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Welcome to the Wisconsin Test Administration Training and Q&A Session

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Wisconsin Test Administration Training and Q&A Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Wisconsin Test Administration Training and Q&A Session
February 2, 2016 Welcome to the Wisconsin Test Administration Training and Q&A Session The ACT and ACT WorkKeys Welcome to the test administration training and Q&A session for Wisconsin state testing. My name is Jodi Simpson and I will be your presenter today and answering any questions you may have. Please wait to ask questions over the phone until we have finished the training portion of the session. You may chat questions anytime during the session and they will be answered during the Q&A portion of the session. Please Call: (866) Access Code:

2 Accommodations Testing Window
Test Days – Spring 2016 Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: Initial Test Date Accommodations Testing Window Makeup Test Date The ACT March 1 March 1 – 15 weekdays March 15 ACT WorkKeys March 2 March 2 – 16 weekdays March 16 11th graders in Wisconsin will be taking the ACT with writing assessment in early March. The initial test date for the ACT test will be on March 1 and makeup testing will occur on March 15. Students testing with ACT-approved or non-college reportable accommodations may test within a two week testing window from March The initial test date for ACT WorkKeys is March 2 and makeup testing will occur on March 16. Students testing with WorkKeys accommodations may test within a two week testing window from March 2-16. ACT recommends testing begin by 9 a.m. on the initial and makeup test dates. Late Starts must be approved by ACT.

3 Test Times ACT WorkKeys Subject Area Time 1. Applied Mathematics
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: ACT WorkKeys Subject Area Time 1. Applied Mathematics 45 minutes 2. Locating Information Break 15 minutes 3. Reading for Information The ACT Subject Area Time 1. English 45 minutes 2. Mathematics 60 minutes Break 15 minutes 3. Reading 35 minutes 4. Science 5 minutes 5. Writing 40 minutes The charts shown here outline the order the assessments must be administered and the timing for each. The test timing for both the ACT and ACT WorkKeys have remained the same, with the exception of the ACT Writing test for which the timing has increased to 40 minutes. Note: The ACT Writing test is now 40 minutes.

4 Completed: In Progress: Upcoming: ACT Testing Milestones Summary
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: Completed: Submit off-site request, if applicable (deadline: January 15) Submit reconsideration requests of ACT-approved accommodations (deadline: January 29) Submit testing enrollment numbers and ACT WorkKeys standard time and accommodations orders in PearsonAccessnext (Jan 5-13 ) In Progress: Submit ACT-approved accommodations late consideration form (deadline: February 10) Feb 1-4 Non-secure shipment arrives at schools. Feb 1-11 Order non-college reportable accommodations materials for the ACT Feb 1 – 29 Conduct session for students to complete non-test portions on the ACT Test Coordinator profile changes (ongoing, Upcoming: Feb Secure standard time and accommodations shipments arrive at schools. Find more testing milestones on your Schedule of Events: Now I am going to review testing milestones that are currently in progress and those that are coming up. The deadline to submit reconsideration requests for ACT-approved accommodations has passed and Late Consideration forms will be accepted until February 10. Late considerations for ACT-approved accommodations are only applicable for specific circumstances. These requests should be submitted using the Late consideration paper form posted on the Wisconsin ACT state testing website. You will receive a preliminary accommodations roster in your nonsecure shipment and a final roster in your secure shipment that summarizes the accommodations each student is approved to test with. Schools should begin receiving the nonsecure shipment now, which means you may begin conducting sessions for students to complete the non-test portions on the ACT. The window to order non-college reportable accommodations materials for the ACT test has opened, and will close on February 11. Instructions for how to order these materials were sent via on February 1 to all test coordinators and district assessment coordinators. If a test coordinator contact changes at any point throughout the year, the test coordinator information can be edited in PearsonAccessnext under “Manage Contacts”. The staff agreement must also be signed, if a new contact assumes the school test coordinator role. Updating the test coordinator contact information ensures the new contact can receive timely information about upcoming testing milestones. All of the testing milestones listed here and more are outlined on your Schedule of Events.

5 The ACT: complete non-test information before test day
Completing the Non-Test Portions Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: The ACT: complete non-test information before test day ACT WorkKeys: complete non-test information before OR on test day Reporting High School Code The high school code determines which school will receive reports. Completing this information is the responsibility of staff at the testing school. Block K: The ACT Block 13: ACT WorkKeys For the ACT test, examinees must complete the non-test portions on the answer document before test day. The non-test portions include basic identifying information, high school course & grade information, and the ACT interest inventory. Instructions are included in the test administration manual for completing this information. At a minimum, identifying information must be completed in order for score reports to be received. If an examinee chooses not to complete any of the other non-test sections, remind them that the score report that ACT sends to colleges will be partially blank. For the ACT WorkKeys test, the non-test information can be completed before test day or on test day. If completing on test day, the non-test portions must be the first information completed, and examinees must not be allowed to revisit the non-test portions after testing completes. In some cases, examinees may test at a school that is not the school they are officially enrolled in. In this case, the high school code must be indicated on the answer document so that reporting is sent to the correct school. Instructions for completing this information can be found on the Answer Document Supplements for the ACT and ACT WorkKeys, included in the non-secure shipment. It is the responsibility of testing staff to ensure this information is completed, if necessary.

