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Chapter 13 Review Jeopardy

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1 Chapter 13 Review Jeopardy
With your host/hostess, Your classmate

2 Chapter 13 Review Jeopardy
Joints Bones Muscles Tissues Misc. 100 200 300 400 500

3 Joints 100 What joint is this?

4 Joints 200 What joint is this?

5 Joints 300 What joint is this?

6 Joints 400 What joint is this?

7 Joints 500 What main group of joints do the diagrams show?

8 Bones 100 The mostly solid, dense part of a bone is the A) cartilage.
B) compact bone. C) joint. D) periosteum.

9 Bones 200 Bones can differ in A) function. B) shape. C) size.
D) size, function, and shape.

10 Bones 300 The place where two or more bones meet is a A) tendon.
B) ligament. C) joint. D) flexor.

11 Bones 400 The thin membrane that covers a bone is called the
A) epidermis. B) ligament. C) periosteum. D) spongy bone.

12 Bones 500 The part of the bone with many small pores or spaces is the
A) spongy bone. B) periosteum. C) compact bone. D) cartilage.

13 Muscles 100 The muscles found only in the heart and major blood vessels are called A) voluntary muscles. B) striated muscles. C) smooth muscles. D) cardiac muscles.

14 Muscles 200 Most muscles work in teams of A) one. B) two. C) three.
D) five.

15 Muscles 300 Muscles that cause movements you cannot control are
A) skeletal muscles. B) smooth muscles. C) striated muscles. D) voluntary muscles.

16 Muscles 400 Muscles that you control for movement are called
A) striated muscles. B) smooth muscles. C) involuntary muscles. D) cardiac muscles.

17 Muscles 500 A muscle that straightens a joint is A) a flexor.
B) a ligament. C) a tendon. D) an extensor.

18 Tissues 100 A tough, flexible, connective tissue is A) a joint.
B) an exoskeleton. C) cartilage. D) periosteum.

19 Tissues 200 Tissues that can shorten along their length are A) bones.
B) joints. C) muscles. D) receptors.

20 Daily Double How many points would you like to wager on today’s DAILY DOUBLE???

21 Tissues 300 A group of tissues that work together is A) a system.
B) an organ. C) a muscle. D) a gland.

22 Tissues 400 A tissue that connects muscle to bone is A) an extensor.
B) a flexor. C) a ligament. D) a tendon.

23 Tissues 500 A tissue that covers and protects parts of the body is
A) an epithelial tissue. B) a ligament. C) a connective tissue. D) an organ.

24 Miscellaneous 100 All of the following are important jobs of the skeletal system except A) transport blood. B) support the body. C) protect organs. D) make blood cells.

25 Miscellaneous 200 A joint where the bones slide along each other is a
A) ball-and-socket joint. B) gliding joint. C) hinge joint. D) pivotal joint.

26 Miscellaneous 300 A joint that allows bones to move in most directions is a A) ball-and-socket joint. B) gliding joint. C) hinge joint. D) pivotal joint.

27 Miscellaneous 400 A group of cells that look alike and work together is A) a gland. B) a tissue. C) a vertebrae. D) an organ.

28 Miscellaneous 500 New blood cells are made in A) cartilage.
B) compact bone. C) red bone marrow. D) yellow bone marrow.

29 Chapter Review Jeopardy
THANK YOU for PLAYING!!! Be able to explain why there are so many different types of joints. Would you like a final Jeopardy question?

30 Final Jeopardy Why do you think that the skull has fixed joints in it instead of being one piece of bone? The fixed joints in the skull allow the skull to grow to its full size. They also allow it to absorb an impact more easily by distributing the impact around the skull.

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