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Welcome Class of 2021! This Power Point is posted on the Counseling Website under the Naviance Tab & Counseling Power Point Presentations for you to download.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Class of 2021! This Power Point is posted on the Counseling Website under the Naviance Tab & Counseling Power Point Presentations for you to download."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Class of 2021! This Power Point is posted on the Counseling Website under the Naviance Tab & Counseling Power Point Presentations for you to download.

2 9th Grade Counselors Mrs. Nancy Kundinger, 9th & 10th Grade Last Names A – K (843) Ext. 122 Mrs. Julie Staten, 9th & 10th Grade Last Names L – Z (843) Ext. 111

3 Counseling Website

4 Counseling Website 4. 9th Grade College Planning Timeline
1. $ All Grades Scholarships $ 5. Power Point Presentations 2. Community Service & Internship Info. 6. SAT/ACT Prep 3. Summer Opportunities & Camps

5 Parent Portal
MMS Help to address any technical difficulties Checking your child’s grades once a week on parent portal is recommended!

6 Graduation Requirements
Theology 4* English 4 Mathematics 4 Science 3 World Language (same) 2 (Most Colleges Require 3 years of W. Language for Admission) U.S. History 1 U.S. Government ½ Economics ½ World History 1 Computer Technology 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Arts 1 Additional elective 1 Total credits required *Theology is required only for the time a student is attending BEHS

7 If in DOUBT…Check it OUT
World Languages Many colleges require 3 years of a Foreign Language If in DOUBT…Check it OUT Clemson – 3 years of the SAME Language College of Charleston – 3 years **Can be 3 years of the SAME Language or 2 years of one language and 1 year of another language. Example: 2 years of Spanish and 1 year of French University of South Carolina –2 years

8 Bishop England’s Weighted GPA
AP Honors AI AII A 85-89 B 80-84 B 75-79 C 70-74 C Under 69 F A Student’s GPA begins in 9th Grade! STUDY Hard! *Bishop England does NOT Rank on the BE Weighted GPA

9 South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy (SCUGP)
In addition to BE’s weighted GPA, all FINAL transcripts sent to IN-STATE colleges will include a SCUGP weighted GPA, which is considered in awarding the state funded scholarships (Hope, Life, and Palmetto Fellows). Both the BE and SCUGP cumulative GPA’s are calculated by totaling all the yearlong final grades that the student has earned in his or her high school courses. (These courses include driver’s education classes taken off-campus and the high school credits earned in middle school, unless the student opted to retake a course in high school). For additional information, please see page 13, 14 & 15 in the On-line Student/Parent Handbook

10 SCUGP Grading Policy Conversion

11 College SC Lottery Scholarships
Palmetto Fellows Scholarship   $6,700 per YEAR There are two ways to qualify... 1. Must meet ALL Three below: a) 1200 SAT (could change) or 27 ACT b) 3.5 GPA on SCUGP through Junior year (could change) c) Be in the top 6% from SCUGP (at the end of your Sophomore, Junior, OR Senior year) OR 2. Must meet ALL below: a) 1400 SAT (could change) or 32 ACT b) 4.0 GPA on SCUGP (could change)

12 Must meet TWO of the Three Criteria:
Life Scholarship  $5,000 per YEAR Must meet TWO of the Three Criteria:   SAT (could change) or 24 ACT GPA on SCUGP (could change) 3. Top 30% of the class from SCUGP Hope Scholarship  $2,800 per YEAR (for Freshman year only) Must have a 3.0 GPA on SCUGP (could change)

13 The Enhancement is awarded in the student’s Sophomore Year in college
Palmetto Fellow & Life Enhancement Math & Science Majors Only Students need to complete at least fourteen credit hours of instruction in mathematics or life and physical science or a combination of both by the end of their freshman college/first year college enrollment. The Enhancement is awarded in the student’s Sophomore Year in college Life Recipients –$2,500 extra Palmetto Fellows Recipients –$3,300

14 PSAT (Pre-SAT) What you need to know…..
All 9th, 10th and 11th grade students take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 11, 2017. No registration is required for the PSAT (students MUST register on their OWN for the SAT on & ACT on Students should strive to do their best on the test. BE Teachers use the test results when considering placement for the next school year.

