustainable Public Lighting
Bronwyn Pollock Director Community Partnerships Australian Greenhouse Office


3 From this… Shenzhen in the 1980s

4 To this… Shenzhen today


6 Overview Lighting the Way guide Case Studies
Public Lighting Calculator Today I will talk briefly about three new public lighting initiatives: Lighting the Way: A Local Government Guide to Energy Efficient Public Lighting on Minor Roads Public Lighting Calculator 5 Local Government Case Studies on Energy Efficient Street Lighting All now available on AGO’s website at:

7 The first electric public light was installed 116 years ago.
1.94 million public lights in Australia 30 per cent major roads 70 per cent minor roads. Public lighting Tamworth NSW the first town to have street lighting. How do we define public lighting? Major and minor roads as defined by AS1158 Major roads customers are mostly traffic authorities Minor roads customers are mostly local councils.

8 Annual cost to customers of $210 million per year.
Public lighting is single largest source of local government’s greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 30 – 50 per cent of their emissions. Public lighting Tamworth NSW the first town to have street lighting. How do we define public lighting? Major and minor roads as defined by AS1158 Major roads customers are mostly traffic authorities Minor roads customers are mostly local councils.

9 Equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 77,000 households.
National greenhouse gas emissions of million tonnes of CO2e per year, or: 0.5 per cent of stationary energy emissions 0.2 per cent of national emissions. Equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 77,000 households. Worth noting that it is 0.63% of emissions from electricity.

10 Lighting the Way: A Local Government Guide to Energy Efficient Public Lighting on Minor Roads Lighting the Way A Local Government Guide to Energy Efficient Public Lighting on Minor Roads Prepared by: Deni Greene Consulting Services Kevin Poulton and Associates and Genesis Automation for the Australian Greenhouse Office in the Department of the Environment and Water Resources February 2007 Prepared by: Deni Greene Consulting Services Kevin Poulton and Associates and Genesis Automation for the Australian Greenhouse Office in the Department of the Environment and Water Resources: February 2007

11 Information to assist local governments to:
improve public lighting of minor roads in their communities and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions lower their costs decrease their liability and risk. This guide provides information to assist local governments in improving the public lighting of minor roads in their communities while reducing their greenhouse emissions, lowering their costs and decreasing their liability and risk. These outcomes can be achieved through use of energy efficient solutions that provide better service in street lighting and comply with Australian Standards (AS/NZS 1158). The guide outlines technical and other issues related to energy efficient lighting. It also provides some guidance for councils on techniques to improve their ability to negotiate public lighting issues with distribution businesses.

12 Case Studies Coffs Harbour SSROC CVGA Hepburn Shire Council
Midvale, Mosman Park and Subiaco Efforts by local councils to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from public lighting are gathering momentum. These case studies illustrate what local government is doing around Australia. Five Case Studies: Coffs Harbour - Energy Efficient Street Lighting Programme (NSW) Metal Halide Retrofit Lamp Trial by South Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) (NSW) Sustainable Public Lighting Initiative by Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance (CVGA) – Trial of T5 Flourescent Street Lights by Hepburn Shire Council (Victoria) Compact Flourescent and Metal Halide Street Lighting Trial by Midvale, Mosman Park and Subiaco (WA)

13 Coffs Harbour Mercury vapour lamps phased out and replaced with 50 Watt High Pressure Sodium lights in residential areas. Higher quality lighting and greater reliability resulted from new luminaire design, with more reliable photoelectric cells and reduced lumen depreciation. Community survey revealed a high level of acceptance. Modelling showed possible cost savings of $691,000 in the first 10 years. Coffs Harbour - Energy Efficient Street Lighting Programme Inefficient mercury vapour lamps are being phased out and replaced with 50 Watt High Pressure Sodium street lighting in residential areas. The City’s street lighting will be of a higher quality and greater reliability as a result of the new luminaire design, with more reliable photoelectric cells and reduced lumen depreciation over time. The community survey revealed a high level of acceptance of the trailed lights. Financial modelling showed that cost savings of $691,000 can be achieved in the first 10 years.

14 SSROC Mercury vapour lamps replaced with metal halide retrofit lamps on main roads. No identified failures or other technical issues. Improved lighting in high profile commercial and entertainment precinct and areas at risk of crime with minimal capital cost, disruption or delay. Metal halide - superior colour rendition - strongly favoured in higher risk areas and is suitable for use with CCTV. South Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) Mercury vapour lamps were replaced with metal halide retrofit lamps on main roads. No identified failures or other technical issues were experienced. The new lamps substantially improved lighting in many high profile commercial and entertainment precinct and areas at risk of crime with minimal capital cost, disruption or delay. Metal halide, because of its superior colour rendition, is strongly favoured in higher risk areas by law enforcement authorities. It is one of the only types of lighting suitable for use with Closed Circuit TV.

