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Welcome to Saltus Primary

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1 Welcome to Saltus Primary
“To inspire a passion for learning and independent thinking through a commitment to academic excellence, personal integrity and service to others”.

2 Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Areas of Learning Personal, Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Physical development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Art & Design 2Simple Programme is an Assessment tool that: Captures planned and spontaneous moments Consistent record keeping Make daily observations Enables teachers to assess and plan for individual needs

3 Key Stage 1 Curriculum Literacy, Numeracy, Science Humanities (History/Geography) Citizenship/Life Skills Music, P.E., Art, Spanish Integrated Information Computer Technology (ICT) through the use of iPads and desk top computers in the Library

4 Key Stage 2 Curriculum Literacy, Numeracy, Science Humanities (History/Geography) Citizenship Music, P.E., Art, Spanish Information Computer Technology (ICT)

5 Teaching and Learning at Saltus
Teaching and Learning Policy Characteristics of an Outstanding Lesson: Rapid and Sustained progress for all High levels of engagement, interest, resilience, confidence, independence, courtesy, collaboration and cooperation Atmosphere of respect and dignity Behaviour Management is systematic and consistently applied Pupils understand unsafe situations and how to keep themselves safe Astute Planning Excellent Knowledge of subject area Time is used very well, Tasks are challenging, consistently high expectations of all students

6 Improving the standard from Good to Better Teaching in the Primary Department
Learning Walks with Feedback Rigorously Setting Targets, Tracking Progress, Reports and Pupil Progress Meetings Half-termly Professional Development – Leveling and Moderation, Assessment, Marking and Feedback, Core subjects, ‘Good to Great Teaching’ Planning – Meaningful, Consistent and used to Inform Teaching and Move Learning forward

7 Monitoring student progress in Key Stage 2
Challenging yet achievable targets are set for every child CATs predicted end of Key Stage 2 levels (minimum target level) Professional teacher judgment, informed by prior and current assessment data Lessons are then tailored to meet individual needs

8 To Ensure that Students Know How To Improve Their Learning:
Assessment for Learning – AFL Students are more involved in their learning More dialogue about targets End of Year targets in Reading, Writing and Numeracy (Now in reports) Exercise books are monitored on a regular basis Policies - Assessment, Reporting and Recording Policy, Marking and Feedback and Presentation Policies being developed

9 Integration of Technology in the Classroom
Class Blogs Custom Google Searches – Research age-appropriate websites Audio podcasting Digital Books used for Writing Recording an audio podcast of their poetry Youtube videos of interviews – Accessed by QR codes (cell phone access for parents to view) Net books in the classroom to create Newspapers/flyers/posters Smart boards for interactive activities Cross-curricular lessons

10 Data is used to Inform Teaching and Move Learning Forward
Classroom Environment Ensure that all classrooms foster great learning at all times. Consistency, leveled criteria, exemplary work and Learning Walls. Data is used to Inform Teaching and Move Learning Forward Every 6 weeks, analyzed, Identify Gaps, Intervention or Extension Used to inform planning and teaching Used to inform Academic Support Services Teachers have provided booster classes where necessary Extension clubs such as Math Olympiads programme or Writing workshops Half-termly report for all Primary staff Professional Development – ‘How to use Data effectively’

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