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IP Intercoms Basic Installation

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Presentation on theme: "IP Intercoms Basic Installation"— Presentation transcript:

1 IP Intercoms Basic Installation
Greetings from Prague, Czech Republic. Welcome to IP Intercoms Basic Installation training. Technical Support, last update 7/2017, best view in presentation mode

2 Choose the right 2N IP Intercom
AGENDA Next 50 minutes Choose the right 2N IP Intercom Get all components for successful installation Enhance installation with accessories and licenses Prepare for configuration in less than 5 minutes Questions & Answers I will show you today our IP intercoms. Especially, how to put all components together and how to offer something extra with our accessories and licensed features. I will also teach you how to prepare the intercom for configuration. I muted your microphones. If you have a question then please write it in the chat window. I might answer some of them during the presentation and we will have some time for sure after the presentation. I expect that the presentation will take about 30 minutes and we will have 15 minutes for questions and answers. You will receive this presentation after this session.

3 Your safety – Communication before giving access
TALK & SEE LET IN TALK MONITOR & INTEGRATE We care about your safety. Our intercoms let you communicate remotely from a safe place. The visitor comes in front of your door and presses the button. You can see on an internal unit who is there and it is up to you if you want to talk with the person and if you give the person access to your building. The door strike can be released remotely and visitors get in. This is the most typical scenario but there is more what we can do. Our intercom can handle access for residents or employees of the building. The picture is showing one example of access control by providing secret code via the keypad. We are using open protocols and it is easy to integrate us with 3rd party systems. Monitor intercom’s cameras 24/7 in video management systems. Integrate our intercoms with home automation systems. More and more solutions are using IP. More and more integrations are possible. GET IN

4 Ip solution infrastructure
Internet Standalone or shared network with other devices Interconnection via switches and routers Answering units anywhere with data connection Central unit is optional Answering units Intercom LAN Our IP Intercoms are using the same infrastructure as computers. You have switches for local interconnection and routers to connect other networks, including the Internet. The intercom can reach an answering unit in the same network and also in other networks as the picture is showing. Endpoints in IP networks are smart. The computer can communicate with another computer without a server. The intercom can also communicate with an answering unit without a central unit. All communication and access control rules can be stored in the intercom. The central unit can just make things easier if you have a large installation when it is quicker to do settings just in one place. Computers

5 Ip solution advantages
No distance limits Remote configuration Easy to expand Integration – open protocols Telephony: SIP Video Management: ONVIF Home Automation: SIP, HTTP Ready for new features and ideas Familiar technology for IT department As you can reach other computers in some different part of the world then you can do the same thing with our IP intercoms. It makes an easier job also for technicians who can configure and manage sites remotely. The typical local network is set for approximately 250 devices. There is usually enough space to add another unit and if not then the network can be easily adjusted to much higher numbers. We are using open protocols. This allows us to integrate with various systems. We have SIP protocol for calling. We have a full ONVIF support. We can transfer a camera picture. We can transfer also a voice. We can let the video management system control our intercom’s outputs. The third most used protocol is HTTP which can be used to trigger almost any feature, for example, remote door opening. The IP is becoming dominant protocol. Different type of devices are turning to IP and then these devices are easier to integrate. This technology is familiar for IT department. It is easier to find a person who can install or maintain an IP system.

6 + Extra (licensed) features
2N Helios ip family Verso Vario Force Safety Solo Base Uni We have six models of IP intercoms – Verso, Vario, Force, Safety, Base and UNI The last two models can have 1 or 2 buttons. They are designed for a basic calling and a remote door opening. The difference between BASE and UNI is that BASE has an integrated camera and you can equip the unit with a card reader which is optional. Force and Safety are resistant to weather, pollution and human vandalism. We performed all tests and we have certificates that these 2 IP intercoms comply with IP69K and IK10. These are the highest ranks that you can get for protection. Verso and Vario are modular systems. If you need a lot of physical buttons then Vario can have up to 54 buttons and Verso up to 146 buttons. If you need to reach even more destinations then these models have also a display with up to 2000 positions in the phonebook. Verso is our top model with most type of interfaces and with cutting edge technologies. Verso, Vario, Force and Safety have also extra features. Part of them is licensed. + Extra (licensed) features +Buttons,Display + Robust IP69K IK10 Most HW options

7 ExampleS of installation
The most typical installation is next to the door. The intercom can be installed inside or outside a building. It can be placed on the surface or under the surface. There are more places where you can find our intercoms. Here are some examples. 2N Helios IP Safety as an emergency point on a highway and 2N Helios IP UNI as a communication point in a city center. The last picture is showing parking place. You might think that there is not our intercom but the truth is that there is. We can provide just the electronic part.

