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The Michigan eLibrary: LearningExpress Library

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1 The Michigan eLibrary: LearningExpress Library
Access this slide deck: The Michigan eLibrary: LearningExpress Library

2 Christine Schneider MeL K-12 Education Specialist Library of Michigan
HS Math/English teacher for 10 years prior to joining MeL in Dec. 2015 Main role is to train Michigan educators on MeL’s resources and how to integrate them into classrooms Master’s Degree in Teaching, University of Michigan; BBA, Davenport University

3 MeL Background & Funding
Created by Dooder -

4 Michigan Dept. of Education
A program of the Library of Michigan Includes $4+ million worth of electronic resources* About Access to: Valuable research info Digital images, Videos Full-text articles and books Test & career prep Tutorials Part of the Michigan Dept. of Education *Funded by the Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) via the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), with additional funding provided by the State of Michigan Letter from Randy Riley and Overview of LSTA funds in Michigan

5 Why Use MeL in the K-12 Classroom?
Fagnan, Deborah. img_00391.jpg. November 19, Pics4Learning. 20 Jul 2017

6 Why use MeL in K-12? The Facts About College Freshmen
2-Year Colleges 4-Year Colleges Source % of Freshmen prepared to conduct college level research 23% 30% % of Freshmen dropout after 1st year 40% 20% National Center for Educational Statistics

7 Why use MeL in K-12? “Moreover, we found freshmen we studied had gaping holes in their understanding of how libraries--and the vast array of digital resources academic libraries provided--could best meet their needs, especially when it came to sifting out the trusted information they wanted." Conclusion from Project Information Literacy, headed by Alison Head of the Berkman Center and the University of Washington. Education: student typing a report. Image. Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 3 Feb Accessed 8 Mar

8 The Michigan eLibrary: An Important Tool for Michigan’s Top 10 in 10 Years Initiative
Easily accessible for all residents, at no charge Aids in high-quality instruction, allowing for child-centered instructional model Resources available for all ages for lifetime learning Databases support reading, research, skills improvement, test prep, and career prep Goal 1: Provide every child access to an aligned, high quality P-20 system from early childhood to post-secondary attainment – through a multistakeholder collaboration with business and industry, labor, and higher education – to maximize lifetime learning and success. MeL provides easy access to high quality curriculum aligned/supportive material and offers resources for lifelong learning. Goal 2: Implement, with strong district and building leadership, high-quality instruction in every classroom through a highly coherent, child centered instructional model where students meet their self-determined academic and personal goals to their highest potential. High quality, dependable resources that can be used in multiple classroom types (traditional, blended learning, flipped, etc.) Goal 3: Develop, support, and sustain a high-quality, prepared, and collaborative education workforce. Teacher education programs at the post-secondary level can include MeL in their curriculum, and train future teachers how to access and integrate the resources into the classroom. Goal 4: Reduce the impact of high-risk factors, including poverty, and provide equitable resources to meet the needs of all students to ensure that they have access to quality educational opportunities. The resources are freely available to all residents of Michigan, which allows all students access to the same material. Some of the databases include supportive features like leveled reading, listening features, and language translation, which helps meet individual needs of students. Goal 5: Ensure that parents/guardians are engaged and supported partners in their child’s education. Since all residents have access to MeL, parents/guardians have resources to help support what is being taught in the classroom. Goal 6: Create a strong alignment and partnership with job providers, community colleges, and higher education to assure a prepared and quality future workforce; and informed and responsible citizens. Many of the research databases are quite similar to the databases used at the secondary level. Having access to these during K-12 allows for a safe, guided environment for students to learn how to use them so they are well-prepared to conduct research at the post-secondary level. Helps with a seamless transition from K-12 to post-secondary. Goal 7: Further develop an innovative and cohesive state education agency that supports an aligned, coherent education system at all levels (state, ISD, district and school). Again, access is available to all Michigan residents. All levels have access to the same material. Plus MeL resources are standards aligned and some include lesson plans.

