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Planning for Integrated Waste Management Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Planning for Integrated Waste Management Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning for Integrated Waste Management Systems
Jennifer Deal, PE Don Hullings, PE January 31, 2017

2 What is an IWMS? © 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

3 What is Important to Your Community?
$$$ Convenience Policy Public perception Meeting FDEP 75% goal © 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

4 Waste Characterization
How effective is the current diversion strategy? Waste and recycling characterization What % of the current waste stream is potentially recyclable? Is it cost effective/feasible to recycle the potentially recyclable materials? Are there more recyclables in the residential or commercial waste streams? Are recyclables generally from one geographic area? © 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

5 Waste Characterization
© 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

6 Recyclables Contamination
© 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

7 Evaluation of Existing System
Review of each system component What is capacity of each component and how close to capacity is each one? Opportunities to improve efficiency Review operation cost vs. revenue Restrictions Compliance Remaining life © 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

8 Evaluation of Existing System
© 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

9 Evaluation of Existing System
© 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

10 Forecasting Baseline Forecast Impact Assumptions Needs Assessment
© 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

11 Opportunities Partnerships with neighboring counties
Public-Private partnerships Comparison with entities of similar size and infrastructure (benchmarking) Available land © 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

12 Alternatives Improvements at existing facilities
Expansion, Traffic flow, new equipment, Ordinance/policy changes Will the community respond well to change? New infrastructure Risk/rewards on new technologies © 2015 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

13 Alternatives © 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

14 Diversion © 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

15 Diversion © 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

16 Evaluation Costs Costs per ton handled Net Present Value
Impact on Rates © 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

17 Evaluation Sustainability Environmental Social Economic
© 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

18 Evaluation Cost Convenience Public Perception Recycling Goals
Policy vs Asset © 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

19 Questions? © 2016 Cornerstone. All rights reserved.

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