15 PSAT (Pre-SAT) What you need to know…..
Colleges will not see the student’s PSAT scores. The PSAT is a practice test preparing students for the SAT. Click here for Practice Questions: 10/practice Click on this link for instructions on Understanding Scores: 10/scores/understanding-scores

16 PSAT/NMSQT National Merit Scholarship Program
Eligibility is in JUNIOR YEAR Only All JUNIORS throughout the county that take the PSAT are eligible. Of the 1.6 million entrants, some 50,000 with the highest PSAT/NMSQT® Selection Index scores (calculated by doubling the sum of the Reading, Writing and Language, and Math Test scores). For more detailed information go to: 10/scholarships-and-recognition 2&pgid=61&cid=160

17 Khan Academy Free Tutoring for the PSAT/SAT

18 Link Scores to your Khan Academy Account Get personalized practice recommendations based on your results from the new SAT®, PSAT/NMSQT®, and PSATTM 8/9. Take these steps to connect your College Board and Khan Academy® accounts:

19 National Honor Society
The leader among organizations and societies that promote appropriate recognition for students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in… Scholarship Leadership Service Character To be eligible for NHS as a sophomore or junior, a student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least a 4.5 GPA since grade 9 and must have attended BE at least for one semester. It is highly recommended to actively be involved in several different activities to meet the leadership requirement. NHS requires a minimum of 16 service hours by the end of the second quarter (sophomore or junior year) to be considered for membership in NHS. Some service opportunities will be posted on the bulletin board in the Theology wing of the school. See Page 16 in the Student/Parent Handbook NHS Advisor: Ms. Desiree Runey, Room 134A

20 Study Skills Study Skills Designate a place to Study.
Space out your studying and don’t procrastinate! After an hour of studying, take a short 10 minute break. Study your hard subjects first! Test yourself Recite your notes out loud. Make Flashcards Stop Multitasking Study with a friend. Get a good night sleep before the test & always eat breakfast. Study Skills

21 5 Things a High School Freshman
should know about Preparing for College # 1 Start Early Sit down with your High School Counselor Talk to your parents and begin the conversation   #2 Talk to your teachers

22 Choose a few things you really enjoy and get deeply involved.
Stick with it and become a leader if possible. A passion or hobby can be anything! Sports, a club, babysitting, tutoring, and after school job, etc.   # 3 Find a Passion or Hobby 5 Things a High School freshman should know about preparing for college #4 Get good grades!

23 5 Things a High School Freshman
should know about preparing for college # 5 Keep a Look Out for Scholarships Paying for college is expensive! It’s never too early to start looking for scholarships. Take a look at the Counseling webpage.

24 How can I get help? All teachers have extra help sessions, and these are posted on the website under Student Help Sessions located under Current Families. 2. Plan to attend for those classes in which you are struggling. 3. If necessary, or call your Counselor to get a recommendation for a peer tutor or a paid tutor in a specific course.

25 Counseling has a Facebook Page! Counseling Bishop England High
Request to be our “Friend” or “Follow” and you will be able to get up to date information from our Counseling Department about scholarships, community service opportunities, events put on by us, etc.

26 Upcoming Dates September
Sept. 1st Last day to drop a course and add another course Sept. 4th Labor Day – No School Sept. 6th Parent Visitation Night at 7:00pm. Sept. 15th Mid Quarter Progress Alert (no progress report will be mailed home). Also the deadline to drop a full-year class and add a study hall, or drop a level for a semester course. October Oct. 9th Columbus Day – No School Oct. 11th PSAT testing Oct. 13th Quarter 1 Ends. Deadline for ALL Level changes! Oct. 20th No school. Parent/Teacher Conferences 1 to 4pm (No appt. needed)

27 Upcoming Dates November
Nov. 10th Mid Quarter Progress Alert for 2nd Qtr Nov. 22nd- 26th Thanksgiving Holidays December Dec. 13th End of 2nd Qtr Dec. 14th – 20th Semester Exams Christmas Break Dec. 21st through January 2nd January Jan. 3rd Students Return (1st day of Qtr 3) Jan. 8th 1st Semester Report Cards mailed home


29 What is Naviance? A college and career planning tool to optimize student success which connects academic achievement to post-secondary goals… College Planning: College Search, Application Process, College Major Search/Exploration, Scholarship/Financial Aid Resources Applying to College: Sending Transcripts and Teacher Recommendations to College Career Planning: Interest Inventory, “Do What You Are” Personality Inventory, Cluster Finder Inventory, Resume Building Success Planning: Personalized Goals and Tasks, Journal Entries, Student Planner

30 Go to BE’s Counseling Website
Go to BE’s Counseling Website. Click on this link to get to the Naviance Family Connection Login Page

31 Login using the student’s username & password
The Password is “case sensitive” so CAPITALIZATION is important!

32 Username & Password for Naviance
Your Naviance Username is the first letter of your first name and then your last name. Example: John Smith jsmith Your Password is your birthdate. Example: January 5, **If you would like to change your password, your School Counselor will change it for you.


34 The “Colleges” tab will allow students to explore colleges through various links

35 The ‘Colleges’ tab has 2 main subfolders:. 1) My Colleges
The ‘Colleges’ tab has 2 main subfolders: ) My Colleges ) College Research First, we will focus on the ‘College Research’ section…

36 The ‘College Research’ subfolder has 9 different sections students can explore

37 SuperMatch College Search Tool



40 “About Me” Build your Resume Goals Profile


42 The “Careers” tab will allow the student to explore careers and learn about their interests and personalities.


44 QUESTIONS? Thank you for coming!

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