8 Build your intercom with own or 3rd party front panel
Oem models Build your intercom with own or 3rd party front panel Minimal distance between microphone and speaker is 20cm DIN rail mounting or screws Extra licensed features available Microphone Speaker Camera Button + External Camera + Audio G722/G729 You can build your own intercom with your own or 3rd party front panel and connect interfaces to 2N Helios IP Audio Kit or 2N Helios IP Video Kit. You can recognize from the name what is the main difference. Only Video Kit can process image from connected camera or another IP camera. It supports also HD audio codec G722 and it can also support a low bandwidth licensed codec G729. We can make your integration easier by providing additional components like microphone, speaker, camera, and button. I would like to note that the recommended minimal distance between microphone and speaker is 20cm. This is usually a safe distance to prevent echo. Both types can be mounted in DIN rail or to other surface type with screws.

9 We are on market for long time
10 years of IP intercoms development New firmware release every 3 months Every unit ever produced is upgradable to latest firmware version One platform, same settings All models can be placed outdoor or indoor At least 1 output (usually 2) with main unit We started in the 90s by developing phone systems and we changed the focus to IP intercoms about 10 years ago. We have regular firmware releases. You can enjoy new features every 3 months and it doesn’t matter when you bought the unit. All intercoms can be upgraded to latest firmware version. If you learn to set one model then you can setup also others as the settings are same. All intercoms are ready for outdoor and indoor installation. There is always at least 1 output. The number of outputs can be usually extended to 4 so you can have better control of devices outside the intercom. Let's see in details how to choose the right intercom.

10 Decision map before installation
Mounting Surface Flush Camera Optional Yes No Interfaces Buttons Card reader Keypad Display Bluetooth Infopanel Induction loop Extra IO Powering POE switch POE injector 12V power supply License Video Audio Integration Security G729 Informacast NFC The first step. Should the intercom be installed on a surface or under surface? The surface mounting is available on all intercoms. The flush mounting is not available on 2N Helios IP Base. The second step. Should the intercom have a camera to stream video? Some models have it optional. Some have only one version. The third step. Which interfaces do I need to satisfy customer’s requirements? The Verso has most interfaces. Other models have only some of them. The fourth step. Which power source should I use? It is usually better to use powering over Ethernet as you need just one cable connected to the intercom. I will show you later in details. The last step is something you might solve before or after installation. Some features are licensed. You might pre-order license or wait till the real installation to see if the license is required or not. Licensed features are available on Verso, Vario, Force, Safety and Audio/Video Kits.

11 Helios IP Components Now I will go through all intercoms to see what is available for each model. We will go from the intercom with most options.

12 1 additional small module with an optional tamper switch
2N® Helios ip verso Main Unit No camera Or HD camera (night vision, PTZ) Status pictograms 5 Buttons Calling Keypad Calling Access Control Each slot supports 1 additional small module with an optional tamper switch + BlueTooth Access Control Android phones iOS phones Touch Display Calling Access Control Wiegand Module Access Control Connection of external or 3rd party device + RFID Card Reader Access Control 125 kHz cards 13,56 MHz cards Secured ID cards Infopanel Backlight I/O Module Extra Control +2 Inputs +2 Outputs 1 free slot 2N Helios IP Verso is a modular system. You can see the main unit which can be supplied with or without camera. The camera supports night vision and the digital point to zoom. There is always one button and 1 free slot for an extra module. All slots are connected through a bus cable. The maximum number of modules is 30. Each slot can contain one small and one big module. If you use just 1 module per slot then you can have up to 30 slots. If you need more buttons then there is a module with extra 5 buttons. The call can be also started by dialing number with a keypad which can be physical or virtual on Touch Display. The keypad can be used also for access control. The access can be given upon pressing correct code which can be different for each user. Another way is to use a mobile phone or a card as your ID to let you in. We are using BlueTooth for communication with iOS and Android phones. There are a lot of different cards and we have several readers for successful integration. The last 3 big modules have each specific purpose. Infopanel let you insert a paper with text or company logo and it makes it visible during the night as it provides backlight. Another module is Induction Loop which can transmit audio to people with hearing aid. The last one is the blind module which covers free slot outside the main unit. And there are even more modules which can be placed under big ones. Wiegand module is used for interconnection of 3rd party access control devices. I/O Module extend a number of inputs and outputs. The main unit has already 2 outputs + 1 input. You can reach much higher numbers with I/O module. The last one here is the tamper switch which can be connected to Wiegand or I/O Module. The tamper switch detects unauthorized cover opening. For example, you can start an alarm sound. There is a lot of modules now and there will be definitely more coming. If we decide to try something new then it will most likely appear first on Verso as it is modular system and it is easier to prepare a new module than a whole intercom. Notes: Stock optimization and faster delivery Big module – 220mm bus connector as accessory Small module – 80 mm bus connector as accessory + Maximum 30 slots or 30 modules Induction Loop Voice transmission to Hearing Aid Blind Module Free slot cover Tamper Switch Security Detection of cover opening