9 Navigating

10 Find info about the databases and tips of how to use them. A to Z Database List Digital History Collection of Michigan Search Bar Enables a keyword search of the catalog (MeLCat), MeL databases, selected websites, and digital repositories for books, articles, and additional content available in MeL. MeL YouTube Channel includes database training videos Practice Tests for SAT, AP exams, career certifications, etc. Portals Organizes content, databases, and website links per topic for easy access. K-12 specific portals include (Grades preK - 5), (Grades ), and Books & Literacy. Latest info and tips

11 6th grade - junior college
Find subscription databases here

12 Teens Homework Help Databases
Popular...Start here Integrated Databases Reading lists This is a list of all databases listed in > Homework Help. Gale products, on the right side of the slide, are Google and Microsoft 365 Integrated. Test/career prep

13 LearningExpress Library
The most comprehensive selection of academic and career-related resources available in one platform Provides the following: Academic skill building in reading, writing, math, and science, Standardized test preparation Soft skills training Job search and career advancement College admissions test preparation Professional licensing and certification test preparation High school equivalency test prep And much more Features that enhance learning: Academic skill building tools with individualized study plans Built-in guidance pages & learning roadmaps Secure personal portfolio Extensive subject library of downloadable eBooks LearningExpress Library

14 Using MeL for Test Prep In addition to recommending use of Khan Academy for test prep, MeL offers the LearningExpress Library for skills reinforcement and test prep. LearningExpress provides help via tutorials, practice tests, and eBooks. About LearningExpress Library: LearningExpress Library is a pre-paid subscription resource available through MeL. The ways to access it include: Datatbases Tab on ( Homework Help section in the Teens Gateway ( Practice Test link on Once in the database, choose one of the 7 available centers: High School Equivalency College College Preparation School Adult Learning Career Spanish center

15 Test Prep/Jobs/Careers
Seven interactive learning centers Academic and licensing/certification practice tests Elementary level testing for math and reading, and skills building tools.

16 Video Guides Find videos on how to use LearningExpress Library.

17 Focus on improving basic skills as an adult
Includes the U.S. Citizenship practice test Learn with tutorials, practice tests and eBooks

18 Skills reviews in math, reading, grammar, writing, and science
Graduate School Admissions practice exams include GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MAT, MCAT, and PCAT College Placement practice exams include ACCUPLACER, ASSET, and COMPASS CLEP practice also

19 Learn more about a career
Practice tests for Allied Health and Nursing School entrance exams Practice tests for Occupational exam certifications Practice tests for the ASVAB, Military Flight Aptitude, Officer Candidate, and CFAT Build/improve job and workplace skills Prep for the WorkKeys and TOEIC

20 Specifically for native spanish speakers
Practice basic skills Prepare for GED in Spanish

21 Build basic skills in reading, writing, math, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar
Prepare for GED in English or Spanish Prepare for either the HiSET or TASC exams

22 Skills improvement that is Common Core aligned math and ELA starting with the 4th grade
MS includes skills improvement for math, ELA, and Social Studies as well as prep for HS entrance exams HS includes skills improvement for math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, logic, and reasoning

23 Elementary Options Grades 4-5
School Center Elementary Options Grades 4-5

24 Middle School Options Grades 6 - 8
School Center Middle School Options Grades 6 - 8

25 High School Options Grades 9+

26 Tutorial & Standard Alignment
Guidance Tab: Find guides on how to use each level within the School Center. Also find the curriculum guides to help you determine which tutorial and unit should be used. Click on “Common Core Details” to link to PDFs of the curriculum maps.

27 School Center - Curriculum Map
Tutorial Name & sections within the tutorial Common Core Alignment The curriculum map shows which section of a tutorial a student should focus on based on the corresponding standard.

