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Performance Based Assessment

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1 Performance Based Assessment
Do the tasks address the major goals of the unit? Do the tasks match the targeted performance level? Do they address some aspect of the essential question? Are they real-world tasks? Do they address 21st Century Learning skills — communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation and critical thinking and problem solving? Laura Terrill

2 2.2 The Power of a Story What are our stories?
Could be a unit where you have to accept that culture comes through the selected resources during the unit, but one where it is challenging to assess culture in the summative presentational and interpersonal assessments. Look at the “on demand”. It may be enough for students to write “their” story telling about a significant event in their lives. Laura Terrill

3 2. 3 Consumerism What is a necessity
2.3 Consumerism What is a necessity? What does it mean to be a responsible consumer? Would suggest looking at summative assessment descriptions The timing of the unit might make it feasible to explore needs in the community Material World here, bedrooms for Housing and Shelter? Laura Terrill

4 2.4 Food and Hunger What role does food play in our lives?
Possibly one essential question – What role does food play in our lives? Summative performance tasks might need to be reconsidered to allow for higher performance targets Let’s talk about menus, traditional ordering in a restaurant for interpersonal Would unit open with hunger? Laura Terrill

5 Los niños que desayunan
Laura Terrill

6 Los niños que desayunan salen listos para comerse el día
pero puede ser que 1 de cada 5 niños se vaya a la escuela SIN DESAYUNAR Tú peudes AYUDAR a que más niños tengan la barriguita llena y hambre de TRIUNFO COMPRA UNA CAJA Y AYUDA A DARLE UN DESAYUNO A UN NINO Kellogg’s Nos vemos en el desayuno Laura Terrill

7 Part 1 of video – Pose question in Spanish What is the problem?
Pass out something that would indicate whether a child eats breakfast or not. The front of all cards might have the word breakfast in Spanish, the back a picture of something they could eat for breakfast, vocabulary they are learning. 1 in 5 cards would not have a picture, it would have an X on the back of the card. You might want to use the colors of the video 4 yellow cards, 1 red card Begin by asking students if they eat breakfast (in Spanish). They answer saying Yes, I eat (food). or No, I don’t eat breakfast. Show video up to SIN DESAYUNAR. Freeze the video on that slide. Have students ask and answer do you eat breakfast. As they mingle and answer, they form groups-4 that eat breakfast and 1 that does not. Change question to are you hungry. Ask and answer. Show video again up to sin desayunar pausing to ask questions in Spanish…does she eat breakfast, does he eat breakfast, is he/she hungry. does he/she have energy, ready for school. Narrate the video this time by reading the words on the screen. Exchange or pass out cards again. Divide class in 2 groups – hungry / not hungry. The group that has breakfasts, acts out going to school with energy, they sit at their desks, ready to learn, the group that does not drags in to school, sits at desks and puts heads down. If you want to focus on numbers, count number who are hungry, number not hungry, math problem to show 1 in 5 and percentage. Laura Terrill

8 Retell story with living sentences.
Write simple story. Use same pictures from matching activity. As you tell story have students line up in correct order. While students are in front of room with pictures, have class retell story. (Name) gets up. She is hungry. She eats breakfast. She has lots of energy and goes to school. (Name) gets up. She is hungry, but she doesn’t eat breakfast. She is very hungry. She goes to school, but she is tired. (Name) goes to store and buys cereal. (Name) goes to store and buys cereal Name of second student gets up. She is hungry, She eats breakfast, goes to school and has energy. Extend by reading some Spanish images with why breakfast is important. I put a couple on my pinterest. Laura Terrill

9 Part 2 of video – Pose question in Spanish What is the solution?
Show second part of video. Ask and answer questions about cereal – do you like, what is your favorite. Pull together some props – perhaps a sign or hat that says Kellogg’s, person wearing sign stands in front of boxes of cereal, some play money. Students learn to say “I am going to buy a box of cereal” They give money to Kellogg’s person. Kellogg’s person puts money in box that has sign with word hambre with big red slash mark. Show second part of video, and narrate – read aloud  Give some phrases in Spanish from video and pictures – have students read sentences silently and match to correct picture. Then, let them compare with partner. Show entire video third time so they can check their answers. Laura Terrill


11 La lutte contre la faim, notre priorité à tous
Laura Terrill

12 Tu aimes le plumpynut? L’avoine Les graines de tournesol Les amandes
Le germe de blé Le miel Les fruits secs un repas multi-micronutrient

13 Tu aimes la ratatouille?
Oui, j’aime la ratatouille parce que j’aime beaucoup les poivrons. Non, je n’aime pas la ratatouille parce que je déteste l’ail. l’aubergine la courgette le poivron rouge, vert, jaune la tomate l’oignon l’ail un repas français

14 Tu aimes la poutine? les frites la sauce le fromage un repas canadien

15 Comment préparer la ratatouille?
I can ask and answer questions about food preferences and give simple reasons. Laura Terrill

16 les frites + le fromage + la sauce = la poutine
I can ask and answer questions about food preferences and give simple reasons. Tu aimes la poutine? les frites le fromage la sauce = la poutine Laura Terrill

17 Qu’est-ce que tu préfères? Pourquoi?

18 What’s for dinner? You spent Saturday morning shopping in these stores. What are you serving for dinner…company is coming ….

19 Interpersonal Task You’ve just been seated and have been handed a visual menu showing the specialties of the house. You recognize most of the dishes. Talk about what you are seeing. Ask each other questions about the choices as you make your selections. Explain why you are deciding to get what you are getting. As you eat talk about another great international meal you’ve had. Laura Terrill

20 2. Living in the City What makes a city unique/ideal?
Laura Terrill

21 2. Living in the City What makes a city unique/ideal?
Laura Terrill

22 Gain Attention/Input — Une journée à Angers
Students brainstorm words and phrases that they associate with the video. Students complete a graphic organizer as they watch the video a second time. Laura Terrill

23 Une ville où on fait beaucoup d’activités
mange bien Une ville moderne Une vieille ville

24 I can say why I like or don’t like a city.
Tu aimes Angers? I can say why I like or don’t like a city. Oui, parce qu’il y a ______________. Non, parce qu’il n’y a pas de _____________. Laura Terrill

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