13 Fingerprint reader NEW

14 mounting of 2N® Helios ip verso
Flush Frame Flush Box + MIC 3x2 2x2 1x2 3x3 2x3 1x3 Once we know modules for installation then we also know a number of slots. You can see that we have 3 slots, 2 slots, and 1 slot cover. The main unit always takes 2 slots so you need 2-slots or 3-slots frame for the main unit. The one slot frame can be used for separate installation of one module. Now you see accessories for flush installation where you need a frame and a box. The surface installation usually requires just the frame. The frame is different. You can see that sides are narrower as you don’t need to cover the hole in the wall. There is optional backplate which you can use for glass or uneven surfaces. We can provide you with 7 different sizes. I would like to note here one important step during installation of the frame with 3 slots. The microphone has to be moved from the main unit to the bottom. You might see that there is a little hole at the bottom. If you forget to do this then the communication is usually very silent. Please check first the microphone. Backplate for Glass or Uneven Surface Surface Frame + 1x1 MIC

15 black version Main Unit Frames Keypad NEW

16 SPECIAL accessories for 2N® Helios ip verso
Blind Buttons Bus extension cables 1m, 3m and 5m 1 extension per intercom Get IN Get OUT Example: 2 Card readers 2 Sides of door I have here now few gadgets. If you need a specific number of buttons then you can hide unused positions by blind buttons. The picture is showing how to make a 3 button intercom from 6 button intercom. Verso modules are coming with a 22 cm long bus cable. This is enough to connect 2 slots which are next to each other. If you need to handle longer distance then you can order 1, 3 or 5-meter long cable. Just be aware that only one such cable can be used per intercom. Here you can see the most typical example of long cable usage when you need a module on another side of the door. One card reader lets people in and another one lets them out.

17 NEW Surface Optional Flush Mandatory 2N ® Helios ip solo HD Camera
Pictograms 1 Button Surface Optional + NEW Flush + No external modules Mandatory

18 12 versions + 1 special 2N® Helios ip vARIO Display Camera Model
Keypad Camera Bonus: Gold License Camera No Camera 1 Button 3 Buttons 6 Buttons Keypad No Keypad Other intercoms have a different system how to put them together. They are not modular and you have to choose fix combination of interfaces. You can see it here with 2N Helios IP Vario. We can divide the intercom in 3 sections and each section has more versions. You can have a camera or no camera. You can have 1, 3 or 6 buttons. You can have the keypad or no keypad. The total number of possible combinations is 12 and there is one special. The display model has a phonebook. There is always the keypad and the camera. The display model is also delivered with the gold license which is a pretty nice bonus.

19 SPECIAL Accessories for 2N® Helios ip vARIO
Up to 3 Extenders (Up to 54 Buttons) Card Reader 125kHz + 2 Passive Outputs + 2 Logical Inputs + Wiegand Interface Additional Switch The number of buttons can be extended up to 54 with additional extenders. The maximum number of extenders is 3. We can provide also an infopanel. The card reader is suitable for all Vario versions. It adds also some outputs and inputs. It supports only 125kHz cards. If you need just extra output then there is an additional switch. If you put everything together then you have 4 outputs to control. + 1 Passive Output 8 Buttons Buttons Infopanel