28 Practice tests and tutorials for SAT, ACT, PSAT, TOEFL, and THEA
AP exam prep for Biology, Calculus AB, English Language and Comp, English Lit, Environmental Science, European History, Psych, U.S. Government, U.S. History, and Stats Tutorial for writing a college admissions essay


30 Tutorials and Practice
SAT Tutorials and Practice Students can view tutorials or take practice tests.

31 About the test Number of questions Time allotment
Here is how an SAT Complete Practice Test starts off. Note that it shows each section, how many questions are in each section, and how many minutes they have to complete that section.

32 Students can also take practice tests based on just a certain section.
Here you can see there are 58 questions and they have 80 minutes to complete the math section. Students can choose one of the three tests modes: Simulation - the test stops when the timer is up Practice - See answer explanations after you have finished. If the test is timed, the timer will display but will not be enforced. Learner - View the answers to each question as you go along to help you study.


34 Be sure to check out the “View Featured Resources” found at the bottom of the LearningExpress Library Home Page.

35 Quick access to what is found in each center
Access a list of the over 200 eBook Titles Once you find an eBook you like, click Launch. It will download a PDF version to your computer and also add it to your list of eBooks in “My Center”.

36 Users need to create a free account in order to use any of the material in LearningExpress Library.
From your Center, you can view your selected tutorials, use your test materials, or view/download any of your chosen eBooks. Students will need to create a FREE account in order to view any tutorials, take any practice tests, or download any of the eBooks. The only reason they need an account is so all of their items are saved and can be easily accessed at another time. Hint to teachers - since teachers do not have access to a student’s account to check progress, I recommend having the student take screen shots to show progress and tests scores. They can then just the teacher their screenshot. Why do I have to register? Users can access a variety of education resources from LearningExpress Library’s interactive, online learning platforms. User must create personal accounts in order to save their work in progress, store score reports, and revisit any practice tests, tutorials, or eBooks. Registration only requires a valid address and password. Why do I have to provide my address? Your address will become your username and will be used for password reset, if needed. NOTE - Students do not need to have an address to set up an account.

37 Once logged into my account, I can access any practice tests that I have either completed or am in the process of completing. See the next two slides to view my eBooks and Tutorials I have saved.

38 Here are the eBooks I have saved in My Center.

39 Here are the tutorials I’ve started and are now saved in My Center so I can go back and pick up where I left off.

40 Here is a summary of two SAT tests.

41 When you click “View Report” on the last screen, here is what you see.

42 Summary of Math Test Report
Scrolling down the page, it will give you a recap based on topic.

43 Scrolling to the bottom of the report, students are given recommendations of tutorials or other practice tests they may use to further help them prepare.

44 A student also has the chance to go back and review their answers
A student also has the chance to go back and review their answers. A nice feature is that each answer choice is given an explanation.

45 Resource Links For You!

46 Resource Links – MeL Math Resources
eBooks Categories: Mathematics: 229 eBooks Education: Multiple titles Engineering and Tech: 709 titles Business and Economics: Multiple titles Study Aids: Multiple titles Gale Virtual Categories: General Reference: Personal Finance; Real Life Math Education: Career Information Center Business: Multiple titles

47 Resource Links – Michigan eLibrary
Google Classroom Resource Guide Resource Links – Michigan eLibrary MeL Kids Info Sheet MeL Teens Info Sheet MeL Databases - A to Z List MeL YouTube Channel MeL Teachers Portal MeL Elementary Science Flyer MeL MS Science Flyer MeL HS Science Flyer MeL Books and Literacy Portal MeL How-To: Access Resources, Order Promo, Video Tutorials

48 Join the MeL K-12 ListServ
Go to GovDelivery to sign up: Choose the K-12 School Library/Media Center & Educator Community. MeL Minute is also a great resource! Keep up-to-date on the latest news and updates with MeL and the databases! On any of the MeL Teachers pages, you will find a Keep Updated! Section. Click on the link and sign up for the K-12 School Library GovDelivery ListServ. You will periodically receive updates about MeL.

49 Wrap-Up….. What is something new that you learned today?
Do you have any comments and/or questions about today’s session?

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