6 Answer Document Supplements
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: Important supplemental instructions are included on the Answer Document Supplements (sent in non-secure shipment) for both the ACT and ACT WorkKeys Important supplemental instructions are included on the answer document supplements. There is one answer document supplement for the ACT test and another for ACT WorkKeys sent to schools in the non-secure shipment. These supplements include instructions for how to handle examinees that transfer in to your school before test day, examinees without a barcode label, indicating the reporting HS code, and other important instructions. Test coordinators and room supervisors should pay careful attention to these instructions.

7 Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: Cell phones and electronic devices are considered a prohibited item and ACT discourages the presence of electronic devices in the testing room. However, if a student brings a cell phone or electronic device into the room, the beginning verbal instructions give direction for anyone in possession of such a device to power it off and place it on the floor underneath their seat. Cell phones and electronic devices are considered a prohibited item and ACT discourages the presence of electronic devices in the testing room. However, if a student brings a cell phone or electronic device into the room, the beginning verbal instructions give direction for anyone in possession of such a device to power it off and place it on the floor underneath their seat. In summary, an examinee may be in possession of a cell phone or electronic device, but if they are seen using a cell phone or electronic device during testing or during the break, that is reason to void their test.

8 Use multiple timepieces
Timing the Test Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: Use multiple timepieces Record start and stop times on Time Verification Form (standard time) and Administration Report Form (accommodations) during testing Announce a 5-minute warning Accommodations Mixed timing codes cannot test in the same room This will result in test invalidations Accurate timing of the test is very important to ensure that students scores are valid and not canceled. ACT asks that multiple timepieces be used to ensure accurate timing of the test, and that start and stop times for each test are recorded on the Time Verification and Administration Report Forms and sent back to ACT. For students with accommodations, a specific timing code may be assigned for testing. Accommodations examinees should not test with standard time examinees. Only students with identical timing codes may test in a room together. If students with different timing codes are tested in the same room, scores will be invalidated. In addition some types of accommodations require an individual test administration. Please read the Accommodations testing manual carefully for how to test students with various accommodations and timing codes.

9 Returning Testing Materials
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: It is important to follow the instructions provided in the administration manual to return testing materials. Keep the original boxes that the materials arrived in for returning them. Make sure to use the plastic polymailer to return answer documents and testing forms. If the polymailer is placed inside the box, scoring may be delayed. Make sure to return all necessary test administration forms, found in the back of the administration manual. Neglecting to return these forms or returning them incomplete may delay the scoring of answer documents. ACT preschedules a FedEx pickup for your school. Your pickup date for both the initial and makeup test are noted on your Schedule of Events. The deadline for ACT to receive answer documents from schools for both the ACT and ACT WorkKeys is March 25, Answer documents received after this date will not be scored.

10 Resources Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: DPI ACT High School Assessments Web page: ACT Wisconsin webpage: Testing manuals, training videos, and supplemental documents are available on the DPI ACT High School Assessments Web Page in addition to the Wisconsin ACT state testing website at the links provided here. ACT customer service information is included in all test administration manuals and communications from ACT.

11 In the left navigation bar you can access the ACT assessment’s
DPI ACT Web Pages Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: In the left navigation bar you can access the ACT assessment’s calendar resources trainings accommodations Information sample items data and results technology requirements, and FAQs Now I am going to review where to find specific resources on the Wisconsin DPI ACT High School Assessment web pages. When you click on the web URL in the previous slide, you will be directed to the page seen here.

12 Calendar Web Page Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: The calendar page contains a list of important dates specific to that assessment

13 Resources Web Pages Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: Each high school assessment is listed in the resources web page These resources are specific to each assessment Items you will find on an assessment’s resource page include assessment brochures sample letters manuals informational handouts

14 Accommodations and Supports Web Pages
The accommodations information specific to the ACT assessments are available in this page

15 Practice Test/Sample Items Web Pages
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: The practice test or sample items web page includes: links to practice tests/sample items

16 Trainings Web Pages The trainings specific to ACT assessments are available in this webpage

17 Data and Results Web Pages
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: The data and results page includes information regarding: scoring and reporting when data will be available where to access data how to access data links to resources to help understand the data

18 ACT Assessments’ specific updates are sent every other week.
Communications Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: All assessment updates including ACT specific updates are sent weekly to all DACs. ACT Assessments’ specific updates are sent every other week. ACT assessment related updates and s from ACT are sent from This address should be white listed to ensure that users receive timely information. The Wisconsin department of public instruction sends updates for all relevant assessments weekly to DACs and assessment updates specific to the ACT assessments every other week. ACT sends all communications regarding testing updates and activities via our address. Sometimes these s can end up in Junk Folders, so it is important to make adjust your account settings accordingly to make sure you receive these s in your Inbox.

19 Question and Answer Session
Audio Connection: (866) Access Code: We will take questions over the phone, or through the private chat feature. If you chat a question, we will not chat a response. Instead, we will read these out loud and respond to them. At this time, we will open it up for questions. If for any reason, we are unable to answer a question today, I will record the question and send a response to all participants within the next few business days. You may use the private chat feature within the webinar to ask a question, or the AT&T operator will give instructions now for how to ask a question over the phone.

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