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Imperialism in China.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism in China."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism in China

2 Dynasty Becomes Vulnerable

3 Manchu (Qing) Dynasty Captured China 1644 - Foreign dynasty
Great territorial expansion Much Christian missionary activity Little desire to deal w/ the West

4 Problems Develop w/ Dynasty
Population  (60 million in 1700 to 300 million in 1800) Hatred for foreign dynasties  Corruption & decay  War lords controlled much of the countryside

5 Western Ideas Change China
New ideas challenge traditional life Missionaries bring ideas of equality Free trade began to destroy Tribute System (gifts and labors paid to the emperor)

6 Foreign Influence in China
Opium Plays a Role

7 Trade Imbalance England consumed a lot of tea and cotton from China
Wanted to find something that England could trade to China to balance the trade

8 1700s – England & other nations sold Indian opium to China even though it was an illegal substance in China

9 By early 1800s many Chinese were addicted and used China’s silver supply to pay for the drug


11 What would be your reaction?
Why were the British selling the Opium? How would you feel about foreigners using your country to make money? What could your government do to prevent this?

12 Government passed harsh laws – users and smugglers would receive the death penalty

13 What would be your reaction?
Do you think these laws would work? Do you think harsh laws work in the US? If the foreigners still would not leave, what might you do?

14 1839 Chinese destroyed a British ship filled with opium
Britain Declared War!

15 Opium War


17 European Industrial Revolution
- Increased Europe’s military strength

18 China did not have the warships that Britain did

19 British had better gun technology; China’s weapons were outdated


21 The “Unequal Treaties”
Treaty of Nanjing The “Unequal Treaties”

22 Ended Opium War Made China “unequal” to the foreign nations China could not control its own trade China had to pay for destroyed opium

23 Control of Hong Kong given to Britain for 99 years
Privilege of extraterritoriality given to foreigners

24 Extraterritoriality Under the new treaties, foreigners accused of a crime in China could go back to their country to be tried in their own court system

25 Why “extraterritoriality?”
What is the advantage to that right? What does this right do to the power of the Chinese?

26 As a result of the Unequal Treaties, countries carved up China into Spheres of Influence


28 Area which a foreign nation has special economic privileges
Spheres of Influence Area which a foreign nation has special economic privileges (economic influence leads to political influence)


30 Countries with “Spheres”
Britain France Germany Japan Russia

31 China Britain Japan Germany Russia France Who is who?

32 United States’ Open Door Policy
Wanted to prevent countries from forming colonies in China Promoted “Open Door” policy where all nations would have equal access to China It did not work, but US used it to protect its economic interests

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