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ICD-10 Forum: Implementation Checklist

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1 ICD-10 Forum: Implementation Checklist
Steps 35-41: Night Before Steps (and Steps after 10/1) Presented by: Delilah Allison, Business Systems Analyst (EDI/DEV) Carol Wigley, Corporate Trainer September 23, 2015

2 Housekeeping Items Phones are muted on entry
Please keep phone muted so the sound will be good for everyone and the recording will be clear. Use the Q&A Panel for Questions We will do our best to answer all questions during the session This will be a recorded session Slides will be included in the Recap

3 ICD-10 Agenda ICD-10 Implementation Checklist
Steps Night Before Go-Live Steps ICD-10 Resources Q&A ICD-10

4 ICD-10 Implementation Checklist
NEW CHECKLISTS ARE AVAILABLE!! Two versions: ICD-10 Implementation Checklist for Ambulatory Products ICD-10 Implementation Checklist for Ambulatory Products – No Database Copy The checklists can be found on the Links and Resources section of the ICD-10 Page of the Knowledge Exchange. The checklist is periodically updated. Subscribe to this article to get notified of future updates. How to Subscribe to a KE Article

5 Implementation Checklist

6 Implementation Checklist

7 Implementation Checklist

8 Night Before - Steps 35 – 36 File Maintenance Set-Up

9 File Maintenance Set-Up: Payer Master
Step 35: Optional but Required Setup Payers for ICD-9 Code(s) on Claims Set up ICD-9 codes for non-HIPAA covered entity payers Per CMS this is a payer who is not mandated to transition to ICD /01/2015. (e.g. Workers Compensation, Motor Vehicle Accident payers) These payers will still require an ICD-9 coded claim Payer Master File Defaults- 2 tab Select the ‘Send Diagnosis Mapping on Claim’ check box Select the Payer, Else General Mapping from drop down (NextGen recommended setting) Attach the Claim Edit Library with claim edit #278 enabled to PracticeLibraries: Claim Edit library tab

10 File Maintenance Set-Up: Payer Master
Step 35: Optional but Required Setup Payers for ICD-9 Code(s) on Claims NG recommended Setting

11 File Maintenance Set-Up: Payer Master
Payer Diagnosis Mappings Utility on the KE: Note: the ICD-10 Implementation Checklists have been updated to reflect the availability of this utility. Non-HIPAA covered entities, such as Workers’ Compensation and Motor Vehicle Auto insurance payers, are not mandated to implement ICD-10-CM/PCS Automatically flags the Payer Master/Defaults 2/Send Diagnosis Mappings on Claims/Payer Mappings, else General Mappings (NextGen recommended setting) option, by Financial Class, for the non-HIPPA covered entity payers who are not transitioning to ICD-10 on October 1, 2015 Save providers time on tasks and help work efficiently on the night prior to the ICD-10 implementation date

12 File Maintenance Set-Up: Claim Edit Library
Step 36: Recommended Enable claim edit 279 in the Claim Edits Library for HIPAA covered entity payers Claim edit #279: This payer only accepts ICD-10 codes Make the severity ‘Warning’: soft edit; claim will still generate Purpose of this edit is for the end users to review the rebills to ensure the ICD-9 code generated on the claim after the ICD-10 Claim Edit 279: can be enabled after the end of the month billing cycle or 09/30/2015. It is a practice preference.

13 File Maintenance Set-Up: ICD-10 Compliance Checks
Claim Printing Library 1500 Claims: CMS 1500 (2012) Submitter Profile Library ANSI X12 Version: Version 5010

14 Caveats: Optional depending upon Practice
Review the Claim Edit Library for the Claim Edits with Configurable Diagnosis Code(s) Note: You must manually add the ICD-10 codes to the claim edits KE link:   Review the NextGen PM reports that allow for configuration of ICD codes KE link: Delilah

15 Caveats: Optional depending upon Practice
Disable the Practice PreferencesEncounters Setting: ‘Copy Diagnosis from Previous Encounter’ functionality the night before go- live 09/30/2015 until at least a month after 10/01/2015 Prevent ICD-9 codes from copying into 10/01/2015 service dates in Charge Entry DIAG field Delilah

