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i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08)

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0 the carriers’ perspective for the migration
International Interconnect Forum for Services over IP (i3 Forum) i3 Forum: the carriers’ perspective for the migration to an integrated IP-based platform (Miami, Interconnect 2008 – Nov. 17th, 18th 2008) Carlos Da Silva France Telecom-Orange Chairman WS “Service Requirements”, i3 Forum Alessandro Forcina Telecom Italia Sparkle Chairman WS “Technical Issues”, i3 Forum This presentation has been approved by i3 Forum

1 i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08)
Agenda i3 Forum Why / What / When / How  i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08) Service perspective Technical perspective   i3 Forum Phase 2 Workplan

2 i3 Forum: members and mission
The Founders i3 Forum was founded in Q by 8 majors International Carriers. Currently the i3forum accounts for 18 members. All members together have an extensive fixed and mobile retail base totaling over 1Billion customers in over 80 countries. Mission and Vision Provide specifications, on the basis of existing standards, which can be usefully implemented from the wholesale international industry in order to have an efficient and effective migration of existing voice services towards IP technology and then contribute to enable new IP-based multimedia retail services.

3 i3 Forum: scope and objective
From the commercial perspective all the issues and topics relevant to the migration from TDM to IP of voice interconnections and to the implementation of business models for existing and new services (maintaining, or exceeding, the quality level and service features presently in operation). From the technical perspective: all the issues and topics relevant to the definition of a network architecture (based on existing standards & recommendations) capable of supporting a number of interconnection models for the implementation of trusted, secure and QoS compliant international bilateral IP-based interconnection for the voice international services as well as other multimedia services Out of scope matters The definition of domestic interconnections (TDM/IP; IP/IP) is out of the scope The definition of competitive specificities (SLAs, prices…) is each carrier's product responsibility and is out of scope of the forum Accomplishing A guide for selecting the proper standard among multiple alternative: how to put the pieces together. The i3forum provide several options to address the different needs of different customers across the world. A faster and more efficient migration to VoIP bypassing lengthy discussions on technical matters and commercial uncertainties.

4 i3 Forum: role and working method
Governance Two levels of membership (Full and Associate) Minimum level of attendance required to WorkStream and SteerCo meetings Simple decision making / voting procedures Position vs. other existing industry forums/bodies i3 Forum is NOT a standardization body I3 Forum makes use of existing standards (from e.g. ITU-T, ETSI TISPAN, IETF, 3GPP) for specifying how to achieve IP-based international interconnections Open to liaise with other industry body (e. g. GSMA, IPIA) Agenda and Timeline Working on a phased approach with a pragmatic approach Phase 1 achievements presented on June 2nd 2008 at ITW (Washington, DC, USA) Phase 2 ongoing until June 2009.

5 i3 Forum: structure & organization
Steering Committee as governing entity WS “Service Requirements” taking care of all aspects relevant to and limited to the international interconnections domain. Business models Service features Quality levels WS “Technical Issues” taking care of specifications relevant to Network architecture Protocols / Interfaces QoS parameters / levels Testing / Interoperability WS “Migration” taking care of specifications relevant to Migration process from TDM to IP

6 i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08)
Agenda i3 Forum Why / What / When / How  i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08) Service perspective Technical perspective   i3 Forum Phase 2 Workplan

7 i3 Forum deliverables (issued at ITW 2008)
A set of documents (V1.0): “IP International Interconnections for Bilateral Voice Services” “Technical Interconnection Model for Bilateral Voice Services” “Interoperability Test Plan for Bilateral Voice Services” “Interconnection Form for Bilateral Voice Services” Allowing an efficient migration to IP-based interconnections Not a "one fits all" solution, but a small set of different solutions to address all types of markets and networks needs.

8 Main Service Aspects Business Model Quality Level Service Features
based on existing models (VoIP is a technology not a business model) new models could be worked out following market trends and needs. Quality Level Target: to guarantee, or to exceed, existing TDM QoS levels Multiple interconnection models and technical elements imply multiple combinations of quality levels Two quality levels worked out in the document Top quality: e.g. based on private dedicated interconnection Best effort Quality: e.g. based on an interconnection via Public Internet which intrinsically implies variable quality levels Service Features enhancing present set of capabilities Voice call / IDD (fixed and mobile), Toll Free Numbers and Home Country, Voice ISDN Fax calls, DTMF / Modem support Ready for wide-band codecs, videocalls

9 i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08)
Agenda i3 Forum Why / What / When / How  i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08) Service perspective Technical perspective   i3 Forum Phase 2 Workplan

10 General Reference Configuration
MEDIA Transport Platform TDM VoIP Carrier A Carrier B SIGNALLING International Domain Domestic Voice Platform International Voice Platform Areas Covered Transport protocols/capabilities Signalling protocols Media codec schemes QoS parameters E.164-based addressing schemes Security issues Accounting and Charging issues Testing process

11 Private Interconnection Configurations
Private-oriented interconnection: no unidentified third party is able to affect the bilateral VoIP service. Transport Alternatives: Alt. 1: Layer 1 Alt. 2: Layer 2 Alt. 3: Layer 3 This interconnection can replace existing TDM-based one and, as a result, guarantees the highest level of quality both in terms of voice call quality, service quality, network availability and network security.

