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The Universal Wave Equation

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1 The Universal Wave Equation
v = fλ v – velocity (m/s) f – frequency (Hz) λ – wavelength (m) Universal Wave Equation Questions Worlds Largest Wave – coast of Portugal Worlds Largest Surfable Wave – things didn’t go so well 6.3 Prac. #1,2 UC #1-8

2 Transmission and Reflection
Read Pg. 212 – 213 Complete the following: 1 Draw a pulse and it’s reflection for (a) a fixed end (b) a free end 2. Define partial reflection 3. Draw a pulse for: (a) wave travelling from fast to slow medium (b) wave travelling from slow to fast medium 4. For the above pulses explain what happens to: (a) wavelength (b) speed (c) frequency 6.4 Prac. #2 UC #1,2 Waves in Different Mediums Applet Waves on a string Applet

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