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The Nature of Matter and Radioactivity

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1 The Nature of Matter and Radioactivity
Physics 30 Unit 4 Review The Nature of Matter and Radioactivity

2 The Nature of Matter Atomic Theories: indivisible
The Greeks: The atom is the smallest, ____________ part of an element that can still be called an element.

3 Thomson: negative Discovered that the electron has a _____________ charge and also found the ____________________ ratio of the electron. charge to mass cathode ray He performed his experiments with ____________________ tubes. raisin bun His model of the atom is called the _________________ model. Formulas: Fm = Fc Remember: CRT v2 x x x qvB = r mv2 F = ma ac= r m Br q = v mv2 r Fc=

4 Mass Spectrometer: Velocity Selector Perpendicular Electric and Magnetic fields Ion Separator Just a magnetic or electric field + X X X X X X Charged particles X X X X X X X X X _ If accelerated by a potential difference then the formulas are: If the particles travel through undeflected, then the formulas are: Formulas are: ๐น ๐‘š = ๐น ๐‘ ๐ธ=๐ธ ๐น ๐‘š = ๐น ๐‘’ ๐‘ž๐‘ฃ๐ต= ๐‘š ๐‘ฃ 2 ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘‰๐‘ž= 1 2 ๐‘š ๐‘ฃ 2 ๐‘ž๐‘ฃ๐ต= ๐ธ ๐‘ž

5 Properties of Cathode Rays:
Cathode rays have the same properties no matter which type of ____________ is used for the cathode. metal straight Cathode rays travel in ______________ lines. electric E Cathode rays can be bent in both _________________ and ___________________ fields. magnetic B Cathode rays can cause chemical reactions similar to _______________ (develop photographic film). light Cathode rays leave a vapour trail when they pass through a _________________ as well as a ___________________. gas chamber bubble chamber electrons Cathode rays are ________________.

6 Thomson Example: A negatively charged particle is travelling with a speed of 1.43x106 m/s through a magnetic field of 2.50x10-3 T. The particle follows a curved path of radius 3.25x10-3 m. What is the charge to mass ratio of this particle? Fm = Fc qvB = r mv2 m Br q = v = 1.43x106 m/s (2.5x10-3 T) (3.25x10-3 m) = 1.76x1011 C/kg

7 Millikanโ€™s Oil Drop Experiment:
negatively He balanced ______________ charged oil drops between electric plates. When the particles were suspended, the ____________ force equaled the _____________ force. electric gravitational + plate Fe - Oil drop Fg - plate

8 Millikanโ€™s Oil Drop Experiment (Formulas):
If the oil drop is suspended: If the oil drop accelerates up: Fe = Fg Fe = Fg + Fa E q = mg E q = mg + ma If the oil drop moves with a constant speed up or down: If the oil drop accelerates down: Fe = Fg - Fa Fe = Fg E q = mg - ma E q = mg

9 Millikanโ€™s Oil Drop Experiment (Graphing):
Oil drops of different weights are suspended between electric plates requiring different electric field strengths

10 Millikanโ€™s Oil Drop Experiment (Graphing):
Line of best fit should: Average the data points the best Go through as many points as possible Weight of Oil Drops (x10?? N) You can leave some points above and below the line. Slope Calculation: Try not to choose data points Electric Field Strength (x10?? N/C) Choose points as far apart as possible Fe = Fg mg = q = e- E q = mg E

11 Rutherfordโ€™s Scattering Experiment:

12 Rutherfordโ€™s Planetary Model:
scattering Rutherford performed a ______________ experiment. alpha ____________ particles were aimed at a layer of thin gold. photographic The particles were detected by ______________ film. He concluded that the nucleus is: tiny Very ____________ positive protons Contains ________________ charges called __________. electrons __________ orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the sun.

