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OpenShift & SELinux Dan Walsh Twitter: #rhatdan

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1 OpenShift & SELinux Dan Walsh Twitter: #rhatdan
Blog: OpenShift & SELinux

2 SELinux is a LABELING System
Everything has a label Process,file,dir, chr_file, blk_file, port, node. SELinux Policy defines that access between process labels and all other labels. The Kernel controls the access.

3 Security Goals
When writing SELinux policy, the first thing to understand, what is your security goal. For most people the security goal is to get to as close as minimal access to allow the confined application to get its job done and prevent its ability to effect other applications. For a lot of applications, you can configure the application to run in different Ways. Ftp for example can be configured to allow anonymous access to files, or access to users home directories, or access to the entire system. When you have an application like this, you can use booleans to allow administrators to reconfigure the policy, for their environment. When you are writing policy it is always good to ask experts about the policy you have written to see if you are allowing more access then necessary or if they know a better way to write the policy.

4 SELinux is Type Enforcement
system_u:system_r:openshift_t:s0: c1,c2 SELinux is Type Enforcement seinfo -t | grep openshift openshift_mail_tmp_t, httpd_openshift_content_t, openshift_cgroup_read_tmp_t, openshift_initrc_tmp_t, openshift_var_lib_t, openshift_var_run_t, openshift_app_t, openshift_min_t, openshift_net_t, openshift_tmp_t, openshift_min_app_t, openshift_net_app_t, openshift_cgroup_read_t, httpd_openshift_script_exec_t, openshift_cron_tmp_t, openshift_initrc_t, httpd_openshift_script_t, openshift_cron_exec_t, openshift_initrc_exec_t, openshift_rw_file_t, openshift_log_t, openshift_cron_t, openshift_mail_t, openshift_port_t, httpd_openshift_ra_content_t, httpd_openshift_rw_content_t, httpd_openshift_htaccess_t, openshift_cgroup_read_exec_t, openshift_t, openshift_tmpfs_t

5 SELinux is Type Enforcement
Process Labels can be on Files File Labels can not on Processes openshift_t -> Process openshift_var_lib_t -> File

6 SELinux is MCS system_u:system_r:openshift_t:s0:c1,c 2
Multi Category System MCS Separation is for like types, but totally separated openshift_t:s0:c1,c2 -> openshift_var_lib_t:s0:c1,c2 openshift_t:s0:c3,c4 -> openshift_var_lib_t:s0:c3,c4

7 Libvirt – Dynamic Labeling in action
openshift_t:MCS1 openshift_t:MCS2 Kernel Host Hardware memory, storage, etc. This slide shows one Virtual machine running as svirt_t:MCS1 and the other virtual machine running as svirt_t:MCS2. Which their image files labeled as svirt_image_t:MCS1 and svirt_image_t:MCS2. The same attack we saw before is being blocked by SELinux in the host kernel, and this protects Host as well as all virtual machines from attacking each other. SELinux openshift_t:MCS2 openshift_t:MCS1

8 MCS Labeling based on UID
def gen_level(uid): SETSIZE=1023 TIER=SETSIZE ORD=uid; while ORD > TIER: ORD = ORD - TIER; TIER= TIER - 1; TIER = SETSIZE - TIER; ORD = ORD + TIER; return "s0:c%d,c%d" % (TIER, ORD)

9 How do the labels get on gears
Host receives packet for a gear OpenShift server launches application with correct SELinux label. Sends packet to application If connection comes in via git or ssh Ssh uses pam_openshift Launch sh with correct context Launch git with correct context


11 Monitoring Logs

12 Problems with OpenShift Security
Gear Application == Administrator of Gear Same UID Same SELinux Label openshift_t Solution: openshift_t Administrator of gear openshift_app_t Type of the application openshift_var_lib_t openshift_t can read/write/execute openshift_app_t can read/execute openshift_rw_file_t openshift_t & openshift_app_t can read/write/execute

13 Problem with OpenShift Security
All gears run as openhift_t All have same network access. openshift_t/openshift_app_t openshift_net_t/openshift_net -app_t openshift_min_t/openshift_min_app_t

14 What about trust between nodes.
IPTables not enough Node1:Gear1 can not attack Node1:gear2 Node1:Gear1 can attack Node2:gear2 Labeled Networking between Nodes Based on MLS CIPSO Labels Labeled Networking SELinux rules Node1:Gear1 can use Node2:gear1 Node1:Gear1 attacking Node2:gear2 blocked Requires UID being the same between nodes.

15 Problems with SELinux Confinement
Node Separation blocked to all. We do not want multiple Domains binding to :8080 First one wins Apps trying to do SELinux stuff SELinux blocks access to processes but it knows they are there.


17 Containers != Security Running root in a container, machine pwned
Local Privilege Escalation, machine pwned Much of the system is not containerized. Audit /sys selinuxfs, cgroupfs, sysfs Need to block mount Need to block mknod

18 Linux Namespaces Mount : mounting/unmounting filesystems
Currently used by Openshift for /tmp, /var/tmp and /dev/shm UTS : hostname, domainname IPC : SysV message queues, semaphore/shared memory segments Network: IPv4/IPv6 stacks, routing, firewall, proc/net /sys/class/net directory trees, sock Critical to fix localhost problem Pid: Private /proc, multiple pid 1's UID: Just showing up in the Kernel now..

19 Libvirt-lxc Boot “init” binary SELinux Types + MCS
Firewall ebtables/ip[6]tables Host FS passthrough bind mounts CGroups resource control Available in RHEL6.4 But your on your own...

20 virt-sandbox Package to help managing Linux Containers


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