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Welcome Parents Seniors 2017

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1 Welcome Parents Seniors 2017

2 Building Principal Mark Smith Associate Principal Kurt Stephens
10th Grade Principal Clarence Bennett Gear Up Vickie Evans Counselor Angela Van Schoubroek


4 GOALS OF GEAR UP: Graduate in 2017 Accepted and enroll in college, career/technical program, or military

5 Course Description Guide STAAR EOC PSAT Scheduling
FOCUS on Your Future Course Description Guide STAAR EOC PSAT Scheduling

6 Areas of Interest: Course Names
Art 2 Photo Commercial Photo Art 3 Photo Commercial Photo II Broadcast Journalism Audio/Video Production Yearbook Graphic Design & Illustration Practicum In Arch Design Engineering Design and Presentation

7 Areas of Interest: New Courses
AP Accounting (Pending College Board Approval)- 1 credit course Audio/ Video Production II- 2-3 credit course Corrections Services-1 credit Forensic Science- Serves as fourth science and offers continuation in Public Law cluster-1 credit course Practicum in Health Science- Pharmacy Tech 2-3 credit course Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security- 1 credit course

8 What is STAAR EOC? Students will take 5 STAAR End of Course (EOC) Assessments: Algebra I English I English II Biology U.S. History Combined reading and writing beginning this spring for English I and II

9 PSAT Practice with standardized testing and for taking PSAT as a junior, the year students can qualify for the National Merit Scholarship competitions Improve academic skills and prepare for the SAT Personalized study plan with practice SAT Projected SAT score Personalized college planning kit and list of colleges, majors and careers Access to “MyCollegeQuickstart,” an interactive majors, college and career exploration program

10 10th Grade PAP Courses English II PAP (year-long)
GT Block - English II PAP, Art History AP, World History AP (Linked together for 3 credits-year-long) World History Pre-AP (1 semester) Geometry PAP OR Algebra II PAP Biology PAP (year-long) Physics 1 PAP Chemistry 1 PAP Spanish 2 PAP (1 semester) Spanish 3 PAP (1 semester) French 3 PAP (1 semester) If a student took Algebra in 8th grade, they are allowed double up their math with Algebra 2 PAP and Pre-Cal PAP with the intent of taking Cal 2 PAP as a senior. With that being said we are offering additional math classes in order for your student to have several options other than Calculus into Cal 2. New class options: AP Statistics and Finite Math Dual Credit, which would be choices for their senior year.

11 Pre-AP Course Requirements
Students and parents must sign a unilateral contract for participation in Pre-AP. If a student requests a Pre-AP class, no schedule changes will be made during the first week of the course. Changes to a regular-level class will be permitted the 2nd through the 4th week after a conference with the counselor, as well as the teacher, and with a note signed by the parent, giving permission for the student to drop the class.

12 Sophomore Year with Biology
Fall Spring English II or PAP Biology or PAP Geometry or Algebra II or PAP W History or PAP Elective

13 Sophomore Year (Biology taken as freshman)
Fall Spring English II or PAP Geometry or Algebra II or PAP Chemistry or PAP World History or PAP Elective

14 GT Sophomore Year Fall Spring English II PAP Art History AP
World History AP SS Adv Std Biology or chemistry Biology or elective Geometry or Algebra II Elective

15 Introduction Year Sophomore Year is the year to start the Pathways with the Introduction class Most Programs are 2 full year classes

16 Career Pathways Clusters of careers grouped by shared interests and strengths Variety of occupations with different levels of education Provides focus, flexibility and variety of course selection

17 Career Clusters Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Business Education Marketing Finance Arts/Audio/Video Technology and Communications Information Technology Manufacturing Transportation Distribution Logistics Architecture and Construction Health Science Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Human Science and Services Education and Training Hospitality and Tourism

18 Questions Angela Van Schoubroek 936-630-4104 (Counseling)
(office) Questions

19 Parent to Parent We will now break into small groups to learn more information on: Graduation Requirements & GPA

20 GPA All grades are used in determining GPA and class rank.
Numerical grades are averaged with the weighted GPA determining class rank. The course weighting system: Regular course grade= X grade for class PAP course grade and Dual Credit = X grade for class AP course grade = X grade for class

21 Graduation Requirements
Course Recommended Distinguished Diploma( RHS) Diploma (DAP) English credits 4 credits Mathematics 4 credits 4 credits Science credits 4 credits Social Studies 4 credits 4 credits Foreign Lang. 2 credits 3 credits **Physical Ed. ** 1½ credits 1½ credits Health Ed. ½ credit ½ credit Technology 0 credit 0 credit Fine Arts 1 credit 1 credit Comm. App. ½ credit ½ credit Electives 4 ½ 3 ½ State or local electives 5 5 Total 31 credits 31 credits ** substitutions for PE- Athletics, band, cheer, drill team, and trainer DAP Science- IPC does not count as one of the 4 sciences. Biology, Chemistry, Physics and additional science for their 4th.

22 Measures for Distinguished
Any combination of the following, to equal 4: Student’s performance on the PSAT qualifies the student as a commended scholar or higher. (counts as 1 measure) Student earns a B or better in a college course. Prior approval required. (1 measure per college course) Student earns a 3 or higher on any AP exam. (1 measure per exam)

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