16 Caveats: Optional depending upon Practice
Contract Library Review all contracts: Required Diagnosis field on Fee Schedule Tab - can be updated using the Contract Utility Sliding Fee Should review all Sliding Fee Scheduled to determine if any are DX Code Range defined and update Claim Modifiers Add/Modify Claim Modifiers - "Add if ICD9 On Charge" selected in Modifier Change for Claims field and update  ICD9 Selection Encounter Rate Library Should review all Encounter Rate Libraries - Enc Rate SIM Maintenance Screen to see if any Required ICDs have been attached Delilah

17 Night Before - Steps 37 to 41 Cameron/Carol

18 Step 37 Turn on ICD-10 for Template Defaults (KBM) - Required -

19 Turn on ICD-10 for Template Defaults (KBM)
Required Activates the ICD-10 codes for Template Defaults Activates the ICD-10 for the template defaults If you made changes for a default ICD-9 and added a default ICD-10 this will allow the ICD-10 to show

20 Step 38 Run Immunization Script (KBM) - Recommended -

21 Run Immunization Script (KBM)
Changes ICD-9 to ICD-10 for Pending/Non-Administered Immunizations and Vaccine Inventory Converts designated ICD-9 to Z23 ICD 10 code Applies only for 1 to 1 mappings in the Immunizations section of the Orders Module Multiple mappings will have to be done manually on the patient level, due to the specificity of ICD-10 codes ***Recommended Step**** Changes ICD9 to ICD10 for Pending/Non-Administered Immunizations Located on the ICD-10 Transition Tool Kit system template in the ICD-10 Immunization and Dual Coding Scripts panel For pending immunization orders and Vaccine inventory SQL script should be run once on the morning of 10/1/2015 or your designated ICD-10 transition dated Especially since it affects the pending Immunizations Affects vaccine inventory built from October 1, up to 9/30/15

22 Medication Update for Immunizations
Optional - August 2015 Medication Update Includes Immunizations with default ICD-10 codes Clients can apply this the night before, on 10/1/2015 or after 10/1/2015 Clients will need to manually switch default ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 codes until the update is applied Available for download by 9/23/2015 Contains documentation on manually switching Immunization ICD code It will be labeled August 2015 For pending immunization orders and Vaccine inventory *****Should not run before the night of 9/30/2015****** *****Clients will need to manually switch ICD-10 codes (if they don’t run the August 2015 Med Update until after 10/1/2015)***** SQL script should be run once on the morning of 10/1/2015 or your designated ICD-10 transition dated Especially since it affects the pending Immunizations August 2015 Medication Update contains default ICD-10 so don’t run it before 10/1/2015 What’s Next>Product News

23 Step 39 Run ICD-10 Diagnosis History Script (KBM) - Optional -

24 Run ICD-10 Diagnosis History Script (KBM)
Dual Coding (Optional) If your organization has been using “dual coding” pop-up before the transition date to select ICD-10 codes All stored ICD-10 codes will be pulled over into the patients Assessment History in the EHR which were given prior to the stop date Run in Production database only after Optional: Requires NG Ambulatory EHR hotfix ***Clarify: clients not using dual coding prior to transition date don’t have to do this step at all*** DUAL CODING Popup If your organization was using dual coding popup prior to transition date, you can add those ICD-10 codes to the past encounter with this button. ***Supports capturing equivalent ICD-10 code from encounter’s ICD-9 code and save mappings for application to utilize. You can run the script from the ICD-10 Transaction Tool kit system template Run the SQL Script to add ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes to Patients’ Diagnosis History So if clients have been using dual coding they can run the SQL Script. First time: In Prod put a stop date of 9/17/2015 for example, run the script, and that way the dual codes on locked encounters are moved over now. Second time then on 9/30, in Prod put an end date of 10/1/2015 and all encounters up to 9/30/2015 that are locked, will then move the dual codes over *** If client’s haven’t or didn’t run it the first time, then on 9/30 they can run it once. set the stop date put end date of 10/1/2015 and all the encounters up to 9/30/15 that are locked will then move the dual codes over now. These are the instructions on the template: a. On the morning of 10/1/2015 (or your designated transition date), with an end date to ensure all encounters up to that date are complete and locked b. Run as second time with an end date of 10/1/2015 after all encounters up to 9/30/2015 are complete and locked ****if Documents are regenerated after the ICD-10 codes have been added, the ICD-10 codes will display on any documents showing the encounter’s diagnosis (Chart Note, Master IM document.