20 Mounting of 2N® Helios ip vARIO
Internal External Flush The mounting is not dependent only if it is flush or surface installation. It also depends where the unit is installed. The external installation requires a roof as rain protection. You can see that all accessories are for 1 or 2 units. There is nothing special needed if you have an internal installation on a surface. Surface

21 15 versions HD Camera Camera No Camera Card Reader Ready
2N® Helios ip force 15 versions HD Camera (example picture 1) Camera (example picture 3) No Camera (example picture 2) We are moving to 2N Helios IP Force. This intercom might have from 1 to 4 buttons. There is a version with pictograms, keypad and a place for a card reader. All these 5 versions can be delivered with HD Camera, Camera or no Camera. You can select from 15 versions in total. Card Reader Ready

22 Mounting of 2N® Helios ip force
Flush Plasterboard Flush Brick Gooseneck Only the flush mounting requires an installation box. We have one for plasterboard and one for a brick wall. There is nothing extra required for installation on a surface. If you have an installation next to the gate where you need an access from a car then you can use our gooseneck stand. The height is 1.2 meter. 120 cm 47 inches

23 Special accessories for 2N® Helios ip force
Additional switch Card readers OR + 1 Output (Passive or Active) + Tamper Switch 3 versions: 125 kHz 13,56 Mhz + NFC 13,56 Mhz Secured + NFC + 2 Inputs and 2 Outputs + Wiegand interface + Tamper Switch If we look on accessories then you can again increase the number of outputs up to 3 with an additional switch or up to 4 with a card reader. Only one board can be installed under the front panel. The card reader gives you more options and you have more versions to choose from.

24 3 versions Additional switch 2N® Helios ip SAFETY + 1 Output
(Passive or Active) + Tamper Switch 2N Helios IP Safety is 1 or 2 buttons emergency point. We have exactly these 3 versions. The only extra board is the additional switch. The main unit has 2 outputs. It is same for 2N Helios IP Force. The additional switch adds one more output.

25 Mounting of 2N® Helios ip SAFETY
Plasterboard Brick Gooseneck 120 cm 47 inches + + The mounting is similar to 2N Helios IP Force. Just be aware that you have to order the frame for flush installation separately. Force has the black frame included with the main unit. You can again use the black gooseneck. The frame is sold separately for flush mount installation.

26 1 or 2 buttons (included in the package)
2N® Helios ip base Camera Pictograms 1 or 2 buttons (included in the package) Card Reader (optional), Installation Plate (optional) 125 kHz 13,56MHz Uneven surface 2N Helios IP Base has always camera, Pictograms and 1 or 2 buttons. Optionally you can add 1 of 2 card readers. We can provide also installation plate for uneven surface. This intercom supports only surface mounting.

27 3 versions Flush mount box included Surface cover (optional)
2N® Helios ip uni 3 versions Flush mount box included Surface cover (optional) 2N Helios IP UNI is 1 or 2 buttons intercom. If you need a camera then choose Base intercom. If you need just a voice communication then select UNI. The default package has a box for flush mount installation. The surface cover can be ordered separately.

28 Common Accessories We went through all intercoms and now we will look on common accessories.

29 2N® Indoor Touch 2N® Mobile Video 2N Answering units
You can call from one intercom to another intercom but it is more common that there is something else on the other end. We can offer black or white 2N Indoor Touch as an answering unit. It has 7 inches screen and it can be mounted on a wall or on desk stand which is sold as an additional accessory. You can use also other SIP terminals or you can install our application called 2N Mobile Video which makes your phone or tablet into an answering unit. The service is provided through our cloud service My2N. A data connection is required on the intercom and on the mobile device side. 2N Indoor Touch can work also in local network without any Internet connection. Local or

30 accessories for access control
Electrical Strikes Hold-Open Mechanical Blocking With contact Failsafe External Card Reader Wiegand interface 125kHz or 13,56Mhz Force, Vario, (Verso) USB Card Reader Security Relay Between Strike and Intercom Requires secret code for door opening Only Intercom knows the code Magnetic Door Contact Detection of violent opening Detection of not closed door USB Fingerpint Reader We offer a wide range of accessories. We can provide you with several types of electrical strikes. All of them can open a door by remote activation. The Security Relay can be installed between the strike and the intercom in a place which is not reachable from outside the building. If somebody breaks in the intercom then the relay prevents unauthorized door opening as it requires special code and only the intercom knows the code. If you have a door without mechanical opening then you can use exit button to release the door strike. External Card Reader can be placed on another side of a door. It is connected via Wiegand interface which can be installed in Force, Vario, and Verso. I put the Verso in brackets as the Verso itself can achieve installation on two sides with longer bus cable. Magnetic Door Contact increases again the security as you can use it as intercom’s input to detect a violent opening or an unclosed door. If a customer has no cards or keyfobs then we can provide them as well. All these accessories were related to access control, some of them can even increase the security. Exit Button Cards & Key Fobs USB BlueTooth Reader

