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The Reconstruction Era

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1 The Reconstruction Era
Georgia History

2 Check this out first! struction

3 Reconstruction The activity of constructing (building) something again; the act of rebuilding or returning a place to a former state or condition by introducing new materials

4 After the war… Georgia was very different than what it was before the Civil War began. Fields lay in ruins. Most houses were badly run down or had been destroyed. Railroad tracks lay twisted, bridges had been burned. Factories and cotton mills had been destroyed. There was not enough food, and people were starving. The Confederacy had a war debt of $700 million, and Georgia faced a debt of 20 million. Due to battle deaths and disease, 25,000 did not return home. Life was a struggle for those freed from slavery.

5 Freedman’s Bureau U.S. government established the Freedman’s Bureau to help former slaves and poor whites by offering clothing, food, and other necessities. The Bureau’s focus changed to mostly focus on education. Schools were established to educate young African-Americans Atlanta University, Clark College, and Morehouse College were organized through the help of the bureau

6 Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
All southerners, except for high-ranking Confederate civil and military leaders, would be pardoned 2. When 10% of the voters in each state had taken an oath (promise) of loyalty, the state would be allowed to form a legal government and rejoin the Union

7 Lincoln’s Assassination
In April of 1865, Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth. Booth probably did more harm to the South than good because Lincoln was no longer around to keep those who wanted to punish the house in check.

8 Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
Johnson added several more requirements Southern states had to approve the 13th Amendment (made slavery illegal) Southern states had to nullify (declare invalid) their secession Southern states had to promise not to repay those who helped finance the Confederacy

9 Black Codes 13th Amendment abolished (got rid of) slavery, but not discrimination (unfair treatment of a person or group because of prejudice) Most southern states, including Georgia, had the Black Codes. These were laws to restrict the rights of freed slaves Freed slaves still could not vote and worked for very little money

10 14th Amendment Granted citizenship to the freedmen and ensured “equal protection under the law”

11 African-Americans in Politics
In 1867, African-Americans voted for the first time in Georgia. There were 37 African-Americans among 169 delegates in Georgia. Henry McNeal Turner was an educated minister who served as the first black chaplain in the U.S. Army In 1868, the GA legislature expelled (kicked out) its black legislators, saying that the GA Constitution denied blacks the right to hold office Turner spoke against this

12 Ku Klux Klan A hate group that was determined to keep blacks from having the same rights as whites. Dressed in white robes and hoods, the KKK spread terror by targeting blacks or anyone who helped blacks

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