25 Run ICD-10 Diagnosis History Script (KBM)
Dual Coding (Optional) If documents are regenerated after the ICD-10 codes have been added, the ICD-10 codes will display on any documents showing the encounter diagnosis such as Chart Note, Master IM document Run in Production database only after Use an end date to ensure all encounters up to that date are complete and locked ICD-9 codes will remain in the patient history along with the ICD-10 codes Optional: Requires NG Ambulatory EHR hotfix ***Clarified: clients not using dual coding prior to transition date don’t have to do this step at all*** DUAL CODING Popup If your organization was using dual coding popup prior to transition date, you can add those ICD-10 codes to the past encounter with this button. ***Supports capturing equivalent ICD-10 code from encounter’s ICD-9 code and save mappings for application to utilize. You can run the script from the ICD-10 Transaction Tool kit system template Run the SQL Script to add ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes to Patients’ Diagnosis History So if clients have been using dual coding they can run the SQL Script. First time: In Prod put a stop date of 9/17/2015 for example, run the script, and that way the dual codes on locked encounters are moved over now. Second time then on 9/30, in Prod put an end date of 10/1/2015 and all encounters up to 9/30/2015 that are locked, will then move the dual codes over *** If client’s haven’t or didn’t run it the first time, then on 9/30 they can run it once. set the stop date put end date of 10/1/2015 and all the encounters up to 9/30/15 that are locked will then move the dual codes over now. These are the instructions on the template: a. On the morning of 10/1/2015 (or your designated transition date), with an end date to ensure all encounters up to that date are complete and locked b. Run as second time with an end date of 10/1/2015 after all encounters up to 9/30/2015 are complete and locked ****if Documents are regenerated after the ICD-10 codes have been added, the ICD-10 codes will display on any documents showing the encounter’s diagnosis (Chart Note, Master IM document.

26 Day of and After ICD-10 Effective Date Steps 40 and 41

27 Step 40 Favorites Add ICD-10 Favorites (KBM) - Recommended -

28 Favorites Add ICD-10 Favorites (KBM)
For each provider, add ICD-10 equivalents for ICD-9 codes to their favorites list Can occur immediately on the ICD-10 Go-Live day Providers can also use the Legacy Mapping option in the Diagnosis search window to locate the equivalent ICD-10 code(s) for the ICD-9 code in their favorites ***Recommended step*** Remove all ICD-9 codes from My Favorite Diagnosis Codes Can also use Legacy mapping to locate ICD-10 equivalent codes for the ICD-9 code ***Manual entry***

29 Step 41 Favorites Remove ICD-9 Codes (KBM) - Recommended -

30 Favorites Remove ICD-9 Codes (KBM)
Recommended The practice should determine how many days after the ICD-10 effective date they will remove the ICD-9 codes from provider favorites Enough time should be given to allow providers enough time to set up their ICD-10 favorites prior to removing all ICD-9 favorites You can run the script from the ICD-10 Transition Tool Kit system template Remove all ICD-9 codes from My Favorite Diagnosis Codes

31 Favorites Remove ICD-9 Codes (KBM)
Recommended Removing ICD-9 codes from Provider Favorites Filters by User, Category and Dx Code Removes ICD-9 Codes from the Provider Favorites Located on ICD-10 Transition Tool Kit system template on the Remove ICD-9 codes from Provider Favorites Ngkbm ICD9toICD10 Dbp Prov will populate with providers on 10/1/2015 Select user, click Search button Can filter by category, dx description, dx code It will display user, category then can also select a specific category

32 KBM 8.3.10 ICD-10 Hotfix Known Issue
An issue was found where the foundation navigation, if customized prior to installing the ICD-10 hotfix for , the navigation would appear blank after applying the hotfix If you’re having the ICD-10 hotfix applied by NextGen NextGen will ensure the corrected hotfix is applied If you are installing the ICD-10 hotfix yourself A fix for this issue is available by contacting customer support An updated ICD-10 hotfix package will be made available on the Knowledge Exchange soon