13 Rutherfordโ€™s Planetary Model (Formulas):
electric There is an _______________ force between the __________electrons and __________protons. This is because ______________ charges attract. negative positive opposite Since this force acts inwardly as the electron travels around the nucleus, it is also equal to the ____________ force. centripetal Example: Calculate the speed of the electron as it orbits the nucleus of a hydrogen atom if itโ€™s orbital radius is 5.29x10-7m. Fe = Fc = r mv2 r2 kqq (8.99ร— 10 9 )(1.6ร— 10 โˆ’19 )(1.6ร— 10 โˆ’19 ) 5.29ร— 10 โˆ’7 (9.11ร— 10 โˆ’31 ) v = = 2.19x104m/s

14 Maxwellโ€™s Problem: According to Maxwell, any accelerating charge produces _____________ which travels at the speed of ___________. light (c) EMR This can be shown with symbols: โˆ† ฮ• ฮ” ๐ต โˆ† ฮ• Since the electron in an atom is traveling in a circular path (itโ€™s _____________ is always changing) it can be considered to be accelerating even though itโ€™s speed is constant. direction The electrons within atoms are accelerating charged particles. They should give off _____________ (a form of energy) as they travel. They should thus lose energy and collapse into the atom. EMR

15 Bohr Model of the Atom: Within certain orbitals (a certain distance from the nucleus), electrons are free to travel without giving off any ___________. EMR energy These orbitals are also called ___________ levels. The lowest energy level (closest to the nucleus) is called a ______________ state. The energy required to free the electron from the atom is called the _______________ energy. ground ionization EMR When electrons drop energy levels, they give off ___________. When electrons move up energy levels, they have either been hit by an ___________ or an ______________. electron EMR photon

16 Formulas used with the Bohr Model:
๐ธ๐‘€๐‘… ๐‘”๐‘–๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘› ๐‘œ๐‘“๐‘“ โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘ก ๐‘๐‘ฆ ๐‘Ž๐‘› ๐‘’ โˆ’ or photon positive negative Energy levels can be written as ____________ or ____________ numbers. subtract _____________ the energy levels to find the energy difference between orbitals. EMR Formulas e- Formulas ๐œ€= 1 2 m ๐‘ฃ 2 ๐œ€= โ„Ž๐‘ ๐œ† ๐œ€=๐‘‰๐‘ž ๐œ€=โ„Ž๐‘“

17 Hydrogen Atom: If the electron drops to the first (lowest) orbital, then _______________ is most likely released. ultraviolet If the electron drops to the second orbital, then _______________ is most likely released. visible light If the electron drops to the third orbital, then _______________ is most likely released. infrared

18 Continuous Spectra: Light from a hot glowing solid (like an incandescent light bulb) will produce a continuous spectrum in the visible region. Prism Diffraction Grating ๐‘Ÿ o y g b i v ๐‘Ÿ v White light White light ๐‘ฃ r Smaller wavelengths (blue) light is refracted more. Longer wavelengths (red) light is diffracted more. Blue bends more. Think of the sky โ€“ itโ€™s blue because the red light light is diffracted more.

19 Emmission Spectra: electrons Light from an excited elemental gas (excited by ___________ passing through it) will emit certain wavelengths of light. If this light is passed through a diffraction grating, a ______________ line pattern will be produced. Each element has a _____________ pattern. bright unique Absorption Spectra: When light passes through a cool elemental gas, certain ______________ of light are absorbed. These will appear as _________ lines on a spectrum. wavelengths dark

20 Example: What is the wavelength of EMR released when an electron within an atom drops from an energy level of 12.0 eV to 8.5 eV? E= 12.0 eV โ€“ 8.5 eV = 3.5 eV ๐ธ= โ„Ž๐‘ ๐œ† ๐œ†= โ„Ž๐‘ ๐ธ ๐œ†= (4.14ร— 10 โˆ’15 )(3.00ร— 10 8 ) 3.5๐‘’๐‘‰ ๐œ†=3.55ร— 10 โˆ’7 m

21 Compton Effect: He performed a scattering experiment where EMR (___________) were fired at electrons. He found that the electrons moved off with speed after the collision and that the scattered x-rays had a ______________ wavelength. photons longer He concluded that EMR can have a mass property: ___________________. momentum Momentum formula for masses: ๐‘=๐‘š๐‘ฃ ๐‘= โ„Ž ๐œ† Momentum formula for EMR: ๐ธ=๐‘๐‘ ฮ”๐œ†= โ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘ (1โˆ’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ ๐œƒ) The biggest angle an x-ray can be scattered is straight back _________ 180o

