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Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt

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1 Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt
Welcome Class of 2019! Believe you can and you're halfway there. Theodore Roosevelt

2 Guidance Staff Mrs. Lura Wilkes A-F Ms. Robi Anderson G-I
Mrs. LeeAnn Belknap J-P Mrs. Hope Huey Q–Z Mr. Anthony Finley 9th Grade Counselor Mrs. Judy Callaway – Records Secretary

3 Sophomore Timeline First Semester
Create or revisit website Get involved with extracurricular activities (MHS and/or community) Begin researching colleges or post-secondary opportunities Take the PSAT in October

4 Timeline….. Second Semester
Consider Advanced Placement classes and junior year course selection Look for opportunities to practice for the SAT and ACT Visit colleges over the summer break

5 What to expect…. JUNIOR YEAR
SAT and ACT Scholarships and Financial Aid Military Academies Post-secondary educational opportunities Narrowing of college choices Importance of taking the PSAT again

6 Academic Assistance Where are some possibilities for seeking help if you are struggling in a class?

7 Academic Assistance Seek Help Early!!!!!!
Before and After School with your teacher BETA Club tutors in media center before school Study Groups (counselors can help set one up) Last Resort-seeking help from a paid adult tutor or program

8 Extracurricular Involvement
What does this mean? What are some examples of extracurricular activities? How many should you be involved in?

9 Extracurricular Involvement
Build Your Resume!!!! Join a MHS club Tryout for an athletic team or be a team manager Participate in the after school drama program or other fine arts program Take leadership roles in activities Volunteer at a local food bank, thrift store, humane society, civic organization, church Earn your Eagle or Gold Award in Scouts

10 60% of high schools in US offer Advanced Placement (AP)
College Credit Now 60% of high schools in US offer Advanced Placement (AP) Earn high school and college credit at same time 35 possible AP courses How many does MHS offer?????

11 Move On When Ready What is Move On When Ready? Who is able to participate in this program?

12 Move on When Ready Allows a student to earn high school and college credit at the same time Each MOWR(3 hours or more) equals a full unit of credit for high school Able to take college level courses that are not offered at the high school level for credit Now available during the summer for MOWR credit as well

13 What can do for me?
Sends transcripts to GA colleges Apply on line to GA colleges Gives virtual tours of colleges Apply for the HOPE Scholarship and other financial aid Gives free SAT/ACT test prep


15 Tips for Using
If you already have an account and can’t remember username or password, DO NOT create another account! Use the forgot your username or forgot your password options. Begin to save any interest inventories, college searches, etc. in your electronic portfolio

16 Advanced Placement Classes at MHS
What is minimum score needed for most colleges to provide college credit? Besides providing possible college credit, what else does AP provide your assistance with? Challenging curriculum for students who are seeking a more advanced education Chemistry Biology Environmental Science Physics 1, 2, C English Language English Literature Psychology World History Human Geography US History European History American Government Economics Statistics Calculus AB or BC Art History Studio Art Computer Science

17 Which college/technical school is right for me?
College Research Which college/technical school is right for me? 2016 Probe Fair Sandy Creek High School September 16, 2016 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

18 College Entrance Exam Who can tell me what a college entrance exam is?
What are the names of the two college entrance exams?

19 College Entrance Exams: SAT vs ACT
3 hours overall time 200 – 800 points Reading-65 minutes Writing-35 minutes Math (no calculator)-25 minutes Math (calculator)-55 minutes Fewer Geometry Questions More Time Per Question No-calculator Math Section ACT-36 2 hours and 55 minutes overall time Each Section 1 to 36 points Reading-35 minutes English-35 minutes Math-60 minutes Science-35 minutes Lots of Geometry Faster Paced Tough Science Section

20 Math Sections: SAT vs ACT
SAT-80 minutes ACT-60 minutes 58 questions 45 multiple choice questions 13 student-produced response questions 2 sections Provides a reference table for common formulas 6% focus on Geometry More focus on Algebra, word problems, and “Data Analysis” questions (incorporate date from tables/graphs into your calculator 60 questions 1 section of math only Does not provide formulas for reference Allows calculators on all questions Greater focus on Geometry (23%)

21 Reading Section: SAT vs ACT
SAT-65 minutes ACT-35 minutes 52 questions 17% of test focus on testing vocabulary Use of Graphs and Charts Covers Reading level of 11th grade through 4th year of college (average is 13.5 grade reading level) 5 Passages (topics-literature, history/social studies, science) 40 questions 8% of test focus on testing vocabulary No use of Graphs and Charts except Science section Covers Reading level of 9th through 2nd year of college (average is 11.5 grade reading level) 4 Passages (topics-prose/fiction, humanities, social science, natural science)

22 Writing/English: SAT vs ACT
SAT-35 minutes ACT-45 minutes 44 questions 7% of questions focus on vocabulary Uses Graphs and Charts on two passages 45% Grammar 55% Rhetorical Skills (requires more understanding of the passage) 22 word average per sentence and approximately on 1st year college level 75 questions 3% of questions focus on vocabulary No use of Graphs and Charts (except on science section) 51% Grammar 49% Rhetorical Skills 18 word average per sentence and approximately on 10th grade level

23 SAT/ACT College Entrance Exams
Take Spring of Junior Year Most Colleges Accept Either Always Send Free Score Reports Take Both Tests Watch for Mock Test Opportunities

24 All 10th Graders take test for free Great Practice Higher Level Math
PSAT All 10th Graders take test for free Great Practice Higher Level Math More Content Based Paragraphs

25 HOPE Scholarship What are two types of HOPE Scholarship? What classes are included in HOPE GPA? How many classes of rigor are you required to have before graduation to qualify for HOPE Scholarship? What are some examples of HOPE Rigor classes? Does McIntosh High School calculate the HOPE GPA?

Students must have a 3.0 CORE GPA – This includes all English, Social Studies, Science, Math, World Language and all MOWR courses Take 4 Rigorous Classes (Examples: Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Advanced Placement Courses and Dual Enrollment Courses) HOPE is officially calculated AFTER students graduate (8 semesters) McIntosh does not calculate HOPE GPA. You must go to your account for your current HOPE GPA.

Students must have a 3.7 CORE GPA – This includes all English, Social Studies, Science, Math, World Language and all MOWR courses Take 4 Rigorous Classes (Examples: Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Advanced Placement Courses and Dual Enrollment Courses) HOPE is officially calculated AFTER students graduate (8 semesters) Must have a SAT score of 1600 (Critical Reading/Math) or a 26 composite ACT score McIntosh does not calculate HOPE GPA. You must go to your account for your current HOPE GPA.

28 HOPE Scholar Pays an eligible public postsecondary institution a percentage amount of the standard tuition charges from the previous year (can see chart on Pays a percentage amount to private institutions

29 Zell Miller Scholar Program
Zell Miller scholarship pays 100% of standard tuition charges at public schools and approximately $2000 (amount changes every year) of HOPE awards at private schools per semester

30 Can HOPE be used outside the state of Georgia?
HOPE Scholarship Can HOPE be used outside the state of Georgia?

31 Important Dates August 27th-Mock PSAT with Applerouth
August 26th-Credit Recovery Meeting 6:00 PM September 1st – Open House for MHS September 15th-PROBE Fair at Sandy Creek October 19th-PSAT Administration November 3rd-Sophomore Parent Night at 6:00 PM Start NOW to think seriously about your future! We are here to help you!

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