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Victim Assist Queensland

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1 Victim Assist Queensland
“Supporting victims of violent crime in Queensland”

2 Outcomes from this session
Knowledge and understanding of: The role of Victim Assist Queensland including referral to support services How financial assistance can help victims of crime to recover Who may be eligible and how to apply for assistance The Fundamental Principles of Justice – rights of a victim of crime

3 What is Victim Assist Queensland?
The new Department of Justice and Attorney General scheme for victims of violent crime that commenced on 1 December Replaced criminal injury compensation. Victims LinkUp information and referral service to support services Financial Assistance – process and decide applications for financial assistance. Victims Services Coordination Unit Community Research and Liaison Officers Regional Coordinators (Cairns and Townsville) Victim Coordination Officers (Cairns, Townsville, Ipswich and Rockhampton)

4 Victims LinkUp – Information and Referral Service
Five days a week, 8.30am to 5pm. Full website at Access to information about financial assistance and other relevant info Help to fill out application forms Access to over 100 support services for victims of crime, Queensland wide Assistance with lodging a complaint against a government agency if a victim feels their rights have been breached Fully trained information officers. Free interpreters call

5 What support services do we refer to?
Victims LinkUp don’t case manage or provide counselling. They find out what the client needs might be and refer to the experts in the specialist services. No wrong door policy. DVConnect, Relationships Australia Victim Counselling Support Service, Livingwell for Men, Statewide Sexual Assault Service, Protect All Children Today (PACT), Women Working with Women with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities (WWILD), Immigrant Women’s Support Service (IWSS), Bravehearts, Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence, Centacare, Lifeline, Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group (QHVSG), Queensland Health Victim Support Services (QHVSS), Court Network…… And many more services and growing! All listed on our website. All government funded. All free or low cost.

6 Reporting the act of violence- What does someone have to do before they can apply to Victim Assist?

7 An act of violence is defined as:
‘A crime or series of related crimes, whether committed by one or more persons, that has occurred in Queensland and directly resulted in the death or injury to one or more persons’ Acts of violence include: Murder, attempted murder, manslaughter Assault Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) Sexual offences Robbery with violence to the person Dangerous driving causing death or GBH Kidnapping/stalking/deprivation of liberty

8 The act of violence must have been reported and an injury suffered
Victims of acts of violence that occurred post 1 December 2009, can claim for financial assistance where it can be established that an act of violence and an injury (physical or psychological) has occurred. For most victims this will be: a report made to the police a Victim Assist Queensland Medical Certificate completed by a doctor (or dentist or psychologist)

9 When the act of violent does not need to be reported to Police
For special primary victims the report can be made to the police OR their doctor, counsellor or registered psychologist. This includes; Under 18’s Adults with an impaired capacity Victims of a sexual offence Offence committed by someone in trust or power or influence at the time of the act of violence A primary victim who is threatened or intimidated by the person who committed the act or by someone else * A Victim Assist Queensland Medical Certificate will always be needed

10 Acts of violence prior to 1 December 2009
The right to apply for criminal injury compensation under COVA or the Code ended on 30 November 2009. For acts of violence before 1 December 2009, a victim must have been eligible under the old scheme to become eligible under Victim Assist. - Offender must be convicted in District or Supreme court; or - Victim is notified that the offender is unable to be convicted because of the Mental Health Act, or the offender could not be located, or the offender is a child under the age of No Parent Secondary Victim or Witness Victim Categories

11 A person may not be eligible if:
Reporting the act of violence: If in the absence of a reasonable excuse the act has not been reported to a police officer, or for a special primary victim, a police officer, counsellor, psychologist or doctor. Primary victim criminal activity: If the primary victim committed or conspired to commit the act or the primary victims involvement in a criminal activity caused or partly caused the act. Assisting arrest or prosecution of offender: If the person has no reasonable excuse to have not given reasonable assistance in the arrest or prosecution of the person who allegedly committed the act.

12 Victim Categories

13 Victim categories explained
Primary victim - is a person who dies or is injured as a direct result of the act of violence. Maximum pool of assistance is $75,000 Related victim - is a person who is a close family member of, or a dependant of, a primary victim of the act who has died as a direct result of the act of violence. Maximum pool of assistance is $100,000 (Sibling, Spouse, Parent, Step-parent, Person under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom regarded as above)

14 New categories since 1 December 2009
Parent secondary victim - is a person who is a parent of a child who is injured as a direct result of the act being committed against the child and is injured as a direct result of becoming aware of the act. Maximum pool of assistance is $50,000 Witness secondary victim - is a person who witnesses a more serious (murder, manslaughter) or a less serious (all other acts) act of violence committed against someone else More serious maximum pool is $50,000 Less serious maximum pool is $10,000

15 What is financial assistance?

16 Financial assistance explained
Financial assistance provided by the Queensland Government pays for or reimburses the costs of goods and services needed by a victim to recover from the physical and psychological effects of an act of violence. Financial assistance is designed to reach victims in a timely manner to help reduce the stress and trauma involved for the victim of crime.