22 Example: An X-Ray of wavelength nm scatters at an angle of Calculate the wavelength of the scattered photon. 30o ฮ”๐œ†= โ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘ (1โˆ’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ ๐œƒ) ฮ”๐œ†= 6.63ร— 10 โˆ’34 (9.11ร— 10 โˆ’31 )(3.00ร— 10 8 ) (1โˆ’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ 30) ฮ”๐œ†=3.25ร— 10 โˆ’13 m ๐œ† ๐‘“ = ๐œ† ๐‘– +ฮ”๐œ†=0.0500ร— 10 โˆ’ ร— 10 โˆ’13 = 5.03ร— 10 โˆ’11 ๐‘š

23 de Broglie Wavelength:
Proposed that masses can have an EMR property: ___________. wavelength Objects with mass and speed travel with a ______________. The effect is only detectable for very small masses traveling at high speed. The formula below should be given to you on a diploma exam. wavelength ๐‘ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘  = ๐‘ ๐ธ๐‘€๐‘… ๐‘š๐‘ฃ= โ„Ž ๐œ† 6.63ร— 10 โˆ’34 ๐œ†= โ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘ฃ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘  ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘ ๐‘๐‘’๐‘’๐‘‘ ๐‘œ๐‘“ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘๐‘™๐‘’

24 Example: Calculate the wavelength of an electron that has been accelerated through a potential difference of V using the de Broglie wavelength formula ๐œ†= โ„Ž ๐‘š๐‘ฃ ๐œ†= 6.63ร— 10 โˆ’ ร— 10 โˆ’31 (??) ๐œ€= ๐œ€ 1 2 ๐‘š ๐‘ฃ 2 =๐‘‰๐‘ž ๐œ†=2.75ร— 10 โˆ’11 ๐‘š ๐‘ฃ= 2๐‘‰๐‘ž ๐‘š ๐‘ฃ= 2(2000๐‘‰)(1.6ร— 10 โˆ’19 ) 9.11ร— 10 โˆ’31 ๐‘ฃ=2.65ร— 10 7

25 Electron Orbitals: Electrons really travel in a ____________ pattern as they travel around the nucleus of the atom. wave There must be a whole number multiple of wavelengths as the electron orbits the ___________. nucleus ๐‘›๐œ†=2๐œ‹๐‘Ÿ You do not have to memorize this formula for the diploma.

26 The Standard Model of the Atom:
Particles responsible for Forces are called ______________ particles. boson Boson ______________ particles responsible for the following Forces (listed from strongest to weakest): The strong nuclear force: __________________ gluons The electromagnetic force: __________________ photons The weak nuclear force: __________________ W+ W- Zo graviton The gravitational force: __________________ (undetected)

27 The Standard Model of the Atom:
Particles that make up matter are called ______________. fermions Very small particles that are elementary particles are called ___________________. The electron and itโ€™s neutrino are _________________. leptons leptons Larger particles, like neutrons and protons are called ___________________. They are made up of ___________________. hadrons quarks _____________ are made up of 2 quarks. Mesons _____________ are made up of 3 quarks. baryons

28 n p p n The Standard Model of the Atom: uud
Protons are made up of the following quarks: _____________ n 1 p 1 + ๐›ฝ -1 + ๐œ udd neutrons are made up of the following quarks: _____________ p 1 n 1 + ๐›ฝ 1 + ๐œ

29 Radioactivity: half Particles that undergo radioactive decay, lose __________ their mass over a certain period of time. This time is called _________________. half life During this process, a radioactive element changes into another element, giving off particles or EMR. This is called __________________. transmutation Formulas:

30 Graphing Radioactivity:
Bq Radioactivity has lots of different units: __________, ___________, ____________, ______________ to list a few. Bq/s rads decays / s

31 Terms: neutron or a proton Nucleon: __________________________ number of protons (bottom number) Atomic Number: _______________ The atomic number identifies the element. number of protons and neutrons (top number) Mass Number: _______________ Conservation of Nucleons: _____________________________ ___________________________________________________ the sum of the top numbers on both sides of an equation must be equal. Conservation of Charge: _____________________________ ___________________________________________________ the sum of the bottom numbers on both sides of an equation must be equal.

