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Presentation on theme: "THE ABC’s & I’s of INFORMATICS"— Presentation transcript:

Understanding Informatics and Its Role in The Cancer Registry Profession Jocelyn Hoopes, MLIS, CTR 360 Registry Services, LLC Chair, NCRA Informatics Committee

Informatics Theory Technology Biological Sciences Human Social& Perspectives

3 CANCER INFORMATICS Cancer Informatics is the intersection of information science, computer science, medical oncology, communication and health care. It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in cancer. format at the right time.

Applied cancer informatics turns clinical data into meaningful and useful information to improve processes and outcomes in patient-focused and evidence-based cancer care. Informally, Cancer Informatics supplies the right information, to the right people, in the right format at the right time.

5 The Pillars Defined Informatics Theory -- Systems, Information Flow, and Knowledge Concepts Technology -- Hardware and Software Tools in Support of Creating Data to Model Outcomes Biological Sciences -- Life Science Disciplines, including Scientific Inquiry Principles Social Perspectives – Human-centered Interactions in an Organizational or Cultural Context

6 THEORY: Information Science Informatics Enterprise Management
Skill- Know the key and influential online resources in cancer registry, oncology, your environment (hospital, govt., education etc.) and business management. Skill- Learn to critically read & analyze scientific papers, including primary research. Skill-Test & apply knowledge in collaborative work within and outside the registry.

7 THEORY: Computer Science for Informatics Enterprise Management
Skill- Understand the meta benefits of computers in your environment by knowing basic concepts and vocabulary of computer science. Unless you can define and apply basic computer science vocabulary, then you really can’t communicate the value of what you can do. ♦What’s an algorithm? ♦ What’s a controlled vocabulary? ♦ What’s data structure? ♦What’s a Boolean operator? Skill- Be able to analyze the power and limitations of human/computer interaction in various “Best Practices.” Skill- Understand and apply query logic.

8 THEORY: Cognitive Science for Informatics Enterprise Management
Skill- Know & apply the fundamentals of learning theory. What is a learning style? How do we organize differently as individuals to retrieve information? How can we report & visualize information for different users? How do scientists think? Skill- Learn how to conduct a query interview with both a researcher and a group researchers.

9 TECHNOLOGY: Tools for Informatics Enterprise Management
Skill- Understand system design & networking. Skill- Analyze software applications (workplace, proprietary, enterprise architecture)and the ability for them to interface. Bloom Level 5-6. Skill- Be aware of the various applications of communication software used to facilitate health data exchange. Skill- Have forward and backward knowledge of clinical terminology & guidelines, abstracting guidelines, ICD-O, CoC Standards. Skill- Maintain current knowledge on legal regulatory environments in privacy, confidentiality and security.

10 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: Tools for Informatics Enterprise Management
Skill: Have core knowledge of the scientific method. Skill: Maintain evolving knowledge of Oncogenesis & Oncogenetics. Skill: Demonstrate basic health numeracy and statistical competency. Skill: Analyze Clinical data. Skill: Own the creation and management of studies, including outcome and quality studies, aided by continuous literature review. Skills: Gather a basic knowledge of biological applications within the cancer services lines. Pre-requisite skills- Fundamental understanding of human sciences & processes(a/k/a biology, A&P, pathophysiology etc). Skills: Understanding of pharmacological processes & agents.

11 HUMAN & SOCIAL ASPECTS: Informatics Enterprise Management in the Cancer Registry
Skill- Use basic project management techniques throughout the environment. Skill- Apply organizational dynamics theory and methods, including team dynamics, “leaderful” team models, change management and conflict resolution techniques. Skill- Understand and use appropriate decision making paradigms, including ROI. Skill- Understand basic business & marketing principles to assist in business-side queries when analyzing business data. Leverage social media when appropriate for information gathering & education. Skill- Understand Innovation Theory.

12 Focus Groups: What You’ve Said
√You believe that you’re secure in your Informatics knowledge, but you colleagues may not be as secure. √ You are generally most comfortable with the Technology aspects of informatics. √ Continuing education in a specialized subset of Informatics is valuable to you. Biostatistics! Sources: NCRA Nashville Conference Presentation & F/U Questionnaire, 2014 (Michelle Webb, presenter), Informatics Committee – 2015, Focus Group, Winter 2015 , Webinar, Spring 2015

13 Bloom’s Taxonomy Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

14 Bloom’s Taxonomy Hierarchical
Not All Competencies Need to be Exhibited at Same Level Not Everyone Starts at the Same Place Team Members Having Different Capabilities & Interests Make the Best Team

15 E-TOOL KIT v. 1.0 CASE FINDING TOOL-KIT DEMO → On the NCRA Website Soon

16 Applied Informatics USE CANCER RISK DATA TO-
Educate Health Behavior & Manage Care USE CANCER OCCURRENCE DATA TO- Find Subsets of Demographic Data with Temporal Social Geographic Characteristics for Service Line Planning USE MORTALITY DATA TO- Identify Unique Trends

Find High Risk Populations Service Gaps What Works for the Situation USE SURVEILLENCE DATA TO- Identify Needs Track Progress Improve Survival USE CENSUS DATA TO…You Tell Me!

18 Values Support The Four Pillars Of
What Do You Value? Accuracy Accountability Collaboration Intention Learning Continuum Mentoring Reliability Scientific Method Values Support The Four Pillars Of Health Informatics

19 If You Wish to Embrace Informatics, then You Must
But Can You Also Value…? Change & Change Agents Grey Areas Messiness Innovation Trial & Error Challenges Questioning If You Wish to Embrace Informatics, then You Must


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