17 Complimentary scheme Assistance will only be paid for goods and services that have not already been covered by another scheme, such as Workcover, Medicare, Centrelink, private insurance. The assessors will look at all other options available to the client before granting financial assistance. Applicants are not able to “double dip”. Any relevant payment must be disclosed.

18 Categories and potential range of assistance
Primary victim – medical expenses, report expenses, counselling, travel, damage to clothing, loss of earnings, special assistance, legal assistance and exceptional circumstances Special Assistance – one off recognition payment from the State which ranges from $130 - $10,000 dependent on the injury suffered Loss of earnings – up to $20,000 for two years. Payslips leading up to the act of violence must be provided Exceptional circumstances - the act has had an unusual, special or out of the ordinary effect on the victim

19 Categories and potential range of assistance
Related – medical expenses, report expenses counselling, incidental travel, distress payment, legal assistance, dependency and exceptional circumstances Distress payment – an amount of up to $10,000 for distress suffered or likely to be suffered as a direct result of the death of a primary victim Dependents - that the related victim would have been likely to receive from the primary victim if they had not died, up to two years from their death. However, if there is more than one related victim, only a combined total of $20,000 may be granted to related victims

20 Categories and potential range of assistance
Parent Secondary – medical expenses, report expenses, counselling, incidental travel, loss of earnings, legal assistance and exceptional circumstances Witness Secondary more serious – same as above Witness Secondary less serious – medical expenses, report expenses, counselling and incidental travel

21 Interim Assistance A victim can apply for interim assistance up to $6000. This is assistance that can be received prior to the final application being decided for expenses that must be paid early and which relate to the injury The final application will be decided when all materials and evidence have been collated to prove that the victim is eligible to receive assistance The assessor may grant the person assistance for expenses incurred, or likely to be incurred by the person if the assessor is reasonably satisfied it is necessary for the person to incur the expenses before the general application is decided.

22 Funeral Assistance Any person who has incurred the cost of a
funeral for a primary victim that has died from an act of violence can apply for funeral assistance. They do not need to be a victim. Up to $6,000 can be paid to the person who has been named on the invoice or receipt from the funeral home

23 Financial Assistance Process

24 Time limit to apply for assistance
Most victims have from 3 years from the act of violence to make an application. If the primary victim died, 3 years from the death of the primary victim. If the victim was under 18 at the time of the act of violence, they have until they turn 21 to apply. Extension of time: If the victim has a reasonable excuse as to why they did not apply in time, they may be granted an extension of time.

25 Lodging an application
Financial Assistance (Financial Assistance Application Form 1) Most victims themselves will apply directly to Victim Assist Queensland Exceptions: Children under 18 years old, adults with an impaired capacity and people with complex needs can have another person apply on their behalf as outlined in the Act. Children between 12 – 18 can apply directly with a lawyer Required: Application Form including Consent and Statutory Declaration Victim Assist Queensland Medical Certificate

26 Fundamental Principles of Justice

27 Fundamental Principals
The Fundamental Principles of Justice state the minimum standards of service delivery that a victim of crime has the right to receive from any Queensland Government agency or officer. They include: Fair and dignified treatment (all agencies) Protection of their personal information (all agencies) Being provided with information about relevant services available (all agencies) Being provided with information about the offender, the prosecution of the offender and the offenders bail or release (prosecuting agencies) Being informed about their role as a witness (prosecuting agencies) Their right to a Victim Impact Statement (prosecuting agencies)

28 Fundamental Principals complaints
If a victim feels they have not been treated in accordance with the principles they can make a complaint. This complaint can be lodged directly to the agency or through Victim Assist The victim of crime has the chance to say what outcome they would like to result from the complaint A Complaint Form is available on our website to help a victim lodge a complaint. However the complaint can be submitted in any format Each complaint will be assessed by Victim Assist to decide if it has breached a fundamental principle before we handle it on a client’s behalf

29 Offender Debt Recovery
The Victims of Crime Assistance Act 2009 (the Act) requires the Department of Justice and Attorney-General to  seek to  recover amounts paid as financial assistance or criminal injury compensation to victims. Recovery action is only instigated where a conviction is recorded against a person for a personal offence.  This began in September 2010 and offenders may receive a notice whilst in custody or the community.

30 Victims LinkUp- Information and referral service
Five days a week, 8.30am to 5pm. Full website at Access to information about financial assistance and applications. Help to fill out application forms Access to over 100 support services for victims of crime, Queensland wide Assistance with lodging a complaint against a government agency if a victim feels their rights have been breached Fully trained information officers

31 1300 546 587
Contact Details John McKenna A/Community Research and Liaison Officer Victim Assist Queensland

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