33 FAQ – NG Share Q: I have NG Share installed. Will applying the KBM ICD-10 hotfix cause any problems with NG Share? A: An issue was identified with the KBM Base ICD-10 hotfix (Hotfix 2). This has been corrected in Base ICD-10 hotfix 3 now posted to the KE. All clients who use NG Share and are on this version of have been notified individually. In all other versions of the KBM you should not experience any issues with NG Share if you apply the KBM 8.3.x ICD-10 hotfix. Because NG Share is not typically something that you can test in your test database, be sure to test this functionality prior to the start of the workday after installing the KBM ICD-10 hotfix in PROD. Please note: If you have not yet installed NG Share, or are planning to install NG Share after October 1, you must still complete all the installation requirements for NG Share (which includes additional KBM related components). Visit the NG Share Home Page for more details.

34 New to the Knowledge Exchange!
Just in Time Provider eLearning (eLearning License required) 30 minute education for Providers – What they will experience on 10/1 Job Aid for ICD-10 Codes in EDR v4.x NextGen Reports with Configurable Diagnosis Table NextGen Claim Edits with Configurable Diagnosis Code Table  

35 New to the Knowledge Exchange!
White Paper – Orders Dual Coding Best Practices White Paper – ICD-10 Dual Coding for Encounters Payer Diagnosis Mappings Utility Note: the ICD-10 Implementation Checklists have been updated to reflect the availability of this utility.

36 Make Use of Available Resources!
In addition to the Checklist, have you made use of other resources available on the ICD-10 Links & Resources Page? Checklist, Implementation & Testing Plans Section Test Plans Claims Testing Scenarios Clinical Workflow Test Cases Readiness Audit Hotfix Resources Section KBM 8.3.x Hotfix Links KBM Transition Toolkit EHR Memorized Reports Diagnosis Code Search Utility

37 ICD-10 Test Case Questionnaire
We encourage you to take a new questionnaire we have to get feedback about the ICD-10 Test Cases Test Cass cover Practice Management, EHR and KBM Workflows Test Cases provide you a structured way to validate ICD-10 Config Find the Test Cases and Questionnaire on the Knowledge Exchange Your feedback will help us improve our Test Cases for future product releases

38 NEW! Applying ICD-10 Hotfixes
Step-by-step installation instruction for applying Core (EHR/EPM) ICD- 10 HF package and the KBM ICD-10 Hot Fix package along with all the other package installs necessary to complete the Hot Fix install. This session will NOT go into the details of the configuration or setup of the ICD-10 codes. WebEx Session Information: Join by phone: Call-in toll-free number Conference Code:

39 Webinar Dates and Times
Duration Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:00 PM EST 2 hours Thursday, September 17, 2015 Monday, September 21, 2015 11:00 AM EST 8:00 PM EST Friday, September 25, 2015 4:00 PM EST Monday, September 28, 2015 Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Wednesday, September 30, 2015

40 ICD-10 Roadmap Webinar Series
Monthly Complimentary Webinars Thursday, September 24, 2015 – 4:00 pm Eastern Topic: Prepare for Impact What do you need to know and do in the final days leading up to ICD-10?  Join us on this month's webinar to get the details and learn what NextGen's doing to support your final steps to ICD-10 readiness. To Register:

41 ICD-10 File Maintenance Set Up Forum
Bi Monthly 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Purpose: Provide Step by Step ICD-10 set-up in File Maintenance Review PM Billing Workflow Produce test claim file to submit to Payer(s)/Clearinghouse(s) e=full&portalPageId= &channelID= &contentTag=QL _ICD-10RegisterUpcomingWebinars

42 Friendly Friday Date: Every Friday - Beginning in June (June 5, 2015)
Time: 3-5 pm Eastern Topic: ICD-10 EHR/KBM Setup, Configuration and Workflow Register in the Knowledge Exchange Submit Questions in Advance by opening a support ticket using the Subject: Friendly Friday Training – ICD-10 Sessions Continue through October 30.

43 Remaining ICD-10 Forum Calls
September 30 – Night Before Tasks October 7 – Latest News & Updates October 14 – Latest News & Updates Sessions Continue through October 28 Questions

44 Thank You!

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