12 Public Interconnection Configurations
Public-oriented interconnection: when the VoIP traffic is mixed with other IP traffic coming from the Public Internet, thus allowing the gateways’ interfaces to be reached from unidentified third parties which can affect the service performance and quality. Transport Alternatives: Alt. 1: Layer 1 / Layer 2 direct interconnection sharing data and VoIP traffic Alt. 2: via Public Internet: non direct interconnection PE router PE router Border Functions Carrier A IP network Carrier B IP network Alt. 1 Border Functions Internet Traffic + Voice Traffic Carrier A IP network Carrier B PE router Alt. 2 Border Functions These interconnections imply lower costs (resources shared with other services) and, in general, lower provisioning time

13 Transmission and IP issues
Transmission interfaces Based on existing PDH, SDH, Ethernet and DWDM standards. IP Routing The dynamic BGP protocol or a static routing protocol can be used to exchange routes between carriers’ networks. IP Addressing The IPv4 addressing scheme shall be supported. The IPv6 addressing scheme is optional and can be agreed on a bilateral basis. IP Packet Marking For all above interconnection configurations, packet marking guideline is based on the DiffServ and IP Precedence TOS marking scheme.

14 Signalling and Media issues
Signalling Protocols: two protocols selected SIP protocol ( IETF RCF 3261): a specific profile has been defined ISUP enabled SIP profile (ITU-T Q Annex C Profile C) Other protocols not considered suitable due to obsolescence (H.323) no sufficient standardisation and interworking with the TDM environment (e.g. SIP-T) Media Functions: support of Voice conference calls; DTMF support; Fax connections based on T.38 protocol; Modem connections according to ITU-T Recc. V.150.1

15 Recommended Voice Codecs
Mandatory codecs: provided that at least one of the mandatory codecs is present in session description protocol (SDP) offer, and provided that at least one of the mandatory codecs is supported by the end sides, then codec negotiation is guaranteed to be successful. Optional codecs: other codecs with a market relevance. Mandatory Codecs Optional Codecs G.711 A-law, μ-law 64 kbit/s G.722 G.729, G.729a, G.729b, G.729ab 8kbit/s G.723.1 G.729.1 AMR WB-AMR Packetization time for mandatory codecs: for G.711 A-law and μ-law packetization time will be 20 ms for G.729, G.729 a, G.729b, G.729 ab packetization time will be 20 ms or 40 ms

16 Security and Addressing issues
Border Functions It is strongly recommended that Border Functions be always implemented, achieving topology hiding and NAT/NAPT translation Encryption For private-oriented interconnection the use of encryption is not recommended either for the signalling or for the media flows. For public-oriented interconnection to be applied, via IPSec, only to signaling information TLS encryption scheme is for further study. Access Control In order to protect carrier’s networks is recommended to implement IP packet access control based on Access Control Lists (ACL) and rate limiting Numbering and Addressing Scheme based on ITU-T E.164 scheme to be used in either in the Tel-URI or SIP-URI format

17 Quality, Accounting/Charging and Testing issues
Minimum set of QoS parameters IP parameters: RTP jitter, round-trip RTP delay, RTP packet loss Voice/media parameters: MOS / R-factor, Bit error rate (for modem), Fax quality Network parameters: ALOC, ASR, NER, PGRD Accounting and Charging capabilities Call Data Record fields identified to support settlement and performance. No recommendation on CDR format or collection method CDR supports data attributes for TDM or VoIP types of calls and services. Testing process A Pre-Service Inter-Operability Test Plan has been defined in order to provide tools for testing a new transmission bilateral path ensuring signaling compatibility and providing expected quality and performance levels.

18 i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08)
Agenda i3 Forum Why / What / When / How  i3 Forum Achievements (released in June ‘08) Service perspective Technical perspective   i3 Forum Phase 2 Workplan

19 WS “Service Requirements” Phase 2 Workplan
Hubbing and new wholesale services Business opportunity Extend/enhance bilateral recommendations to voice hubbing services and remaining TDM services to be migrated over IP. New Routing and addressing concepts: business opportunity Formalize the business and services opportunity to enable new routing and addressing solutions for international carriers. Elaborate recommendations on solutions to implement these new "ways". This will not be a commercial endorsement or recommendation (out of i3forum scope). Enabling New retail services interconnection over IP Study and describe potential new services and associated business models for new international services over IP. Define the role of carriers and recommendations to enable these services internationally. Results expected to be delivered at ITW 2009

20 WS “Technical Issues” Phase 2 Workplan
Enhancing Phase 1 deliverables Signalling Functions: end-to-end information to be transported and SIP/SIP-I mapping in case of protocol interworking Media Functions: possible addition of new codecs QoS parameters: better definition of KPIs, measurement interfaces and target values New Routing and addressing concepts: technical impact Define external interfaces (for querying and for uploading info) between carriers (carriers provided with IP routing directories Enum-based) Elaborate references architecture(s) for international service Enabling New retail services interconnection over IP On the basis of WS “Service Requirements” inputs, impact on specified Ip-based interconnection Results expected to be delivered at ITW ’09

21 i3 Forum / Standardization Fora: win-win relationship
i3 Forum is NOT a standardization body i3 Forum “collects and picks ups” existing standards for the benefit and development of international services making use/exploiting the large activities carried out in the official standardization fora worldwide. Should i3 Forum recognize the lack of specification or part of a specification, it is a Carriers’ interest to liaise with standardization fora for a immediate and complete alignment and update of the standards/specifications

22 Thank you!

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