32 c N 3 Types of Radioactivity:
1. Beta Decay: assume beta negative for just โ€œbeta decayโ€ Beta Negative Decay: is an _________________. electron ๐›ฝ -1 ๐‘’ -1 symbols are: __________________ an antin-eutrino is also released _________. ๐œ Example: Write the decay equation for carbon 14 emitting a beta negative particle. c 14 6 N 14 7 + ๐›ฝ -1 + ๐œ

33 c B 3 Types of Radioactivity:
Beta Positive Decay: is an _____________________________. antimater electron (positron) 1 0 ๐›ฝ symbols are: __________________ a neutrino is also released __________. ๐œ Example: Write the decay equation for carbon 14 emitting a beta positive particle. c 14 6 B 14 5 + ๐›ฝ 1 + ๐œ

34 3 Types of Radioactivity:
2. Alpha decay: is the nucleus of a ____________ atom. helium Symbols are: ___________________ 2 4 ๐›ผ 2+ 2 4 ๐ป๐‘’ 2+ Example: Write the decay equation for nitrogen 15 emitting an alpha particle. 7 15 ๐‘ 2 4 ๐›ผ 2+ ๐ต

35 3 Types of Radioactivity:
3. Gamma decay: is a high energy, high ____________, small ______________ EMR photon. frequency wavelength Symbol is: __________________ ๐›พ 0 0 ๐›พ Example: Write the decay equation for cobalt 56 emitting a gamma ray. 27 56 ๐ถ๐‘œ ๐›พ + 27 56 ๐ถ๐‘œ

36 Penetrating Ability: In order of increasing ability to penetrate objects: thick paper or cardboard Alpha particles: ___________________ Beta particles: ___________________ thin metal lead (dense metal) Gamma Rays: __________________________

37 Ability to Ionize (danger / risk):
In order of increasing risk: higher energy due to increased speed Beta particles: __________________________ higher energy due to larger mass Alpha particles: __________________________ higher energy due to larger frequency Gamma Rays: __________________________ or smaller wavelength

38 Li Binding Energy: neutrons
Is the energy exerted by the ___________ of an atom to hold the ______________ charged protons tightly in the nucleus. positively Some mass of the ___________ is converted into energy. neutrons Formula: Example: The mass of a lithium-7 nucleus is u. Whatโ€™s the binding energy? Li 7 3 3 ๐‘ + =3(1.6726ร— 10 โˆ’27 ๐‘˜๐‘”) 4๐‘› =4(1.6749ร— 10 โˆ’27 ๐‘˜๐‘”) ร— 10 โˆ’26 ๐‘˜๐‘” ๐‘ข (1.66ร— 10 โˆ’27 ๐‘˜๐‘”/๐‘ข) = ร— 10 โˆ’26 ๐‘˜๐‘” ร— 10 โˆ’26 โˆ’ ร— 10 โˆ’26 = ร— 10 โˆ’29 ๐ธ=๐‘š ๐‘ 2 = ร— 10 โˆ’ ร— =6.38ร— 10 โˆ’12 ๐ฝ

39 Is the ____________ of an atom into other elements.
Nuclear Fission: splitting Is the ____________ of an atom into other elements. Is the process used in ________________ power plants. nuclear Formula: Example: Calculate the energy produced in the following fission reaction. 235 U + 1 140 94 1 n Xe + Sr + 2 n Mass of reactants ร— 10 โˆ’25 Mass of products ร— 10 โˆ’25 235 U=3.9029x10-25 kg Mass difference 3.251ร— 10 โˆ’28 1 n =1.6749x10-27 kg Binding Energy E=mc2 140 Xe =2.3234x10-25 kg 3.251ร— 10 โˆ’28 ( 3.00ร— 10 8 ) 2 94 Sr =1.5595x10-25 kg 2.9259ร— 10 โˆ’11 ๐ฝ

40 Is the ____________ of simpler atoms into heavier elements. fusing
Nuclear Fusion: Is the ____________ of simpler atoms into heavier elements. fusing sun Is the process going on inside the ________________. Formula: Example: Calculate the energy produced in the following fusion reaction. 2 + 3 4 1 H H He + n Mass of reactants 8.4526ร— 10 โˆ’27 1 1 2 Mass of products 8.3212ร— 10 โˆ’27 2 H=3.4444x10-27 kg 1 Mass difference 1.314ร— 10 โˆ’28 1 n =1.6749x10-27 kg Binding Energy E=mc2 4 He =6.6463x10-27 kg 1.314ร— 10 โˆ’28 ( 3.00ร— 10 8 ) 2 3 H =5.0082x10-27 kg 1.1826ร— 10 โˆ’11 ๐ฝ 1

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