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Registration 2017 10th Grade LYONS HIGH SCHOOL.

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Presentation on theme: "Registration 2017 10th Grade LYONS HIGH SCHOOL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration th Grade LYONS HIGH SCHOOL

2 This Power point presentation will go in order of the items on your checklist, reference your checklist as you go through the registration process

3 Course Description Book
The Course Description Book provides information you need to make informed registration decisions. Look through the book to find pertinent details and to seek answers to your questions.

4 Details of a Course Indicates greater academic challenge, faster pace & greater depth of study Register for both semesters to complete the course and earn 1.0 credit Grade level of students who may take this course Course Name English 10 Honors grade 10 fall/spring prerequisite English 9 (Requires teacher recommendation) Summer reading is a mandatory part of this class. The course covers the strands of English (Oral Communication, Writing, Reading Comprehension, Literature, Research and Information management) with an intensity that the standard English 10 does not offer. Students will be expected to cover more material, experience and react to each unit with the depth and detail that are required in an advanced course. Course(s) you must have passed, &/or recommendations you need to be able to take this course What you can expect to learn in the course

5 St. Vrain Valley School District Graduation Requirements
4.0 English 3.0 Math 3.0 Science 3.0 Social Studies 2.0 PE .5 Health .5 Practical arts .5 Fine arts 8.0 Electives 24.5 Total Credits

6 Graduation Requirements /CCHE Comparison
St. Vrain Valley School District Graduation Requirements Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) College Admission Requirements Total Credits 24.5 credits Credits Language Arts 4.0 credits 4.0 English Math 3.0 credits Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalents) Science 3.0 Natural/Physical Science (2.0 credits must be lab based) Social Studies Social Studies (at least 1.0 credit either US or World History) World language course – must be in the same language Look up specific college admissions on their website Electives 11.5 credits Must include: 2.0 PE, .5 Health, .5 Practical Arts, .5 Fine Arts & additional 8.0 electives 2.0 Academic Electives: Technology, art, music, journalism etc. Also acceptable are honors and/or advanced placement courses.

7 Transcript: *Private/ Personal info.
*A transcript is the official record of student achievement. *Review your transcript/ grades/ credit earned * Note your GPA and Class rank

8 Credit Check/ Review: The credit check/ review, cross checks your transcript record with your progress towards meeting district graduation credit requirements

9 Use your Transcript & Credit Review to make decisions about…
Use your Transcript & Credit Review to make decisions about… *courses for the future, complete a Four year plan located in course description book (in pencil- things may change)  courses to take next year Also…. *Take a look at careers/colleges you are starting to be interested in & courses in HS that could get you ready.

10 Academic Plan 10th grade English Math Science Social Studies
English 10 or Honors English 10 Math Algebra 1, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra or Algebra 2, Trig/ Precalc Science Earth Systems, Honors Biology, or Honors Chemistry Social Studies World Geography or US History or AP US History or AP Gov’t (AP’s will alternate annually) Elective Choices: World Language PE Fine Arts: Music, Drama, Art Practical Arts: Technology, Stage Tech, Music Tech, Video Miscellaneous: Yearbook

11 Course Selection/ Request Form
Core Courses are listed by content area. AP Social Studies may be an option for some of you. Go for it !!! Elective courses are listed by department. If you still need to take health, list this at the top of your course selection form. If you need to make up a class… see back of course description book You may need to take summer school, also list the course(s) at the top of your course selection form.

12 Course Selection Form

13 Recommendations / Tryouts
Courses listed on the course selection form with no lines are based on teacher recommendation/ pre-requisites. Each student’s sheet is personalized and approved courses are highlighted for you. *If you have questions/ concern about a recommendation: Check the course description book for pre-requisites. Follow up with your current teacher in that content area. (Revisited in May)

14 Recommendations / Tryouts (cont’d)
Auditions for Jazz Band and Select Choir are coming up. Interviews for Yearbook are coming up, listen for announcements. Students selected for these programs will have this automatically entered into their course requests

