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Guided Pathways to Success (GPS)

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1 Guided Pathways to Success (GPS)

2 Context Modernizing the higher education quality assurance system to improve student outcomes, reduce student debt, and safeguard taxpayer investments To modernize our higher education system, …..which stifles competition, fuels soaring tuition costs, ….first step toward shaking up a higher education system that leaves too many people with tons of student loan debt and without degrees that lead to good paying jobs.

3 Context California 'student success' initiative slow to increase community college completion rates. Larry Gordon, Ed Source. April 2, 2017 $850 Million so far Additional $150 Million one time

4 Same Goals, Separate Silos
Proliferation of Programs Student Success and Support Program Student Equity Basic Skills Initiative College Promise OEI, EPI, CAI ADTs CCC Baccalaureate Degrees EOPS, CalWorks, DSPS, MESA, Puente…. California Community Colleges Same Goals, Separate Silos

5 American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
National Project: American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Bakersfield College Irvine Valley College Mt. San Antonio College

6 Book Discussion Comments? Questions? How does the topic relate to Cuesta?

7 What is Guided Pathways?

8 The Pathways Model is an integrated, college-wide approach to student success that creates a college GPS for our students to navigate their way through their entire higher education experience to completion.

9 Students are … Why GPS? Taking too much time Taking too many credits Spending too much money Not graduating

10 Unfulfilled Expectations
COMMUNITY COLLEGE RESEARCH CENTER Unfulfilled Expectations 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ~1.5 million new cc students per year 80% intend to earn a bachelor’s 36% of transfers earn award before transfer 25% transfer to 4-year in 5 yrs 17% earn BA 6 yrs after transfer FTIC students Sources: NCES and NSC. Transferred to a 4-year Completed bachelor's

11 Too Much Time to Degree CUESTA COLLEGE: 4.2 YEARS
Of those who graduate… 2-year Associate 4-year Bachelor’s (Non-Flagship) Full-time students take 3.9 years Full-time students take 4.9 years CUESTA COLLEGE: 4.2 YEARS

12 78.8 credits accumulated Too Many Credits 136.2 credits accumulated
Does NOT count remediation 2-year 4-year Bachelor’s (Non-Flagship) Associate 78.8 credits accumulated 136.2 credits accumulated 60 credits standard 120 credits standard CUESTA COLLEGE: CREDITS

13 Very Few Graduate on Time …
On-Time Graduation Rates (Full-time students) 4-year Bachelor’s (Non-Flagship) 2-year Associate 5.0% 18.1% CUESTA COLLEGE: 7.0%

14 150% time = 3 years for associate, 6 years for bachelor’s
Too Few Graduate at All 150% time = 3 years for associate, 6 years for bachelor’s 4-year Bachelor’s (Non-Flagship) 2-year Associate 12.9% 43.2% CUESTA COLLEGE: 28%

15 Part-Time Students Rarely Graduate
200% time = 4 years for associate, 8 years for bachelor’s 2-year Associate 4-year Bachelor’s (Non-Flagship) 6.9% 15.9% CUESTA COLLEGE: 8.1%

16 Too Many Choices and Too Little Guidance
Why GPS? Most colleges have more than 100 majors and hundreds of courses Cuesta College: 99 Degrees 16 AA-T 10 AS-T 39 AA 34 AS Cuesta College: 59 Certificates 17 Certificates of Achievement 36 Certificate of Specialization 6 Non-Credit Certificates 910 Active courses

17 Too Many Choices and Too Little Guidance
Why GPS? Most students are uncertain about their career interests 41% OF Cuesta College students enrolled in Fall 2016 had seen a counselor

18 GPS: Essential Components
DO THIS Default pathways Informed Choice Meta-Majors Academic Maps Milestone courses Intrusive advising

19 19

20 Four Essential Practices of Pathways
Clarify paths to student end goals Help students get on a pathway Help students stay on path Ensure that students are learning

21 Lost in a Maze

Academic Skills » Disabled Student Programs and Services Division Accounting Business Education Division C.A., Accounting Clerk COMPLETION RATES Agriculture Business Education Division AS-T, Agriculture Business AS-T, Agriculture Plant Science Human Development/Human Services  Applied Behavioral Sciences Division A.A., Family Studies/Human Services C.S., Addiction Studies C.S., Addiction Studies Fieldwork International Studies  Language and Communications Division  A.A., International Studies Journalism and Digital Communications Language and Communications Division A.A., Journalism AA-T, Journalism  Kinesiology Kinesiology, Health Sciences and Athletics Division

23 Meta-Major: A collection of academic programs that have common or related content. Programs within a meta-major will share some common requirements to allow for early exploration as students may enroll in this broad field of interest without collecting excess units.

24 Meta-Majors STEM Liberal Arts Health Sciences Education
Students must choose a meta-major — broad clusters of majors No student is “unclassified” — those who can’t decide are defaulted into Liberal Arts STEM Liberal Arts Health Sciences Education Social Sciences Business


26 Career/Major Interest Areas
Begin with your CAREER in mind… Business and Entrepreneurship Culinary and Hospitality Education Communication and Creative Arts Engineering and Manufacturing Health Care Human and Social Services Information Technologies Sciences Personal / Professional Development Public Safety Sports and Fitness A-Z List of Programs [Click on Health Care]

27 Health Care Many of today’s hottest careers are in the healthcare field, with career opportunities and personal satisfaction unmatched by other professions. Lorain County Community College’s nursing program gets highest accreditation rating – The Morning Journal, April 2015 [Click to read the article] Nursing Clinical Lab Science Dental Hygiene Diagnostic Medical Sonography Medical Assisting Physical Therapist Asst. Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Sports and Fitness [Click on Nursing]

28 Nursing University Partnership [Click on Associate Degree Nursing]
LCCC nursing programs provide an exceptional instructional, laboratory and clinical experience to prepare graduates for a career in nursing or to help working nurses advance in their career. “As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may not remember your name but they will never forget the way you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou Associate Degree Nursing (RN) LPN to RN (Access in Nursing) Paramedic to RN Practical Nursing University Partnership Bachelor of Science in Nursing Master of Science in Nursing [Click on Associate Degree Nursing]

29 Associate Degree Nursing
Become a Registered Nurse (list job titles for someone who earns this specific credential) Career Information Curriculum Guide Course Descriptions Admission Requirements Employment of registered nurses is projected to grow 19 percent from to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations. – Bureau of Labor Statistics Video Apply Schedule a Visit Live Chat Image

30 Valencia College The eight Meta-Majors are: (a) Arts, Humanities, Communication and Design, (b) Business, (c) Education, (d) Health Sciences, (e) Industry/Manufacturing and Construction, (f) Public Safety, (g) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and (h) Social and Behavioral Sciences and Human Services. Meta Major - Valencia College majors.cfm


32 Mt San Antonio College: http://www. mtsac. edu/instruction/divisions
Mt San Antonio College: Irvine Valley College:


34 Directions This is a team effort (table) Organize white cards into common areas of emphasis (Meta Majors) Write the title of each Meta Major (area of emphasis) on a blue card Clip all white cards with the Meta Major title card There are no prescribed number of Meta Majors Meta Major Title


36 Thank You for Participating

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