15 CVGA 14 LGAs collectively negotiate with distributor (Powercor) for the provision of energy efficient street lighting and to reduce their greenhouse emissions. Target greenhouse reductions 30 per cent below levels. Strategies: Turning lights off or dimming them at certain times of the night. Close monitoring of the performance and cost of lighting system trials. More energy efficient street lights on Category V and P roads. Long life Electronic Photocells to reduce ‘Dayburners’ and ‘Drift’. Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance (CVGA) Sustainable Public Lighting Initiative The 14 Councils who are members of the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance work together to collectively negotiate with their distributor (Powercor) for the provision of energy efficient street lighting and to reduce their greenhouse emissions. Most CVGA Sustainable Public Lighting Action Plans have set a target of reducing greenhouse emissions from public lighting to 30% below 2000 levels. The CVGA is considering a number of strategies: Turning lights off or dimming them at certain times of the night. Close monitoring of the performance and cost of lighting system trials. More energy efficient street lights on Category V and P roads. Long life Electronic Photocells to reduce ‘Dayburners’ and ‘Drift’.

16 Hepburn Shire Council Mercury vapour lamps are being replaced by T5 fluorescent lights. Trentham experiences very cold winters. Trial continues. Hepburn Shire Council (Victoria) In 2005 a pilot project street lighting trial was undertaken at new residential subdivision at Trentham in Hepburn Shire with the installation of nine T5 fluorescent lights. The T5 lights are being trialled in place of the standard 80w MV. The trial is being implemented by the developer with Hepburn Shire & Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance with funding by the Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria (SEAV). Trentham experiences very cold winters with shorter days resulting in longer periods of darkness and therefore longer use of street lighting. While T5's use less energy, the pilot program was undertaken to test their effectiveness in winter conditions, to gauge whether they provide acceptable lighting levels and whether the life of the units meets the Shires needs.

17 Midvale, Mosman Park and Subiaco
WA LGA, State Govt and Sage Consulting Engineers conducted a project in three suburbs. Monitoring both greenhouse gas emissions and community security. Final Workshop in 2007. Midvale, Mosman Park and Subiaco (Western Australia) In 2005, the WA Local Government Association, the WA state government along with Sage Consulting Engineers commenced a project in three suburbs of Western Australia - Midvale, Mosman Park and Subiaco - monitoring new street lighting installations as part of their ongoing work to examine street lighting in Western Australia in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and community security. The project continued through 2006, monitoring the results of the pilot projects and aiming to encourage local government to adopt energy efficient street lighting in Western Australia.

18 Downloadable Calculator
Prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office by: Environmental Edge Consulting and Genesis Automation, with the assistance of Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria, Northern Greenhouse Alliance Victoria, and ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability. Parameters for the Model were the subject of a workshop in Melbourne late 2005. Background The Public Lighting Calculator was prepared for the Australian Greenhouse Office, within the DEW by Environmental Edge Consulting and Genesis Automation, with the assistance of Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria, Northern Greenhouse Alliance Victoria, and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). Special thanks to: Geoff Andrews - Genesis Automation Paul Brown - Nillumbik Shire Council (Northern Greenhouse Alliance) Claire Flanagan-Smith - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives Jeff Green - Environmental Edge Consulting Doug McPherson - Sustainability Victoria The original parameters for the Model were the subject of a workshop in Melbourne late 2005 involving Genesis, ICLEI, AGO, the Northern Greenhouse Alliance, and Jeff Green.     Will Geoff Andrews of Genensis Automation talk about the Calculator?

19 Calculator User Reference Guide
Contains key info about: Energy Efficient Lighting Public Lighting Objectives Lighting Equipment Operation and Maintenance Environmental Issues Lighting Definitions. There is also a comprehensive HELP FILE with key info about: Energy Efficient Lighting Public Lighting Objectives Lighting Equipment Operation and Maintenance Environmental Issues Lighting Definitions The Calculator and the User Reference Guide are now available to download from AGO’s website at:


21 National Sustainable Public Lighting Webhub
Funding from the Australian Government to expand the Victorian Sustainable Public Lighting Information Hub to a National Sustainable Public Lighting Webhub. Delivered ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability Australia/NZ. One-stop-shop for local governments across Australia to access information and resources on public lighting.


23 Thorn Lighting

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