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Coming up with a Purpose for your Speech

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1 Coming up with a Purpose for your Speech
Public Speaking Coming up with a Purpose for your Speech

2 you will probably ramble1 on when you deliver your speech!
Without a purpose, you will probably ramble1 on when you deliver your speech! 1Ramble, ramble on – (in the context of language) This means to speak or write aimlessly, with ideas being disconnected.

3 There are 3 General purposes for a speech:
Inform Persuade Entertain

4 1. Inform – Informative Speech
Provide information Objective Position – no bias You are not trying to convince the audience that something is good or bad. The result is that the audience becomes more knowledgeable about a topic.

5 Example topics for Informative Speeches
How to make pizza The story of how your school was founded The history of your hometown Trends in the stock market Different styles of Chinese food Key phrases in a foreign language Foreign TV shows All about your favorite vacation spot How to get good grades How to write a resume How to survive a job interview How to improve your health How to improve your conversation skills How to apply make-up Toxic chemicals in food

6 2. Persuade – Persuasive Speech
Modify the thinking of the audience Convince the audience to agree with your point of view Motivate the audience to take some action Inspire, instill hope

7 Example topics for Persuasive Speeches
Death penalty / capital punishment – good or bad? Should Mercy Killings (Euthanasia) be allowed? Is Abortion OK? Should the Two-Child Policy be changed? Why are boys favored for jobs if girls are equally qualified? Should college students be allowed to get married? Is it good for young couples to live with their parents? Should women work after marriage? Is Finding a lover / friend on the Internet a good idea? Sex before marriage – right or wrong? Should lovers live together before marriage? Should the government regulate cigarette smoking? Should we buy/download illegal CD, DVD’s, movies, etc.? Should TV violence be limited? How early should Chinese children start studying English?

8 3. Entertain / Entertaining Speech
Keep the audience amused & interested.

9 A speaker may have two general purposes.
For example, The primary purpose is to inform. The secondary purpose is to entertain. Don’t lose sight of the primary purpose!

10 Creating a Specific Purpose
It’s not enough to only have a general purpose! You need a specific purpose as well. Otherwise, your speech will not be focused, resulting in a boring, ineffective speech.

11 A specific purpose is what you want your audience to:
1. Know 2. Think 3. Believe 4. Act on (i.e., do)

12 Practice writing a purpose for your speech.
It must include a general and specific purpose. General Purpose To inform my audience To persuade my audience To entertain my audience Specific Purpose about the 3 steps in making a kite. that high-fat foods are bad for their health. with stories about my blind dates.

13 Creating a Specific Purpose
Avoid broad or general topics, for example, “The History of China.” Why?

14 Creating a Specific Purpose
Ask yourself: Is there enough research available on my topic? Will my topic fit the time limit? Am I really interested in this topic?

15 What type of speech is this?
Is this a good speech topic? Why, or why not? How to stay healthy OR 7 Things You Can Do to Avoid the Flu

16 about 7 practical behaviors that will help them avoid catching the flu
7 Things You Can Do to Avoid the Flu General Purpose To inform my audience Specific Purpose about 7 practical behaviors that will help them avoid catching the flu

17 Why you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes Why the government should regulate
What type of speech is this? Is this a good speech topic? Why, or why not? Why you shouldn’t smoke cigarettes OR Why the government should regulate cigarette smoking

18 Why the government should regulate
cigarette smoking General Purpose To persuade my audience Specific Purpose that laws regulating cigarette smoking would be beneficial to society

19 Questions to Help You Choose a Speech Topic
What are your values in life and career? What are your hobbies? What special or unusual experiences have you had? What would you like to know more about? What beliefs or strong opinions do you hold? What are your pet peeves1? 1Pet Peeves – your personal dislikes; things that really bother / irritate you

20 Popular Themes Health and Longevity
Almost everyone is concerned about being fit and healthy. Personal Happiness What person doesn’t want tips on how to gain or enhance happiness? Recreation People like ideas on how to enjoy leisure activities such as sports, hobbies, movies and TV shows, dining out, and travel. Money and Security Many people want to make money, find bargains, and gain financial security. People / Personalities You don’t have to limit yourself to famous people. An inspiring teacher or coach would also be interesting.

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