31 Licences with examples of usage
Gold Enhanced Audio: User sounds, Automatic audio test, Noise Detection Emergency points – mic and speaker automatic check Enhanced video: Audio/Video Streaming, External IP camera, ONVIF, PTZ function, Motion detection Integration with VMS 2nd camera view Enhanced Integration: Extended switch settings, HTTP API, Automation, sending, Automatic update (TFTP/HTTP), FTP client, SNMP Client, TR-069 Scripts for special situations Advanced monitoring Home automation integration Enhanced Security: 802.1x, SIPS (TLS), SRTP Crypted communication (Banks) NFC (Phone ID detection, only Android platform) Phone NFC as ID for access G729 (Audio Codec) Required by some VoIP Operators Informacast (Paging IP protocol) Integration with Cisco paging Now, I will make a quick overview about licensing. You can see all licenses with features together with a usage example. Enhanced Audio enables User Sounds, Automatic audio test and Noise Detection. It is usually used for emergency points for the automatic check that microphone and speaker are working. Enhanced Video enables Audio/Video Streaming, External IP camera, ONVIF, PTZ function and Motion detection. You will need this license for integration with Video Management Systems. The video streaming during a call is free. Enhanced Integration enables Extended switch settings, HTTP API, Automation, sending, Automatic update (TFTP/HTTP), FTP client, SNMO Client, TR-069. It is typical to use this license for integration with home automation systems and generally for any other advanced monitoring and integration. Enhanced Security enables 802.1x protocol, SIPS, and SRTP. It allows encrypted communication which is appreciated not only by banks and state authorities but also by some corporate customers. NFC license unlocks NFC reading in NFC card readers. If a phone is also supporting NFC then it can be used as ID instead of cards or key fobs. This is possible only on Android phones. Apple restricted NFC only to payment authorisation. iOS devices are not working with our readers. Instead, you can use BlueTooth for both platforms. All previous licenses can be bought in one package as Gold license. G729 license enables G729 audio codec which might be required by some VoIP Operators, especially for calling over the Internet Informacast is another special license which enables integration with Cisco paging systems. The Gold license can be activated 1 time from the web interface for 30 days which should be enough time to make necessary testing. This trial can not be extended. If you are on installation and you found out that you need a license then you can activate the trial license and you can leave the site. Once you purchase the license then the intercom will automatically download it over the Internet. If intercom has a data connection then there is no need to visit the site again just because of the license. Trial - 1 time activation of Gold license for 30 days in web interface Automatic license update over Internet after license purchase

32 Get ready for configuration
Now I will focus on real installation when you have the intercom on your desk or already placed at a final installation site.

33 Electric installation in poe network
The basic installation is simple, especially if you have a network with PoE. Just remove the cover and plug the ethernet cable. The only exception is our first IP intercom 2N Helios IP Vario. Here you must cut the connector and connect each wire in the terminal block. If you can influence the network infrastructure before an installation then I recommend placing there switches with PoE support. 1. Remove Cover 2. Connect Cable 1. Remove Cover 2. Cut Connector 3. Connect Wires

34 Electric installation in network without poe
Add PoE Injector Add 12V Power Adapter + + OR Another option is to use PoE Injector which is connected between intercom and network infrastructure. It allows to put intercom in a place where is no power source. The power source must be connected just to the injector. The maximum length of both ethernet cables in total is still 100 metres. The injector is just inserting the power. It is not improving data transmission. The last option is the 12V Power Adapter. The disadvantage is that you need a power source close to the intercom.

35 Finding IP INTERCOM in network
2N® Network Scanner Find devices 2N Helios IP 2N Indoor Touch 2N SIP Audio Together with list of IP addresses Serial Numbers Firmware versions Windows + MAC We have connected intercom to the network and we need to find IP address to start configuration. 2N Network Scanner can do it. It will list different 2N devices together with IP addresses, serial numbers, and firmware versions. It is available for free at 2N web page.