15 Concurrent Enrollment CSU
Opportunity for Sophomores to take a college class. Must meet eligibility criteria (demonstrate college readiness; via grades/ attendance, 3.5 GPA minimum). -- Sign up on Clipboard being circulated during this registration session. Required Meeting Thursday, March 23rd , lunch Library. You will receive info. from Principal Winger . Applications are completed in February/ March to participate in the Fall of 2016. Sophomore year is ideal time to do this. Your Junior Year you should focus on taking AP courses and it will be more difficult to fit this in your schedule. There may be more flexibility your Senior year as well. CSU “online”, is also part of your schedule as a class and you do have to attend the class at Lyons in person, it is not purely online. Concurrent Courses are NOT weighted like Honors or AP courses so if you are trying to build you GPA prioritize those classes first. Student may earns both HS (.5 per class) and College credit. There is a cost involved ($ $ for a class) District pays for TUITION ONLY. Student must earn “C” or better grade or they have to reimburse the district for the tuition cost.

16 Important to Know 10th graders must be enrolled in 7-8 courses.
If you are behind in Core Credits and need to repeat a 9th grade class, you must make it up during summer school. You may earn 1 credit (two classes, 1 each semester) in summer school. Yes, this costs money & time! The only exception to Summer School…… might be Algebra 1. Teacher will determine if you should repeat Algebra 1 as a 10th grader to have a stronger foundation to build upon for future years of math.

17 SVVSD Policy for PE Waiver
PE Waiver Conditions A PE waiver is for students that are not able to fit PE into their schedules due to the rigorous amount of courses taken. Student must be a full time student. Please see the counselor at the end of 10th grade if you think you may not be able to fit PE requirements in your schedule by graduation year. 1-2 PE courses are waived, credit is not awarded, rather requirement adjusted (still need 24.5 credits to graduate) PE is offered frequently so very few of you would need to pursue a waiver. Most students can fit PE in their schedule prior to graduation.

18 Career/ College ! Not too early to be preparing
Identify your career interests/ skills (access your college in Colorado account….keep investigating) Think about the future: College (4 year or 2 year), Military, or Technical/ Trade school. Go to College Fairs! Yes , take your parents with you. Visit Colleges : first hand experience , being there makes a difference with decision making. Can save you time / energy in the long run. Check out college websites; admissions criteria, scholarship criteria. You will take the PSAT in the Spring. Once you get your results you can link your scores with Khan Academy for free practice tutorials and free SAT practice tests.. Talk to a current Senior they will help you know that all the items above make a BIG difference. Ask them for tips from their experience too!

19 Deadline Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Turn in your..
Completed and signed Course Selection Form Give this to your English Teacher, he/ she will keep it until the next step (in the computer lab).

20 *Attend a College Fair Night. Jan/Feb.
SOPHOMORE YEAR August *Check in on assigned day. Attend schedule change session if necessary. Sept. – June *Continue to self-monitor academic progress, seeking help and support when needed. *Parents & students are encouraged to attend Back-to-School night and conferences. *Begin exploring post-high school options. Identify career interest areas and explore career opportunities by interviewing or job shadowing professionals in areas of interest. *Attend college information night and any college fairs that are held in the Longmont and/or Denver-Metro area. October *Take the PSAT Test. (Optional for practice), State assessment PSAT April *Attend a College Fair Night. Jan/Feb. *Read /review course offerings in the Course Description and Registration Guide. Discuss questions and concerns with parents, teachers and/or counselor. Keep your post-high school goals in mind as you choose courses. Complete registration for junior year. Review your 4 year plan. March/ April Participate in state assessment PSAT. This helps you know areas of strength and areas to keep working on to keep moving forward towards post HS goals (college & career). It also lets teachers know the areas they can focus and help you with. The PSAT is a practice for the SAT…you will take as a Junior. Summer *Volunteer and/or get a job to build your resume and save for college.

21 Four Year Plan

22 CDC **Is significantly changing their schedule next year, double block classes every other day. Classes are 3 hours long alternating days…day 1 day 2 these will not consistently align with our Th, Fr block days and take up too many classes Mon, Tues, Wed (add transportation time) and the CDC schedule will not work with Lyons HS schedule. Consider taking Lyons or through Concurrent Enrollment that can help you prepare for career goals!

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