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Facebook Ads Basic Training Laura Christianson Instructor

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook Ads Basic Training Laura Christianson Instructor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook Ads Basic Training Laura Christianson Instructor

2 What steps need to happen for someone to buy from us?
Work sdrawkcaB What steps need to happen for someone to buy from us?

3 What is the goal for my ad campaign?

4 Person clicks on Facebook Ad
Person consumes content & opts into list Person sets up appointment with you SALE $$$

5 What can I offer my target customers?

6 Traffic Temperature

7 Facebook Advertising Policies

8 20% text rule

9 20% text rule

10 Ad Tips Get permission for all images you use. Text must be positive.
No direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record, or name. Ad Tips Get permission for all images you use. Text must be positive. You can’t say: Are you struggling to book speaking engagements? You can say: Are you ready to book more speaking engagements?

11 No direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record, or name. Ad No-Nos “No direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record, or name.”

12 NO YES “Click here for instant access”
No direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record, or name. NO “Click here for instant access” (…and then require them to enter their name and ) YES “Click here to register for your free download.”

13 Anatomy of a Single Image ad




17 The Hook Grab their attention. Tell them what the offer is.
Tell them why they need it from you.














31 Ad Image Size

32 Recommended Image Size
Campaign Objective Recommended Image Size Clicks to Website 1200 x 628 pixels Website Conversions Page Post Engagement 1200 x 900 pixels Page Likes 1200 x 444 pixels App Installs App Engagement Local Awareness Event Responses Offer Claims Video Views 1200 x 675 pixels

33 Your Facebook Ad Campaign
Instructor Laura Christianson

34 Campaign Ad Sets Ads

35 Step 1: Create Campaign

36 Step 2: Choose Objective

37 Step 3: Name Campaign

38 Step 4 (Ad Set level): Define Audience

39 Step 5: Choose Custom Audience or Create New

40 Retargeting

41 Step 6: Create Retargeting Audience

42 Step 7: Create Lookalike Audience if desired

43 Location Targeting

44 Step 1: Select general location

45 Step 2: Enter ZIP Code

46 Age, Gender, Languages

47 Detailed Targeting

48 Step 1: Demographics, Interests, or Behaviors

49 Step 2: Fine-tune

50 Connections Targeting

51 Include or Exclude

52 Targeting Tip When targeting a Custom Audience of your list, create an Ad Set that excludes people who like your Facebook Page. That way, you target subscribers who have not liked your Page.

53 Audience size must be >1,000

54 Save Audience

55 Targeting Tip Use one target audience per Ad Set. Location targeting +
Detailed targeting of one interest group = 1 Ad Set

56 Budget & Schedule

57 Choose Daily Budget over
Lifetime Budget

58 Choose Recommended optimization, bid amount, scheduling, & delivery type

59 Give Ad Set a descriptive name.
Let ads run hours before making any changes. Ad should reach at least 1,000 users before you make changes.

60 Create Ad

61 Step 1: Upload Image(s)

62 Recommended Image Size
Campaign Objective Recommended Image Size Clicks to Website 1200 x 628 pixels Website Conversions Page Post Engagement 1200 x 900 pixels Page Likes 1200 x 444 pixels App Installs App Engagement Local Awareness Event Responses Offer Claims Video Views 1200 x 675 pixels

63 Ad Tips Get permission for all images you use. Text must be positive.
You can’t say: Do you struggle with lower back pain? You can say: Are you ready to get relief from lower back pain?

64 Step 2: Choose Page & Links

65 Step 3: Headline, Text, CTA, Link Description, Display Link, Pixel Tracking




69 Sample ad



72 Step 4: Choose Placement

73 Save To Draft & Review Changes

74 Split Test

Track and Test Performance in Ads Manager

76 Stats to Monitor “Clicks to Website” objective:
Cost per click Click-through rate Number of clicks to your landing page “Website Conversions” objective: Cost per conversion Number of conversions Amount spent

77 General Guidelines Cost Per Lead (CPL): $8 and under
Cost Per Click (CPC), if your objective is Clicks to Website: $1 and under Click Through Rate (CTR): 1%+ Reach: 1,000+ (before making changes to the ad) Frequency: Less than 4 Relevancy Score: 7-10

78 Conversion Rates Opt-in/Registration Page: 20%+
Open Rate: 10-20% Click Through Rate on links in an 2-4% Sales Page Conversion Rate: 1-3%

79 Successful Facebook ad campaigns are a result of constantly testing variables until you find the right mix.

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