36 Double click on IP Intercom Enter Admin + 2n as login Change password
Start configuring Double click on IP Intercom Enter Admin + 2n as login Change password Lets see this in action. I want to configure Verso which is highlighted. I double click on the line. It will open the web browser with intercom’s IP address. If you get a warning message then skip it. Enter Admin and 2n. This is the default password for first-time login. Enter your new password which you will remember. If you forget it then you can get in the intercom only after the factory reset. We are ready for configuration.

37 Web interface description
User Management Calling rules, Access control Feature setup VoIP provider, Video stream Physical Interfaces Setup Switches, Buttons, Camera Administration IP Settings, Backup, Trace This is the welcome screen after successful login. You can find some basic information in green part. Click there to see more details about the intercom. You can see on the left side the picture from the camera and links to the manual and 2N webpage. The right side leads you to different sections with settings. You can use colors for easier communication when supporting somebody remotely. The blue part is all about users. How to call them? Which are their access rights? The violet part is about general features which are independent on users. You can set here for example video streaming to Video Management Systems. The dark gray part is about hardware tuning. Some examples. How long should the switch be open? Which button is linked to the specific user? What should be camera resolution? The orange part is the administration of the intercom itself. You can change here IP settings or set date synchronization. You can make a backup which might be useful if you forget the password. You can make a network trace and see what is happening with the tool called Wireshark. The configuration itself is covered by other webinars.

38 Knowledge base Firmware
Software Documents Order numbers Case studies Planning - Autodesk Revit - AutoCAD Installation manuals - Physical installation - Technical parameters Configuration manual - Model differences - Licensing details Interoperability manual - Compatibility, Integration Automation manual HTTP API manual How to guides Tip&Tricks 3rd party integration Troubleshooting Webinars 7 languages Our knowledge base is big. I will help you with your first steps through our web sites. – Here is download page for firmware, software, and documents. You can find here also order number of components which I showed today. If you are a project planner then you can find here models for Autodesk Revit and drawings for AutoCAD. – All manuals are here. Each intercom has own installation manual. You can find there also technical parameters. It is sort of datasheet. Other manuals are common for all intercoms. The configuration manual explains all parameters. You can find here also a comparison of 2N intercoms and licenses. The interoperability manual has a list of all 3rd party devices which we tested or integrated. Check this to see what is working and which settings we used during our testing. There is also manual for Automation and HTTP API – is all about short how-to guides, including troubleshooting steps. It is also another place to check for integration with 3rd party devices and software. – contains the list of all webinars in 7 languages. You will get shortly a recommendation which one to follow after this session. And at last, we have also YouTube with video tutorials and products presentations. Videos Products, Tutorials

39 Questions & Answers We are at the end of this presentation. I am ready to answer your questions.

40 Thank you! Follow next webinar Strenghten knowledge Questions
Basic Installation Call Configuration Strenghten knowledge Presentation with extra slides suggested activities pop quiz Questions Thank you for participating in this webinar. This is the first webinar in the series and you can follow up with Call Configuration. You will receive this presentation together with extra slides in your . There are suggested activities and questions to strengthen your knowledge. I encourage you to check it out. If you have further questions about this webinar then you can write to If you are our direct distributor then you can also use our support portal at

41 Comprehensive services provided by 2N Presales professionals
PROJECT CONSULTING Comprehensive services provided by 2N Presales professionals Solution and Products Advisory At the end, I would like to highlight our presales services. Maybe you have already some project in your mind. You can reach our team at Thank you for attending this session and see you in another webinar. Design and Planning Design Review and Proof of Concept Product and Software Customization

42 See model differences in Configuration Manual
Suggested activities See model differences in Configuration Manual See license details in Configuration Manual Find your 2N Intercom with 2N Network Scanner Check Installation manual and try Factory reset Switch between static IP and DHCP Trigger a intercom to tell you its IP address Explore all 2N websites

43 Which intercom model would you use for each requirement 100 buttons
Verify knowledge Which intercom model would you use for each requirement 100 buttons Emergency points Card reader HD camera IP69, IK10 resistance Licensed Features See answers in presentation mode Verso Safety Verso, Vario, Force, Base Verso, Force, Base Force, Safety Verso, Vario, Force, Safety, A/V Kits

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